AkebonoFG power: Crush: Target player dies. 5% of the time, this ability backfires and kills Akebono. This percentage effect stacks each time Crush is used.
Creature power: Elite Armagio: Until deactivated, if this creature's owner would be killed, kill this creature instead. When this creature dies by this effect, one other player dies (cannot be the Usurper).
Item power: Titan: Target player's life cannot be saved by any skill this turn.
Chaos LordFG power: Supernova: Can be activated only once. Target player receives a Singularity. (Singularity's behavior is erratic. Can either replicate itself, become immaterial, make another player's Item or Creature power immaterial, give another player a Singularity, revive a player that would be killed by its owner this turn, or negate the activated power of its owner once only. Singularity's power cannot be activated, it is passive.)
Creature power: Maxwell's Demon: Target player who has killed more players than this creature's owner dies.
Item power: Dissipation Shield: You cannot die or activate any Powers next turn.
Dark MatterFG power: Black Hole: Target player cannot use his FG power this turn.
Creature power: Elite Charger: Until deactivated, if an Item power targets your creatures, it is redirected to a random player. If a killing power is redirected this way, this power is deactivated and can be reactivated at the expense of the current action being used.
Item power: Gravity Field: One random power activated this turn is directed towards target player instead of its usual target.
DecayFG power: Steal: Steal One random item owned by target player.
Creature power: Pest: Target player cannot use his Item power next turn.
Item power: Fractal Mirror: Select one player. One random Creature that player owns is given to yourself and two other random players.
DestinyFG power: Fate Egg: Target player who has no Creatures receives a random Creature.
Creature power: Fallen Druid: One random creature owned by target player randomly becomes any other Creature in the game.
Item power: Eternity: All Creatures and Items owned by target player return to the original owners (or vanish if the original owners are dead).
Divine GloryFG power: Sanctuary : All abilities that target a selected FG this round are negated. Cannot select the same target twice in a row.
Creature power: Animated Weapons: Target player's Items become Creatures for the rest of the game.
Item power: Morning Glory: Target player with no shields dies. Immaterial.
Dream CatcherFG power: Read Dreams: You learn whether target answer was the truth or a lie. If the answer was the truth, one random item or creature becomes Immaterial. Can only be activated in Phase 4.
Creature power: At the start of the game, generate 5 Micro Abominations; Micro Abomination: Roll 1 6-sided die for each Micro Abomination possessed. If the number of players currently alive is less than the sum rolled, kill target player. 10% chance for 1 Micro Abomination to die each time this skill is used.
Item power: Discord: Target question must be answered with a lie.
ElidnisFG power: Forest Call: Your question this phase must be answered truthfully.
Creature power: Ulitharid: One random creature owned by target player no longer provides a Power.
Item power: Empathic Bond: You cannot die as long as you possess a Creature. Lasts until deactivated (which requires another action). If a Creature you possess dies, this power is deactivated and can be reactivated during the same turn at the expense of the current action being used.
Eternal PhoenixFG power: Eternal: You cannot die until this power is deactivated (which requires another action). If you would be killed, this power is deactivated and can be reactivated during the same turn, at the expense of the current action being used.
Creature power: Minor Phoenix: Target creature becomes Ash (Its effect is negated until the controller activates it. The activation turns the Ash back into its former form, but no other effects take place).
Item power: Fire Lance: Roll 2d4. If the result is less than the number of players currently alive, target player dies. 10% chance to increase the number of die rolled by one permanently each time used.
FeroxFG power: Summon: Target Player gains a random new Creature.
Creature power: At the start of the game, generate 3 Cockatrices; Cockatrice: Roll 1 10-sided die for each Cockatrice owned. If the sum is greater than the number of players currently left alive, target player dies.
Item power: Jade Shield: Until deactivated, no Item Powers work on you or anything you own.
Fire QueenFG power: Firebolt: Roll 2d4. If the result is less than the number of Fireflies you own, target player dies.
Creature power: Firefly Queen: You gain a Firefly. (A Firefly is Creature with a special passive Creature Power: Fireflys are affected before any other Creature you control.)
Item power: Fahrenheit: Target player's Item is destroyed if you have four or more Fireflies.
GeminiFG power: Twin Universe: You gain a copy of one random creature owned by target player.
Creature power: Massive Dragon: Target player and Massive Dragon both die.
Item power: Lobotomizer: One random Item owned by target player no longer provides a Power.
GravitonFG power: Inescapable Attraction: Target player must answer questions truthfully this round. This power overrides any power that would force a lie.
Creature power: Otyugh: One random creature owned by target player dies; Roll 2d6. If the number of Creatures killed by Otyugh is greater than the number rolled, Otyugh's power is deactivated.
Item power: Gravity Shield: Until deactivated, you and everything you own are immune to Creature Powers.
HecateFG power: Rage Elixir: Next turn, target player must use a power that will kill another player (if they have one.)
Creature power: Voodoo Doll: Until deactivated, if a creature power or FG power would kill this creature, kill the player or creature activating that power instead. Cannot be reactivated.
Item power: Dusk: Until deactivated, all powers that target you or your creatures or items have a 50% chance to fail.
HermesFG power: Explosion: Target player dies. This effect burns out after 6 uses.
Creature power: Ruby Dragon: Target player is scared into silence (may not answer questions or make statements) this round.
It was for this reason that my profile pic is what it is.
Item power: Rain of Fire: 3 random Creatures are killed. Cannot kill the owner's Creatures.
IncarnateFG power: Obfuscation: Target player must answer one questions with lies this turn. Must be used during Phase 2.
Creature power: Retrovirus: All other Creatures that use their powers this turn die.
Item power: Eclipse: Until deactivated, killing powers that would destroy Creatures or Items you possess instead deactivate Eclipse.
JezebelFG power: Siphon Life: Target player either activates their False God power, or dies this round.
Creature power: Nymph Queen: Target player gains a random Nymph:
Air Nymph: Target player gains an Unstable Gas. (Unstable Gas (item):Target player with 3 or more creatures dies.)
Earth Nymph: Random creature target player controls cannot be killed, but cannot be used this turn or next turn. Any active abilities that creature has are ended.
Life Nymph: A random one of target player's creatures gains the permanent ability to be used once per turn in addition to whatever other actions that player takes.
Death Nymph: Random creature target player controls becomes a Malignant Cell. (Malignant Cell: The owner of this creature cannot use Creature powers.) Target player can only have one Malignant Cell.
Light Nymph: All creatures in the game that do not have skills become Fireflies.
Darknss Nymph: Target creature's power becomes "Liquid Shadow: Until deactivated, this creature's owner cannot die." Can only be used once.
Time Nymph: This creature's owner may activate two Powers next turn.
Gravity Nymph: Target player cannot use his FG power this turn or next turn.
Entropy Nymph: Until deactivated, target player cannot be killed. Can only be used once.
Aether Nymph: A random creature target player controls becomes Immaterial.
Fire Nymph: A random creature target player controls dies.
Water Nymph: Target player gains a random Nymph.
Item power: Vampire Dagger: If target player is not killed by an effect that kills, the effect that saved them is given to you as a temporary activated Shield Item, and the originally targeted False God dies.
LionheartFG power: Call to Arms: Target player gains a Crusader.
Creature power: Crusader: When activated, Crusader gains the skill of a random item owned by target player. Each skill Crusader gains can only be used once per turn, and only one of those skills may be used per turn.
Item power: Electrum Hourglass: Target player activates two actions this turn, but does not activate powers or ask questions next turn.
MiracleFG power: Miracle: No player dies this turn. Cannot be played again until a player dies.
Creature power: Elite Pegasus: You gain 2 extra actions this round. 50% chance to kill Elite Pegasus and to negate this effect.
Item power: Solar Buckler: If you are informed of being the target of a power, you gain one additional action next phase.
MorteFG power: Deadeye: You can see one other player's identity. 50% chance to backfire and reveal your identity to them.
Creature power: Bloodsucker: If target player uses an FG power this turn, they die in 2 turns. Can only kill one player.
Item power: Arsenic: Target player dies at the end of next turn. If they answer all questions truthfully during the next round, this effect is negated.
NeptuneFG power: Scrying Pool: You can see one other player's Creatures.
Creature power: Arctic Squid: One random creature owned by target player cannot use it's Power this turn or next turn.
Item power: Permafrost Shield: You cannot die this turn. Any Creatures that target you or anything you own this turn cannot use their Powers next turn.
ObliteratorFG power: Find Posessions: You can see one other player's Items.
Creature power: At the start of the game, generate 2 Shriekers; Shrieker: Roll 1 15-sided die for each Shrieker you possess. If the sum is greater than the number of players left alive, target player dies.
Item power: Pulverizer: One random item owned by target player is destroyed.
OctaneFG power: High Octane: Both you and target player can use two Powers next turn. You may not make ask questions during the next turn.
Creature power: Elite Wyrm: If target False God dies this turn, kill one additional False God during Phase 5.
Item power: Unstable Gas: Target player with 3 or more Creatures dies.
OsirisFG power: Eyes of the Ancients: You can see target player's FG power.
Creature power: Pharaoh: At the start of the game, generate 4 Scarabs; Roll 1 8-sided die for each Scarab you possess. If the sum is greater than the number of players currently alive, target player dies. 5% chance to lose or gain 1 Scarab.
Item power: Turtle Shield: until deactivated, any time the owner of this Item is targeted by a power, the player controlling that power cannot use a power during the next turn.
ParadoxFG power: Paradox: Target character who has contradicted himself at any point in the game dies.
Creature power: Deja Vu: Target player gains a Deja Vu. This power can be used in addition it's owners Item or FG powers each turn.
Item power: Mirror Shield: You cannot die to Item Powers until this power is deactivated (which takes another action).
RainbowFG power: Permanent Control: 2 Items in play (except for Rainbow's) are destroyed.
Creature power: Swarm of Growing Creatures: Target Player dies if there are at least twice as many Creatures alive as players.
Item power: Eagle's Eye: One random creature owned by target player dies.
ScorpioFG power: Congeal: Target Creature is unable to activate powers for four turns. It gains the passive ability: "Frozen: This Creature's owner cannot kill another player," while it is under this effect.
Creature power: Physalia: Target player dies if no other player dies this turn.
Item power: Deadly Poison: Target player has a 2% chance to die. +2% every round.
SeismFG power: Quanta Denial: Target player's currently-active powers deactivate and cannot be reactivated this turn or next turn.
Creature power: Gnome Gemfinder: Target player finds a Gem (an Item with no powers.) This power can be used in addition to it's owner's other activated power each turn.
Item power: Diamond Shield: Until deactivated, you cannot die.
SerketFG power: Swarm: Target player gains a Deathstalker. (Deathstalker: Target player has a 5% chance to die per Deathstalker you own.) One random Item or Creature you possess becomes Dark or Death.
Creature power: Life Nymph: One of target player's creatures gains the permanent ability to be used once per turn in addition to whatever other actions that player takes.
Item power: Cloak: Until deactivated, Dark and Death creatures and items other than Cloak owned by this player cannot be affected by powers.
The UsurperUsurper Power: (Special passive ability) At the beginning of each round the player that currently has the power "Swap Powers" is revealed to you.
FG power: Swap Powers: You gain the FG power of target player, and that player gains this power.
Creature power: Dark Chimera: Counts as a darkness creature. Gains the power of one random creature owned by target player. This ability is never lost, more abilties can still be gained, and all abilities this creature has are activated as a single action.
Item power: Mythic Blade: Counts as a weapon. Target player who has the FG power "Swap Powers" dies. You gain the FG power "Swap Powers" in addition to any other FG powers you already possess. Immaterial.
Usurper Power: Bloodlust (passive): If a False God does not die this turn, you may activate 2 powers during the next round.
Usurper Power: Mirage: Once only, target one player. The next time they activate an effect that looks at, steals, or copies the Powers of another player, they will receive indication that leads them to believe that they've targeted the Usurper; If they target the Usurper first, however, they will see another player's related information instead.