Alicia's door was a revolving door, allowing someone to be both inside and outside the room at the same time technically, but the revolving door could be locked from the outside or inside with a key. The murderer was in the room technically when Alicia died, but used the revolving door to escape, then locked the door from the inside with the key but freely moved outwards because revolving door adjkfljsakl;fjeasiogfnewpaiofnpeio hfaewgfeaw
Lucy escaped via the window with a rope attached to a completely different building; she traversed the rope to the other building, then either destroyed/unfixated the rope from the new building, left it, then re-entered the hotel normally through a non-window source
Alicia's murderer incinerated themselves after closing/locking everything from the inside.
Alicia's murderer KILLED themselves by throwing themselves out the window, and thus were not seen in the morning or night, as their body was outside the building and no one noticed it (this makes 4 actual deaths, as there are 'Four dead people in this game')
Alicia's murderer climbed down the window with an object that self-deteriorated afterwards, whilst closing the window.
Alicia was killed once, was REVIVED by her murderer in that room, then died again that night.
LUCY BURNED THE GODDAMMNED ROPE AFTER CLIMBING OUT OF IT FROM THE WINDOW SIDE (with either fire, acid, or some other material that would break the rope apart, but not affect the building), THEN WENT IN BEFORE ME OR HOWARD DID TO CLOSE/LOCK THE DAMN WINDOW
There was no door existing until Lucy murdered Alicia and went out her room. Someone built it afterwards.
Alicia's room never had a roof, thus a person murderered Alicia in her room, but simply left the building upward by something flying in the air
Lucy was saved by:
Flying squirrels
A variety of birds
Mutant insects
Highly crafted robots
Lucy wore Ironman's mech-suit or some sort of armor to propel herself out of the window and onto a surface whilst surviving.
Lucy used a parachute (OR ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OBJECTS BELOW) to land safely, fly away to a different location and land, or climb down successfully:
a bunch of well stacked stepstools
Several layers of construction material being done on the building that descended in a safe manner
A staircase outside the window
a net
An airplane
A helicopter
Sat on an ice cube outside and let it melt as the night progressed, allowing her to reach the bottom safely
A forklift
A crane/cherry picker
Climbed onto an elephant, giraffe, or huge animal and then dropped down
A zipline
Multiple hooks
walked across a bridge from the window to somewhere else
there was a truck under the window at the time and Lucy climbed onto that
A jetpack
Tons of helium balloons
A compact elevator
A slide!
...then walked in normally through a non-window source to enter the building.