The culprit went to the Engine Cart and exited through the opening that Ivan made. He then parkoured through the top of the train to the Driver's cart and opened the roof panel. When it was opened, the culprit dropped a BOMB down which killed the people inside, but didn't blast big enough to destroy the whole cart. After the explosion, he jumped in through the roof panel and took the Conductor Key of one of the victims to open the door from the inside. This happened before I went down to help Zack.
Instead of jumping through the Driver Cart's roof panel, the culprit parkoured back to the Engine Cart and went back inside the train. The Driver's Cart door was later opened by either Jack or Patty from the outside.
I'm pretty sure that the culprit entered or attacked through the roof panel.
The culprit never opened any roof panel.About the Engine cart being open or not:
The Engine cart's door was not closed when the culprit moved through it.
When Ivan unlocked it from the inside, he didn't close it afterwards, this is why it was open.
Or if you attempt to copy a previous black truth:
The culprit got on the top of the train through an opening in Cart 5/Cart 4/Cart 3 or Cart 2.
I still have to use a previous black truth (underlined the key word for emphasis this time):
The two hatches/opening panels on the roof were shut and could not be opened with one's hands.
Ivan closed the Engine door to prevent anyone from seeing that it was left open.I found this double negative statement:
No one inside the driver's cart would not willingly let anyone in who is not part of the train staff. They would also not leave it unlocked accidentally to avoid someone breaking in.
Can the double negative be fixed please? ('would willingly let' instead of 'would not willingly let')

There were 18 people on the train
This means that an extra, unnamed person is included in the story unless Kuro messed up the maths.
What? No, there were only 18 people on the train total. Count the names, INCLUDE yourself, and you'll see that it was exactly 18. Do I really have to list the names again in black? >_<
Unless someone left the train via the Engine Room (6th cart), any other person would have spotted someone leaving the train via a passenger or bathroom window and told the officers/train staff/any other person what happened.
Change 'Unless' to 'If' please, because this is not a correct truth yet and leaves the corresponding white truth uncountered.
Replying to your last black truths:
Either the straw or the opening of the juice was poisoned before Zack touched it with his lips. His lips absorbed the poison on contact.
Fixed the previous black truth, but a new one (as well as an old one with additions) awaits! [underlined details]
Zack never used a straw.
Zack was the first one to open the juice bottle, thus making it impossible for the poison to be put into the juice or on the surface of the juice bottle before Zack drank it.
The poison was applied in a room you were not present at by a kiss.
What does 'by a kiss' mean? Can you just delete 'at by a kiss' to avoid confusion? ^^" I think the sentence would mean the same.
There are no hatches/openings on the bottom or underneath the train due to safety reasons.
Where do the urine and faeces leave the train then from the bathrooms? xD
Deleting the 'by a kiss' part at your request I guess.
For the latter, bodily waste exits into a compartment under the diner's cart (storage doesn't just include food inventory for the diner's cart or train supplies), which gets emptied out
from the side. On another note though, by hatches and openings, I mean that there are no
realistic openings for a person to enter or exit through from underneath, unless you're saying a) people can shrink and change their body sizes via magic to enter/exit these openings \:
D/ or b) there's no openings or hatches on the bottom in case one is left slightly ajar and someone gets killed via stepping OUT of the train and getting run over.
Either way, the truths both hold. Also, no need to turn this into a black truth since it's just trivial details UNLESS you absolutely want me to do so. :/
Damien's body was not found inside the 5th cart after officers investigated the train.
The warlock would never hide or attempt to hide a corpse.
The culprit, aka the warlock burned Damien's dead body to ashes.
The officers overlooked Damien's body. Damien hid so well in the 5th cart when he was alive that only the warlock could find and kill him.
More will come later.
Clever, but nowhere close.
Damien's body is still completely intact and recognizable.
Damien never tried to hide from anyone.