A total of 13 people answered the poll, 10 of whom chose to leave a name or an alias.
Of these, 8 were players.

Everybody chose to take the whole survey :3
COMMUNICATIONThe majority of voters thought the communication restrictions were reasonable. Two did not, one said "It made it more strategic" and one said they were not involved in it.

The majority of voters thought the communication methods were fine. Spectators said that they would have liked to be able to view the pads.
GAME LENGTHMixed responses here, but the slight majority agreed that the game was too short. A complaint was that "there was probably some cool stuff that didn't get to happen". One voter was uncertain whether or not War played a role in their perception of the game length.

The slight majority agreed the the Collapse mechanism was either not a very good thing or poorly-implemented. Custom responses were mostly along the lines of "I didn't care until you put up big red letters".
CONVENIENCEThis section was about me trying to work out what players want in order to save 2 seconds of their lives
OP links - custom responses were that spectators hadn't noticed them, or that "they are nice and should be a staple for forum games... MAFIA INCLUDED! /rant-of-other-games"

Link to the docs in each round - custom responses were that the pollee didn't play, or in one case that they only used the links from the OP.

The map images - custom responses were that these were "Necessary", and someone apparently didn't notice there was a map. Fun.

The spreadsheet layout
PLAYERSMVP - three votes apiece for Demagog and Aves; and 1 each for Silver Emerald, worldwideweb3, cribcreaky, and None Of The Above.

Although a few people gave answers to the "anonymous comments for the host to reveal" question, none of them answered it.
SEQUELLots of custom responses. These were, in no particular order:
"I would have had to play to know my answer to this"
"Maybe, but give it time and come up with a new plot twist since we'll be expecting you to use shenanigans like an empty faction again."
"Pls yes <3 "
"Yes, either the same format or different but using the same lore/universe"
"Yes, but potentially at a time where 'map' games aren't as frequent. Relic Sweeper, Pipeworks, the upcoming (?) Code Crash all seem to rely heavily on grids, so we should try to switch up potential games. No F&H or Witch's Game though."
"Yes - but no need to be "completely" different - just some different is OK. Completely different is fine too but didn't want to vote that option with the hardline phrasing. :-P"
Looks like there'll be a sequel at some point. What it's about is anyone's guess.
Or is it?