Player Name: Gl1tch
Name: Frosteye/Bloodtooth
Race: Lycanthrope
Age: ∞
Apperance: Frosteye is a tall intimidating man with power seeping from his every pore. He has sharp blue eyes and short brown hair. Frosteye is a respectable 6 ft tall and frequents the gym.
Bloodtooth is the leader of the Lycanthropes. He is a perfect example of the breed with teeth like shards of the moon and a pelt of black silk. His gleaming red eyes are the last that many see.
Personality: Frosteye feeds on the pain of others. He is arrogant and headstrong. If you get in his way you'll regret it. Frosteye has a high pain tolerance and is merciless. For Frosteye killing is a game which he can only win if he is the last thing you see; because of this he refuses to attack an enemy from behind.
Bloodtooth is a ruthless beath with the intent of winning the killing game. The only two things that carry over with Frosteye into his feral state are his code of honor and his pain tolerance.
Background: Evil is the force that opposes good. It is all around us but it rarely gathers in large enough amounts to take a physical form.
Long ago, in a clearing deep in the woods a ceremony was performed by 13 necromancers to celebrate the full moon; the time when evil is strongest. Something went wrong though, the dark gathered to quickly and it could not be restrained. The necromancers were overwhelmed. Nothing can stop the dark once it chooses what it wants to do, and it wanted them. It wanted their lives, their powers, their souls and thats what it got. Those necromancers became the first Revenants, malicious spirits that have defeated death. For one second the darkness was unstopable. It had enough power the destroy anything and everything it wanted. But the dark is smart, it was planning for the final battle and so it funelled all its power into a physical form. And on that night Frosteye was born.
All things bad were drawn to that clearing that night. The Lycanthropes got there first. The current leader at that time, Claw, was guided by instinct. This child was special, important. It needed protection and that was what Claw gave it. To make matters worse the contact with a tooth of a Lycanthrope on during a full moon corrupted Frosteye even more, turning him into Bloodtooth. The contact killed Claw and the surge of power matured Bloodtooth. By how much is unknown. What we do know is that Bloodtooth instantly became leader of the pack.
When the full moon fell Frosteye awoke in a cave alone with no memory of the night before. He stayed in that cave for many hours trying to find his purpose. That was when he saw the bird. A raven came to him and when it touched him he knew everything. He searched the forest until he found the revenants and forced them to teach him the dark arts.
Over time he developed a bond with the dark and forms a connection with all malicious beings on sight.
Belongings: Void Sabre: A blade formed by Frosteye during his studies as a necromancer. This blade drains the life force of everyone it touches, including its weilder.
Abilities:Passive: Frosteye/Bloodtooth must kill daily or else the dark will consume him.
Passive: When hit by a direct ray of moonlight Frosteye turns into Bloodtooth until hit by a direct ray of sunlight.
Passive: When in his feral state Frosteye cannot speak.
Passive: Frosteye is severly weakened and burned by contact with silver.
1) Nightfall: Frosteye can raise the full moon with a single word. This completely drains his human form and he will die if he is not hit by direct moonlight.
2) Spirit Call: Frosteye can call upon the 13 Revenants for a short term power boost. The more Revenants he calls the harder he falls.
1) Gather: Bloodtooth can call a pack of Lycanthropes to his aid.
I was tempted to make Gl1tchs character nearly impossible to play, but being an ally of all things malicious could help a necromancer such as myself more in the long run.