Before I lock this topic, let me clarify a few last things.
I had envisioned remaking the Master of Games thread LONG AGO when the
seagull had to
attend other oceanic venues. It makes more sense for the active FGO to not only update the topic, but also be the actual original poster anyways.
After looking over the history of the forum game archive (and noticing all of the successful AND non-successful as well as derivative mafia games), I realized that there had to be a very concrete system of how to do the standings for both mafia games and non-mafia games in a spreadsheet, and not by creating a bunch of forum-tables to create standings (no offense to RR, but that would not work if we had to compile EVERY game in a single point-based list - doing it for mafia would just be insane).
Due to me suddenly having to do night-shifts at my work, I had a loss of time of when I could properly set the standings up, but when I did, I began to slowly (from the very first mafia hosted by MasterMind79!) calculate who won, who lost, who hosted, and whatnot in the sheet. Of course, having some technical difficulties and a sleepy mind, when I began making the sheet, I realized that I didn't have a good idea of how to formulate the points correctly, so I entered chat a day after, asked anyone if they knew how to work Gdocs, and here we are.
That being said CR, one thing you CAN do is look for all the non-numbered mafia games and figure out who lost, won, and hosted (AND MOST IMPORTANTLY IF THE GAME WAS ACTUALLY COMPLETED), and compile that separately so that it can be added it to the new sticky. The numbered ones were being focused on first because those are the ones that I thought would 'truly count', but I realize that might be unfair to a lot of the people who hosted and played those derivative mafia games (with the weird titles). Feel free to help out here. One small note:
Spoiler for CrockettRocket:
On the thread I said I would continue it though >.> If you guys want to do master of mafia only, then fine. But I planned on having 3 standings list. Master of Mafia Standings, Master of Games (excluding mafia points) and Master of Games (including mafia points)
So yeah I dont mind if you want to do the master of mafia standings for me, but I'd really like to be the one to continue it as I was the one who posted I would continue it to blacksmiths comment. I just reallly want to help the community and I finally found a way to do so without becoming staff, so I find it a bit invasive that you guys want to do the Master of Mafia Standings without asking me first. >.<
Of course, I could be wrong though. Kuro is forum games organizer, so obviously he'd be the most fit person to continue Master of Games thread and whoever he wants to work with is up to him, not me. Just please PM me or something next time kuro if you're doing it rather then me, despite whats on the thread. That way I'm not left in the dark.
Ok, so how about when you guys are finished, PM it to me and Ill put it in the Master of Games standings. That'd be a big help, cause then I could simply take that and what RR already had and then continue it myself.
Imho though, a thread should be addressed first and have priority over chat because more people can see it on the thread, and anyone at any given point in time can see it on the thread. If you two are running the whole Master of Games Standings, then you completely left me in the dark by setting up plans via chat because I wasnt present atm.
If kuro wasnt forum games organizer, indicating he's obviously most suited for the job, then I'd legitimately argue I should continue the thread as I posted on the thread rather then chat. But even if you agree thread>chat, that doesn't compare to staff member>non-staff member. I'll leave everything alone until Kuro makes his excuctive decision on how he want's to handle the matter.* The only options I can think of are:
*1.) Kuro and whoever he wants, or even by himself, continue master of games thread.
*2.) Kuro and whoever he wants, or even by himself, continue's master of mafia stangings then posts it himself on the master of games thread.
*3.) I continue master of games thread with mafia standings using information Kuro PM'd to me about previous mafia points.
*I'm not trying to tell anyone what they can and can't do, but in my perspective these are the 3 plausible ways of handling the manner.
P.S. Now that you know my perspective a bit more, you can see why I was rather emotionally hurt - I can see the likelihood of 2/3 of the options not being me continuing the thread, then being left in the dark about it. It feels like I was betrayed and back stabbed, but yet, because I want to help the forums I support the more suited person for the job rather then letting my emotions get in the way. I'm not letting them get in the way of my judgment, as I want it to be known right now if it wasn't clear already, I strongly encourage kuro to do it. I'm just making my emotions known so another incident like this one doesn't happen again in the future.
In response to the first quote; the reason why I'm having the master of mafia SEPARATE from master of games is that the point systems for both cannot be 'fairly balanced' to account for all the nuances in the differences between non-mafia and mafia games. I did a very straightforward (aka 'basic') scoring system of, 'if you win mafia, you get points = to # of mafia', and went from there.
If you wanna argue about the point value, I'm all ears! Otherwise, this was done so that I wouldn't spend days or weeks figuring out how to balance "voting off people" (mafia), versus playing an intense game of lies and truths (The Witcher), against a game of moving a dot towards your dot (Push), compared to a game of trying to gain 'reputation' and using abilities to kill, defeat, or control your players (Fanatics and Heretics), so that's that. Raving's scoring system is being continued in this aspect as well for the non-mafia games, although if you wanna discuss that, go ahead.
...But for the specifics:
So yeah I dont mind if you want to do the master of mafia standings for me-
If kuro wasnt forum games organizer, indicating he's obviously most suited for the job, then I'd legitimately argue I should continue the thread as I posted on the thread rather then chat. But even if you agree thread>chat, that doesn't compare to staff member>non-staff member.
If you two are running the whole Master of Games Standings, then you completely left me in the dark by setting up plans via chat because I wasnt present atm.--
*I'm not trying to tell anyone what they can and can't do, but in my perspective these are the 3 plausible ways of handling the manner.--
It feels like I was betrayed and back stabbed, but yet, because I want to help the forums I support the more suited person for the job rather then letting my emotions get in the way.
I feel confused. First you act as if I'm supposed to be the one doing the work for you, then claim your distraught over me just starting a new topic since RR can't modify posts in the board to begin with, then go on a tirade about the validity of staff and normal members, ... it's awkward. As FGO I was going to do this thread regardless of what anyone said they were going to do because that's my
job; if I wasn't fulfilling my duties, I would sure hope that people would tell other staff to remove and replace me immediately with someone who can.
At the end of all this, you can still help CR - just look above to the pink section. Topic locked.