After poking around in Root's rules, I've noticed a potentially
huge exploit in most people's rules.
Root's rules are immune to this exploit, so I can talk about it freely.
I'd like to raise it to shield you lot from it in future rulesets.
Most rulesets have a rule that prevent people from throwing the game. This is a good rule.
This is the version of that rule used in Root's mafia:
- Players are not allowed to intentionally try to lose. Mafia may not kill each other through night kills or abilities, but they are allowed to lynch each other.
Here's how this exploit works:
A civilian, at the start of the game, PMs 2-4 people this exploit.
All people PMed and the person sending out the PMs all try to act as if they're throwing the game by claiming mafia; because they aren't mafia, the mod can't punish them. If any of the people PMed or PMing is mafia, they'll be modkilled if they try to do this, as that'll count as throwing the game.
This baffling show should cause one of the claimants to be lynched; this is why you PM multiple people. During the nightphase, everyone in on the plan then explains this exploit, and by the process of the host modkilling any mafia, essentially become confirmed. Assuming this all works, the civilians would start with 2-3 confirmed civs before the second day.
Obviously, this requires usage of PMs; if the host, or the majority of town, understand what the hell's going on, the plan fails. So me telling you all about this should cause this plan to fail.
Fix it as you please.