When using our Chat, you can click on a username in the Online list to see useful information at a glance. This information now includes:
IGN (In Game Name): Great for doing battle, now you don't have to bug each other about what to type into PvP Duel
Pronoun: Should we refer to you as he, she, they, something else? This will help smooth that conversation or invite people to get to know you.
Element: Wear your favorite Element as a proud badge. I may even use this to better decorate your Chat Profile in the future.
All of these can be set in your
Forum Profile. If you haven't set them in your Forum Profile, they won't show in your Chat Profile. Go set them!
Edit: For those of you who noticed your Timezone and want to adjust it, the setting is in
Look and Layout under
Time Offset. There is a link there to auto detect, too.