Quote from: Kuroaitou link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24926.msg342667#msg342667 date=1303826251Fantastic idea Essence. I really love the concept of the FG's trying to pick out the one guy screwing them over. >.>That said, is it possible to modify some of the powers now before the game begins? I think all of the False Gods should have unique Creature, FG, and Item powers to make them distinct from one another, but that's just my opinion... (i.e. - having two FG's with the 'Miracle' ability seems a little bit lame, but oh well.)I agree with this, alot of them seem weird, although are these the same FGs as the last Usurper game?
Fantastic idea Essence. I really love the concept of the FG's trying to pick out the one guy screwing them over. >.>That said, is it possible to modify some of the powers now before the game begins? I think all of the False Gods should have unique Creature, FG, and Item powers to make them distinct from one another, but that's just my opinion... (i.e. - having two FG's with the 'Miracle' ability seems a little bit lame, but oh well.)
quick vote: is the usurpera) CCYBb) GotPc) shakarsor d) RoL/Hope
I still haven't received FG choices (and yes, the Usurper is a valid choice, though he's already hotly contested) from $$$manNepycrosRavingRabbidTheForbiddenOracleZBladerKuroaitoulegitGenuinous DemagogSeraphFlayne majofaJaymanfu
you just posted everyone who can be the Usurper
Quote from: 1world24 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24926.msg343952#msg343952 date=1303949741you just posted everyone who can be the UsurperHow exactly?