The Witch's Game 
I know the rules, show me the story!Take me to the red truths!
The Witch's Game is a pure battle of wits using nothing but text!
The game is played between two teams, the Humans and the Witch.
The Witch is the Game's Master, and everyone else plays on the Human team with the goal of defeating the Witch.
The Game Master will weave together a tale, creating a scenario in which one or more people are murdered in a mysterious fashion.
The game is centred around these mysteries.
The Witch's goal is to convince the Human team that the mysterious events can only be explained through the use of a Witch's Magic!
The Witch is allowed to use any amount of deception and illusions in their narrative to accomplish that goal. However, a witch can't be trusted!
After all, there's no such thing as magic right? The illusions shown in the narrative must have an explanation!
So, the goal of the Human team is to come up with an explanation, ANY explanation that explains how a human could have possibly committed the crimes.
The Human team wins if they are able to explain the crimes through human means.
However, isn't this too easy? You can just come up with any crazy explanation and claim that you have won...
But the Witch is given a single weapon to fight against these crazy theories!
That weapon is the Witch's
RedTruth!When the Witch speaks in red, it will be the truth.
When the Witch speaks the truth, it will be in red.By using the Red Truth, the Witch is able to cut down opposing theories and preserve the illusion of magic.
Red statements are the only trustworthy words that a Witch will speak. They are the only absolute truth within this game.In other words, if it's not in red, you have every right to doubt it!
The Witch may use the Red Truth at their own leisure.
If the human team asks a question, the Witch can choose whether or not to answer it in red.
If the human team asks for a statement to be repeated in red, the Witch has every right to refuse should they choose to do so.
It's the Witch's ultimate weapon!
However, isn't this a bit unfair, again?
If the Red Truth is the one thing in this game that can be trusted, what if the Witch never speaks in red? What if they just never drops a single solid footing for the human team to stand on, and vanishes forever within the shadow of illusions?
With no lead, the humans stand no chance, which is why they are given a weapon of their own!
That weapon is the counteracting
Blue Truth!A blue statement must provide a complete theory on how a mystery is possible for humans.
If the blue statement is valid, then it MUST be countered in red, or the Witch must forfeit that mystery to the Human team.In other words, if the Human team can land a Blue Truth for every mystery in the tale that the Witch is unable to counter, it is their win!
There is no limit to the number of Blue Truths you can say, as long as it provides a valid human theory, you can fire away.
That's the game's premise. If it doesn't make sense to you, don't worry. Once you give it a try you'll understand how it works very quickly.
The remaining rules are just some logistical guidelines to follow.
There will be one Witch and Game Master for each game session.
The Witch's Red Truths will be spoken in
Bold and the colour "red".
Everyone else is on the Human team.
The Human team's Blue Truths will be spoken also in
Bold and the colour "dodgerblue" (This one you have to type out).
Should the human team win, the person who lands the final blue truth can decide the next Witch.
The last thing is a guarantee of fairness in the game. As this must be a fair game in nature, the Witch must have an appropriate line of "logic" for the Human team to find. In other words, to be a fair game, the human team needs to have a fair chance at winning.
Any situation where a Witch's red truths make it truly impossible to construct a blue truth is called a "Logic Error". It is the one thing the Witch cannot allow to happen on their gameboard.
In any situation where you don't trust the game itself and suspect a Logic Error has occurred, we can call in an "Observer".
The Observer will check that the Witch's Logic is still valid and does not contradict any of the prior red truths.
Everything clear? Good, then let me present the gameboard of the third game.
The Third GameIt was rainy and dark; you really shouldn’t have stayed so long. You didn’t like driving at the night, and there were still at least an hour more home. Suddenly you saw a sign pointing at “The Happy Witch’s Hotel”. Weird name, you thought, but you were still relieved that you didn’t have to drive more for tonight. As you drove into the parking lot, you only saw a couple more cars there. Maybe not a very popular place then?
You entered through the main door and found yourself at the reception. The hotel looked a bit rundown, both the outside and the inside. It was empty, but you saw a little bell to use to call for assistance. You called the bell, and almost immediately a man cam in from a door behind the counter.
“Oh, another guest this late! Welcome the the Happy Witch’s Hotel, my friend. How can I help you?”
“I want a room for the night.” you said.
“Of course.” he said and turned around. He opened a locker which you could see were full of keys hanging neatly organized.
“This hotel has belonged to my family for generations, but with the low number of guests lately I might soon be forced to close.” the man said, seemingly willing to start a conversation with you. However you were just tired and wished for nothing more than a good night’s sleep.
“I’m sad to hear that, but right now I really just want to sleep.” you said.
“I understand” he said and took down a key and gave it to you.
“Your room is number 2, just down that corridor and it’s the first one to the left. Sleep well!”
“Thank you.” you answered and headed to your room.
The Witch hovered outside the house, looking at it. Not as many guests were here as in the days of old, but still enough to have some fun with. She could see one of the windows were open and saw the perfect opportunity. The Witch flew in and the window quickly closed behind her. She summoned a knife in her hands, and quickly killed the woman lying in the bed. Feeling content, the Witch vanished without a trace.
After sleeping well during the night, you woke up from hearing a scream somewhere above you. You immediately left your room and headed to the closest stairs. When you got up, you saw the owner and a woman looking inside one of the rooms.
“What happened?” you asked. The owner looked panicked at you.
“It’s horrible. Lucy here told me to open the door to this room with my master key since it’s almost lunchtime and her friend didn’t answer and she was really worried. And when we opened, we found this!” he said, pointing inside the room.
Lucy had already went inside, and you and the owner were quick to follow. Lying at the bed were a woman, and her chest were pierced by a knife.
“I need to contact the police and tell the other guests, meet me in the hall in five minutes” the owner said. Lucy kneeled down beside the bed, crying.
“How is it even possible, the door were locked and her key is right here?” Lucy asked, mostly to herself. You looked around, saw that the window was closed from the inside.
Still horrified, but almost fascinated, you looked around the room for any trace from this ‘impossible murderer’. Eventually you noticed that Lucy had left while you searched around, and you quickly headed to the hall.
When you entered the hall, you saw Lucy, the owner, and two other men were already there. You all quickly introduced yourselves, and you learned that the other men’s names were Charlie and Bill. The owner spoke:
“The mobile reception is too bad here to call anyone and the landline seems to be down, so we have no other choice than leaving by car.”
No one seemed to be willing to stay in the house with a murderer running about, so we all agreed on leaving together. You and Lucy just had to head to your rooms getting your car keys first. Lucy headed up the stairs while you entered your room. Strangely enough the keys weren’t were you though they were, so you started to look all over the room for them.
The Witch laughed to herself, amused with all the chaos she managed to create. Of course her fun was far from over. She materilized herself into Lucy’s room, who were frantically searching for her car keys. With a slight movement of her hand, the witch made Lucy’s body freeze, and moved her over to the bed. With another movement she summoned another knife, stabbing the woman in her heart.
When you finally found your keys you quickly went back to the hall, expecting everyone to be waiting for you. However, Lucy weren’t there yet.
“Have something happened to her?” one of the men asked.
”Let’s have a look” the owner said and led them all towards Lucy’s room.
When we got there, it was locked, and there were no sound from the inside. The owner used his master key to open the door, and inside we found what we all feared. Lucy layed on the bed, with a knife in her chest. The owner quickly ran to her and try to feel her pulse. Of course, it was too late.
“It must be as you said, Bill, he must be the murderer.” one of the men said.
You turned around and saw them stare at you.
“Wha-what do you mean?” you said.
“All of us already suspected it, but this confirmed it. You were the only of us that could have killed her, and there are no traces of an outside person to have entered the house during the night.”
You desperately tried to defend yourself, even claiming that it could be suicide. The other men seemed to have already decided you were the murderer, so they didn’t consider your words one bit. They took you down to the basement, locking you in until they could get the police. You heard them talk throught the door, saying that Bill would go get the police while the other waited here.
The Witch watched as Bill drove away from the house. Fools, she thought to herself, she still weren’t done here. Sensing that one of the men had locked himself inside his room, she instantly teleported there. Charlie looked horrified at the witch that suddenly showed up, but he had no time to scream.
Next, the witch went to the owner’s room behind the reception. With a snap of her fingers, she strangled the owner, and summoned a noose hanging from the ceiling. Certain that this would utterly confuse everyone, she hanged him.
You weren’t sure when, but someone had pushed a key under the door to you. You were certain the key hadn’t been there when you were locked in. The key fitted in the keyhole, and you got out from the basement. You headed to the reception, determined to prove your innocence somehow. Since you knew the murderer where still running about, you had to make sure the others were safe. You knocked on the door behind the counter, but you got no answer.
It was locked, and out of desperation, you tried the key to the basement which you still had in your hand. It… It worked. Odd, you thought to yourself and looked in. You were faced with a horrible sight. The owner had seemingly commited suicide, hanging from the ceiling. However, there was no chair or anything in sight that he could have used to get up there. You looked around the rooms for clues, and you noticed a something sticking out from behind a cupboard. You didn’t have time to look any closer on it however, because you could hear a car from the outside and you ran out, believing everything would be all right now when help had arrived.
A police car had stopped on the parking lot, and out from it came two policemen and Bill. Bill pointed at you:
“There! He is the murderer! He somehow got free!”
You certainly were no murderer, but how were you gonna prove that, especially when you had escaped from the basement?
The Witch stood on the roof of the house, looking down at the poor guy who had gotten the blame for everything she had done. She teleported to the living room of the hotel, tired after a long morning full of magic. Since it was gonna take the policemen quite a while to understand what had happened, the Witch decied to take a little rest.
There you have it, humans. This time you may have noticed I gave you several mysteries in the game. I can assure you that all of them were made with magic. Let the game begin!