Art credits towards sandara Objective: KILL THE BOSS IN 20 ROUNDS OR LESS.
Spoiler for Lore:
"Is this really it? The home of-"
"Fazstraga, the broodmother of the hell whelps, Queen dragon of the south."
The two elementals looked at each other; the Light elemental was quite shocked that the entrance to the dragon's lair was so open. A large yet boring cave in broad daylight didn't seem as intimidating, despite the volcanic activity several kilometers away. Smoke billowed from each of these miniature volcanoes, but none were spewing magma. A good sign; the silence meant that it was more passive during the day.
The Time elemental knew much more about the dragon than many others, but realized that despite the constant terror (or annoyance) that the dragon provided, every elemental city refused to send massive armies to destroy the dragon outright in fear of possibly being subverted by another army. So instead, they all sent at least one of their best (or worst) soldiers to deal with the nuisance. He volunteered knowing the risks, but was more fascinated by the growth of such a creature given its lack of resources and fuel. How did 'she' (or it) grow so big over only a few months? Why would the Fire cultists grant it such a name? What was it guarding? And most importantly, was it truly 'immortal'?
An Earth elemental shifted the ground behind them and pokes its head outside the hole.
"Da group is nare. Yo come now?"
The Time elemental began to head back as the Earth elemental popped back underneath the rocky soil. A few steps later, the Time elemental realized his so called companion was still starting at the head of the cave.
"Do you wish to admire the architecture or are you planning to follow your promise?"
The Light elemental clutched her pendant while staring at the cavern for a few more moments in silence, then swiftly began to head back to the raiders.
Signing-up:No limit to the # of players participating. The host can participate in the game as well.

Before the game starts, players must
strategically observe the order of who goes first. Players should preferably also select one of the twelve elements below to gain a set of bonus skills to fight against the boss. Otherwise, their element and the 'rankings' will be randomized.
The reason for this is because
the first player of the 'ranking list', also called '
THE LEADER', is essentially the one that will be taunting/leading the assault on the boss. As all boss actions are
generally directed towards the
leader, it's vital that you keep the leader alive and ensure the safety of your team.
RANKING is the other major numeric besides HP. It is essentially the order of where you stand on the sign-up list. As the first player is always considered the leader, increasing one's rank pushes them closer to the leader position, which in turn makes them more likely to suffer from the bosses major attacks.
As all actions are processed based on RANKING order, it is vital that players coordinate when to stage their attacks, or some players might end up getting unintentionally damaged, killed, and rendered useless. Players
SHOULD NOT DELETE their posts, but are welcome to modify them as necessary -before- a round ends.
The host is required to always take the most recently post by a player as their final current action.Players cannot 'leave' a raid by withdrawal - by signing up and not directly participating/dropping your activity from the game, you will still be doing 'automated' actions to help the raid succeed passively. This means there are no drawbacks to signing up and going inactive, as your 'character' will still be doing damage.
Each 'round', players should post in the topic [Do not PM your 'moves' to the host!] to discuss strategy and what 'action' they would like to use. Discussing in chat is also fine.
They post their action in bold, and based on their
RANKING, players then proceed to use their actions in the order of first player (leader) to last player (bottom of the list).
Every player has 50 HP, and the following basic skills.
Strike - Deals 3 damage to the boss (or target) [This is the default action]
Block - Reduces direct (non-periodic) damage on you by 2 against current round attacks (stackable).
Mend - Heals a player for 3 HP.
Swap - Changes your element to another.
You can only use one skill per round. For example, you can't swap to an element and use that elemental skill the same time, you're only limited to one action per round (unless you used 'Quicken', see Time ability below).
Round cycles have 4 stages and goes as follows:
-Round starts
-Stage 1: All player post their skills (otherwise, it defaults to 'Strike Boss')
-Stage 2: Player skills occur
based on their current ranking and afflict their effects (this includes periodic damage (to enemies)/period healing (to allies) effects)
Boss damage over time debuffs 'tick' accordingly (i.e. - Stuns wear off, or periodic damage from previous Whelplings/Fireballs DoTs/etc. is then dealt here).
-Stage 3: Boss rolls dice (and if there are dice-based skills, their effects occur here as well)
-Stage 4: Boss deals damage and uses skills
-Repeat from the top
Rounds will generally last 24 OR 48 hours; this has yet to be decided.
The Dragon's skills:The boss starts at 1000 HP. Its HP increases by 50 for every additional player after 20 players (i.e. - 22 players = 1100 HP).
Each of the boss's attacks are randomized each round.
As it is a fearsome dragon, it can deal more attacks than the normal mortal (i.e. - us).
Above 600 HP, it rolls
2 10-sided dice (and thus afflicts whatever skills based on those dice).
Between 200-600 HP, it rolls
3 10-sided dice. Below 200, it rolls
4 10-sided dice, and things can get crazy.
The host will generally be the one to roll the dice (and post the screenshot as necessary if possible to show what rolls occurred). If a player 'volunteers' to so, they must meet up with either the host in Elements chat OR meet up with 2-3 other participating players in chat to oversee that the dice roll isn't 'exploited' (i.e. - no rerolls if you get a bad or good roll of some sort). There will be a 'code phrase' when the boss determiens their roll.
'0' (cannot be rolled, only triggered by Entropy): Dragon Whispers - Redirects all of the leader's actions/targeting towards the player in second rank.
1: Flinch - Does nothing.
2: Fireball - Deals 3 damage to the leader, and applies a DoT effect on them if they were hurt by this (2 HP per round). DoT effects stack.
3: Torch - Deals 4 damage to the leader, and 3 damage to the first (2) player(s) who are directly ranked after the leader.
4: Ash-Cloud - Deals 5 damage to the leader and 4 damage to the first (4) player(s) who are directly ranked after the leader. Removes any HoTs (healing over time effects) from all those targets.
5: Wingspan - Ignores the first two ranked player actions against him (the leader and the 2nd rank) for the following round. If 5 is rolled more than once, it ignores the following two ranked player actions after per additional duplicate. Affects both basic and elemental actions.
6: Searing Breath - Deals 7 damage to the leader and 6 damage to the rest of the remaining players (stacking). If 6 is rolled more than once, it also prevents healing to the current leader for the upcoming round (non-stacking).
7: Broodkeeper - Summons a whelpling with 5 HP; the whelping does 2 direct damage to the leader immediately and then again every round until the whelpling dies. If the current leader dies from an effect, the whelpling targets the next ranked player.
8: Scorching Ring - Deals moderate damage (-9 HP) to all players. Stuns three random non-leader players for the upcoming round (non-stacking).
9: Thrashing Strikes - Stuns all even/odd numbered players (based on the current round # if even or odd) for the upcoming round (non-stacking). Deals significant damage (-12 HP) to odd/even numbered players. Switches off the odd-even factor depending on round #.
10: Cataclysm - Last player on the 'ranking' list is brought up to become the leader, and the original leader that was swapped takes near-lethal damage (-30 HP). Can be repeated. If there are only 2 players or less remaining, Cataclysm kills them both instead.
11 (cannot be rolled, only triggered by Entropy): Complete Misfire - Loses 10% of its total HP.DEATH:
If a player dies, they are removed from the ranking list, and placed on a DEATH list that has no effect on the RANKING list. Dead players cannot reap any rewards or do any actions while dead.
Elemental Skills:
Aether (2) 
Mimic - May choose to use a non-Aether elemental skill of the player directly above OR below you in ranking for the current round. Cannot mimic passives.
Warp - Remove any debuffs from you. Can be used while stunned. This ability will negate Viciousness if a Darkness player targets you with that skill. Moves your ranking to last place.
Air (2) 
Pinpoint - Deal 5 damage to the target, and guess the numbers of the dice that were rolled. Apply triple your damage for every dice value you get in the correct order. This takes effect AFTER 'Fortune' has been implemented (the damage is applied after Fortune modifies the dice).
(i.e. - 3d10 was, "8, 2, 4", Air player guessed "8, 8, 4", damage is doubled twice (5 x 3 x 3 = 45) as the first and last values were right)
Evasive (Passive!) - Whenever you use Pinpoint, you reduce all direct damage you receive by 3X (or 3 times X) for the round. X is the number of dice rolls you got correct while guessing.
Darkness (2) 
Subterfuge - Choose to deal X damage OR Y damage to the target. X is the number of players using 'Strike' during the current round. Y is the number of players currently above you in ranking. Increase your ranking by the chosen 'X' or 'Y'.
Viciousness - Name a player with 11 or more current HP, and name a number ('V') from 1-10. Recover your HP, decrease the target's HP, and decrease your ranking by 'V'. This ability cannot be used to kill any ally player, and cannot be used on players that would cause them to die directly from this effect.
Death (2) 
Acid - Deal 4 damage to the boss/target, and an additional 2 damage (stackable - occurs immediately after the dice roll stage) every round after. Increases your ranking by 2 every time it ticks. Your individual acid counter damage (and the ranking increase) is boosted by 1 per additional use. If you swap element, use Ingest, or die, your periodic Acid damage is lost.
Ingest - Remove your acid debuff on the boss/target. Should you die during the round, regurgitate (reapply) the acid back onto the boss, and revive with full HP (this counts towards your healing total as +50 HP recovered). If you do not die, reduce your maximum HP permanently equal to the damage the acid counter was inflicting. Your max HP cannot go below your current HP.
Earth (2) 
Guard - Reduces damage for a player and for yourself by X. Decreases ranking of the target player by X if they are not an
player at the time you use Guard on them. X is a single-digit value between 1-3 that you can choose. Guard can stack with other Guards, Intercepts, and Blocks. This cannot reduce periodic (DoT) damage.
Barbs (Passive!) - Using 'Block' also inflicts 3 damage to the targeted Dragon.
Entropy (2) 
Fortune - Increase or decrease the actual value of any of the dragon's dice values (first, second, third, or fourth) by 1 before the dragon's roll occurs. If used repeatedly, a '0', if further decreased, will roll up to '11', and then back down 10, 9, 8, etc. - likewise, an '11', if increased further, will roll back to '0', and then up to 1, 2, 3, etc.
[All entropy players that use this ability to trigger an '11' will count towards the 'Damage Dealt' totals]
Roulette - Sum up all of the dice rolls made by the dragon on its turn. The dragon takes damage equal to the sum of the dice, minus the value of every dice roll duplicate. Duplicate values instead damage you for their value.
(i.e. - a 2d10 roll of "8 7" deals 15 damage to the Dragon, but a 4d10 "10, 3, 2, 10" will deal 5 damage to the dragon, and (10 + 10) 20 damage to you).
Fire (3) 
Endothermic - When used, heals yourself instead for the amount of damage dealt normally by the dragon for the current round only. Decreases your ranking by 2.
Wrath (Passive!) - Whenever you are below 25 HP, all Strike damage you deal is increased by 3 * X, where X is the # of consecutive rounds you've stayed under 25 HP. Stacks indefinitely until you are healed back above that limit during a round, or you change Element.
You can be in a different element beforehand and swap to Fire to gain this effect while being under the HP threshold.
Fizzled (Passive!) - If you are killed as a Fire player, you can no longer be resurrected/targeted.
Gravity (2) 
Tactics - Swap a targeted player on the ranking list with another target player. Fails if this targets the same player twice.
Intercept - Target up to three distinct (3) players (you may target yourself as one of those targets). Those players take 1 less damage, but deal 1 less damage as well however. Intercept can stack with other Intercepts, Guards, and Blocks. This cannot reduce periodic (DoT) damage.
Life (2) 
Nourish - Heal an alive player for 5, remove debuffs from them, and applies an indefinite HoT effect (1 HP per round). Increases the target's ranking by 1 per healing tick. Your individual Nourish HoTs (healing over time effects) as well as its rank-increases, stack per additional application of Nourish, but are lost when you swap element or die. Can target self.
Ivy - Deal X+N damage. X is the amount of players that have used Nourish, Hope, Cleanse, or Mend on the current round. N is the number of players that have a healing HoT on them.
Light (2) 
Hope - Heal any player for 8 (can target self), and decrease your ranking by 1 (unless you target yourself). Can revive non-Fire players, but reviving a player puts them on the top of the list. Obviously cannot be used while dead.
Grace - Target player and you gains a shield that absorbs N damage for the current round only. N is the number of players above you in ranking. Increases your ranking by N/2 (rounded up).
Time (2) 
Quicken - You and a target player can use an additional skill (+1) for the following round. Decreases their ranking by 1. Cannot target self. Quicken cannot be used twice or more by the same player in a round [This includes Quickens that are Mimicked].
Delay - Gain one 'charge'. The moment you use any non-Swap basic skill, you increase its effectiveness by 3 (2 for Blocking) per 'charge' you accumulated, and then remove one 'charge'. All charges are automatically removed otherwise if you die or change elements. Delay cannot be used twice or more by the same player in a round [This includes Delays that are Mimicked].
Water (3) 
Cleanse - Target X alive players (where X is a number between 1-5); removes all debuffs from them and heals them for 2+X. Increases your ranking by X.
Icicle - Deal 2+(N/2) damage to the target, where N is the number of players below you in ranking (rounded up). Decrease your ranking by 2.
Steamed (Passive!) - You receive twice as much damage from the Dragon, as well as twice as much direct healing from skills (from you and other players) if you're in the Leader position as a Water player.
Rewards (Master of Game points):- Dealing the most damage during the raid (+2 points) [Ties split by whoever has higher ranking by the end]
- Blocking the most damage during the raid (+2 points) [Ties split by whoever has higher ranking by the end]
- Healing the most damage during the raid (doesn't include overhealing) (+2 points) [Ties split by whoever has higher ranking by the end]
- Being the leader by the end of the raid (+1 point),
- and if you never died (+1 additonal point)
- and if you never changed your element* (+1 additional point)
- and if your *starter element was Fire or Water (+1 additional point)
- Failing to kill the boss either due to round timer, or because everyone died (multiply all point accumulation by 0)
* = starter element; Note that for the 'Leader' point reward, each indented achievement is based off of whether or not the previous one was completed (i.e. - you get the +1 additional point if your starter element was


ONLY IF you did not change to any other element during the RAID.
THERE SHAN'T BE ANY MORE EDITS AS OF RIGHT NOW.OKAY, there shouldn't be any more edits as of NOW now (Round 11, Feb. 25, 2016)
So all I ask is... are you ready to RAID?