Actually, I was trying to post but then the internet kept shorting out just before I hit reply.
Looks like I do have some strange magic on my side... Perhaps I'm going to need it.
The owner of the mansion is named either Bill, Bob or Fred. During the night, the cousin who shares a name with the mansion owner snuck into the mansion and killed the owner, before returning to his room in the guesthouse for to prank the detective, and murder the other two cousins in the morning.
<Good>. Your blue truth is effective! I have no counter.
So now, it's come to my final stand!
I will grant you the red truth:
The one and only culprit is your cousin Bill!
The third victim after your two cousins is the man who gave you the key and owner of the mansion, also coincidentally named Bill!But you haven't won yet!
- From the moment you parted ways, the owner of the mansion never actually left the mansion.
I will add to the red truth.
The owner of the mansion lies dead inside his master bedroom!
As with all victims, he was killed with a knife, with the culprit in the same room!
The door to the master bedroom is locked, and the chain is set!You cousin Bill borrowed the power of the Witch's magic to enter and leave the closed master bedroom!
Now, show me what you can do, humans!