
Offline RootRanger

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  • RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.
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Re: Elimination by RootRanger https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28186.msg370605#msg370605
« Reply #84 on: July 24, 2011, 03:10:26 am »
Here are the targets, items, and effects of Rounds 1-12. Round 13-16 was done on paper since I was away from a computer. It would take a while to retype everything, and by Round 12, Legit had a small chance of losing.
Round 1
Legit – Gratitude/Portal -> Readiness (Essence) Target=majofa -> *Frozen* (Onizuka)
Essence – Readiness/Armor -> Gratitude (Legit): Target=Seraph
XYTWO – Gratitude/Eyes: Target=1world24 -> Seraph (Essence)
Nepycros – Readiness/Hands: Target=XYTWO
1world24 – Divinity/Cloak: Target=Wardead
ddevans96 – Reliquacity/Stones: Target=Nepycros
Wardead – Readiness/Shield: Target=majofa
RavingRabbid – Readiness/Circle: Target=ddevans96
Onizuka – Gratitude/Orb (Sees Legit’s item): Target=1world
nilsieboy – Readiness/Cross
calindu221 – Gratitude/Ring: Target=1world24
Genuinous – Reliquacity/Owl (See’s TFO’s city): Target=Essence
Seraph – Reliquacity/Shield: Target=calindu
The Mormegil – Reliquacity/Ring -> Divinity (gage0821): Target=RavingRabbid
majofa – Divinity/Hands: Target=Seraph
gage0821 – Divinity/Portal -> Reliquacity (The Mormegil)
aigel – Reliquacity/Cloak: Target=majofa
iCall_uHobo – Divinity/Eyes: Target=RavingRabbid -> majofa (TFO)
TheForbiddenOracle – Divinity/Armor: Target=majofa
blazken – Gratitude/Stones: Target=Seraph

Round 2

Legit – Readiness/Portal -> Divinity (iCall): Target=Essence
Essence – Gratitude/Armor: Target=Genuinous
XYTWO – Gratitude/Eyes: Target=1world24 -> Genuinous (Essence)
Nepycros – Readiness/Hands: Target=Legit
1world24 – Divinity/Cloak : Target=Seraph -> Seraph (TFO)
ddevans96 – Reliquacity/Stones -> Reliquacity (gage0281): Target=Onizuka
Wardead – Readiness/Shield: Target=XYTWO
RavingRabbid – Readiness/Circle : Target=Essence
Onizuka – Gratitude/Orb: Target=aigel
nilsieboy – Readiness/Cross: Target=Essence
calindu221 – Gratitude/Ring: Target=blazken
Genuinous – Reliquacity/Owl (Sees calindu’s city): Target=RavingRabbid
Seraph – Reliquacity/Shield: Target=nilsieboy
The Mormegil – Divinity/Ring: Target=iCalluHobo
gage0821 – Relaquacity/Portal -> Relaquacity: Target=Wardead
aigel – Reliquacity/Cloak: Target=XYTWO
iCall_uHobo – Divinity/Eyes+Hands -> Readiness (Legit): Target=Essence
TheForbiddenOracle – Divinity/Armor+Hands: Target=Seraph
blazken – Gratitude/Stones: Target=Seraph -> *Frozen* (Onizuka)

Round 3
Legit – Divinity/Portal -> Readiness (RR): Target=ddevans96
Essence – Gratitude/Armor *Frozen* (Onizuka): Target=XYTWO
XYTWO – Gratitude/Eyes: Target=calindu221 -> XYTWO
Nepycros – Readiness/Hands: Target=aigel
1world24 – Divinity/Cloak: Target=nilsieboy
ddevans96 – Reliquacity/Stones: Target=Essence
Wardead – Readiness/Shield: Target=calindu221
RavingRabbid – Readiness/Circle(+1) -> Divinity (Legit): Target=TheMormegil -> Legit
Onizuka – Gratitude/Orb (Sees Armor of Gravity): Target=XYTWO
nilsieboy – Readiness/Cross : Target=Wardead
calindu221 – Gratitude/Ring+Stones (Auto-Kill): Target=XYTWO
Genuinous – Reliquacity/Owl -> Relaquicity (See’s 1world’s city): Target=Seraph
Seraph – Reliquacity/Shield: Target=aigel
The Mormegil – Divinity/Ring: Target=Essence
gage0821 – Relaquacity/Portal -> Relaquicity: Target=Legit
aigel – Reliquacity/Cloak: Target=Seraph
iCall_uHobo – Readiness/Eyes+Hands: Target=TFO
TheForbiddenOracle – Divinity/Armor+Hands: Target=Legit

Round 4
Legit – Readiness/Portal -> Gratitude (calindu): Target=Essence - > calindu221
Essence – Gratitude/Armor+Eyes: Target=calindu221
Nepycros – Readiness/Hands: Target=Onizuka
1world24 – Divinity/Cloak: Target=RavingRabbid
ddevans96 – Reliquacity/Stones: Target=Genuinous
RavingRabbid – Divinity/Circle(+1): Target=nilsieboy -> Nepycros
Onizuka – Gratitude/Orb+Eyes (See’s Ring+Eyes): Target=Essence
nilsieboy – Readiness/Cross+Shield
calindu221 – Gratitude/Ring(Auto-Kill)+Stones+Eyes -> Readiness (Legit): Target=ddevans *Frozen* (Onizuka
Genuinous – Reliquacity/Owl+Shield (Sees iCall_uHobo’s city)
The Mormegil – Divinity/Ring: Target=ddevans96
gage0821 – Relaquacity/Portal: -> Readiness (nils) Target=TFO
iCall_uHobo – Readiness/Eyes+Hands: Target=nilsieboy
TheForbiddenOracle – Divinity/Armor+Hands: Target=Nepycros

Round 5
Legit – Gratitude/Portal -> Readiness (calindu221): Target=calindu -> *Frozen* (Onizuka)
Nepycros – Readiness/Hands: Target=iCall_uHobo
1world24 – Divinity/Cloak -> Reliquacity (gage): Target=Legit
ddevans96 – Reliquacity/Stones: Target=Genuinous
RavingRabbid – Divinity/Circle(X): Target=Legit -> 1world24
Onizuka – Gratitude/Orb+Eyes+Armor (Sees Portal): Target=RavingRabbid
nilsieboy – Readiness/Cross+Shield(X): Target=RavingRabbid
calindu221 – Readiness/Ring+Stones+Eyes -> Gratitude (Legit) Target -> RavingRabbid (Onizuka)
Genuinous – Reliquacity/Owl+Shield(X) (Sees gage=Divinity): Target=gage0821
The Mormegil – Divinity/Ring: Target=Genuinous
gage0821 – Relaquacity/Portal -> Divinity (1world)
iCall_uHobo – Readiness/Eyes+Hands: Target=RavingRabbid
TheForbiddenOracle – Divinity/Armor+Hands: Target=1world24

Round 6
Legit – Readiness/Portal -> Reliquacity (ddevans): Target=calindu
Nepycros – Readiness/Hands+Eyes: Target=gage0821
1world24 – Reliquacity/Cloak: Target=TFO
ddevans96 – Reliquacity/Stones+Owl+Shield -> Readiness (Legit) (Sees Legit=Readiness): Target=calindu
Onizuka – Gratitude/Orb+Eyes+Armor+Circle(+1) -> (Sees 4 items from calindu): Target=calindu
nilsieboy – Readiness/Cross+Shield(X): Target=Legit
calindu221 – Gratitude/Ring+Stones+Eyes+Circle(+1): Target=Onizuka -> calindu (Onizuka) *Frozen* (Onizuka)
The Mormegil – Divinity/Ring: Target=nilsieboy
gage0821 – Divinity/Portal -> Readiness (nils): Target=1world24 -> ddevans (TFO)
TheForbiddenOracle – Divinity/Armor+Hands: Target=ddevans

Round 7
Legit – Reliquactiy/Portal -> Readiness (Nepycros): Target=calindu221
Nepycros – Readiness/Hands+Eyes -> Reliquacity (Legit): Target=ddevans
1world24 – Reliquacity/Cloak: Target=Onizuka
ddevans96 – Readiness/Stones+Owl+Shield (Sees nilsieboy): Target=Nepycros
Onizuka – Gratitude/Orb+Eyes+Armor+Circle(+1) (Sees calindu’s items): Target=calindu
nilsieboy – Readiness/Cross+Shield(X)
calindu221 – Gratitude/Ring+Stones+Eyes+Circle(X): Target=Onizuka -> calindu *Frozen* (Onizuka)
The Mormegil – Divinity/Ring: Target=Onizuka
gage0821 – Divinity/Portal -> Divinity (TFO) Target -> nilsieboy
TheForbiddenOracle – Divinity/Armor+Hands: Target=nilsieboy

Round 8
Legit – Readiness/Portal -> Gratitude (calindu221): Target=calindu221 -> calindu221 (Onizuka)
Nepycros – Reliquacity/Hands+Eyes: Target=TFO
1world24 – Reliquacity/Cloak: Target= The Mormegil
ddevans96 – Readiness/Stones+Owl+Shield (Sees gage=Divinity) -> Divinity (gage): Target=gage -> calindu221
Onizuka – Gratitude/Orb+Eyes+Armor+Circle(+1) (Sees calindu’s items): Target=calindu221
nilsieboy – Readiness/Cross+Shield(X): Target=Nepycros
calindu221 – Gratitude/Ring+Stones+Eyes+Circle(X) -> Readiness: Target=Nepycros -> *Frozen* (Onizuka)
The Mormegil – Divinity/Ring: Target=1world24
gage0821 – Divinity/Portal -> Readiness (ddevans): Target=Nepycros
TheForbiddenOracle – Divinity/Armor+Hands: Target=calindu221

Round 9
Legit – Gratitude/Portal+Ring*+Stones+Eyes+Circle(+1) -> Divinity (The Mormegil): Target=ddevans96 -> TheMormegil (TFO) *Frozen* (Onizuka)
Nepycros – Reliquacity/Hands+Eyes -> Readiness (gage): Target=Legit
1world24 – Reliquacity/Cloak
ddevans96 – Divinity/Stones+Owl+Shield (Sees Nepycros=Reliquacity): Target=gage
Onizuka – Gratitude/Orb+Eyes+Armor+Circle-x2(+3)+Ring*+Stones (Sees Legit’s items): Target=TFO
nilsieboy – Readiness/Cross+Shield(X) : Target=TheMormegil
The Mormegil – Divinity/Ring -> Gratitude (Legit): Target=Onizuka  -> TFO (Onizuka)
gage0821 – Readiness/Portal -> Reliquacity (Nepy): Target=TheMormegil
TheForbiddenOracle – Divinity/Armor+Hands: Target=TheMormegil

Round 10
Legit – Divinity/Portal+Ring+Stones+Eyes+Circle(+1) -> Readiness (Nepy): Target=nilsieboy
Nepycros – Readiness/Hands+Eyes -> Divinity (Legit): Target=Legit
1world24 – Reliquacity/Cloak
ddevans96 – Divinity/Stones+Owl+Shield: Target=TheMormegil
Onizuka – Gratitude/Orb+Eyes+Armor+Circle-x2(+3)+Ring*+Stones (Sees Ring+Armor+Hands): Target=TheMormegil -> Onizuka (The Mormegil)
nilsieboy – Readiness/Cross+Shield(X)
The Mormegil – Gratitude/Ring*+Armor+Hands: Target=Onizuka -> TheMormegil (Onizuka) *Frozen* (Onizuka)
gage0821 – Reliquacity/Portal -> Reliquacity (1world): Target=Onizuka

Round 11
Legit – Readiness/Portal+Ring*+Stones+Eyes+Circle(+1)+Cross+Shield(1) -> Gratitude (Onizuka): Target=Nepycros -> Onizuka (TheMormegil)
Nepycros – Divinity/Hands+Eyes -> Reliquacity (gage): Target=Onizuka
1world24 – Reliquacity/Cloak: Target=gage
ddevans96 – Divinity/Stones+Owl+Shield (Sees Legit=Readiness): Target=1world24
Onizuka – Gratitude/Orb+Eyes+Armor+Circle-x2(+2)+Ring+Stones -> Readiness (Legit) (Sees Ring+Armor+Hands): Target=Nepycros
The Mormegil – Gratitude/Ring+Armor+Hands *Frozen* (Onizuka): Target=Onizuka
gage0821 – Reliquacity/Portal -> Divinity (Nepycros): Target=1world24

Round 12
Legit – Gratitude/Portal+Ring+Stones+Eyes+Circle(+2)+Cross+Shield(1)+Hands  -> Gratitude (TheMormegil)
ddevans96 – Divinity/Stones+Owl+Shield+Cloak (Sees Legit’s items)
Onizuka – Readiness/Orb+Eyes+Armor+Circle-x2(+4)+Ring*+Stones+Hands  -> Divinity (gage)
The Mormegil – Gratitude/Ring+Armor+Hands
gage0821 – Divinity/Portal+Cloak -> Readiness (Onizuka)
And here's the tl:dr version.

TFO and iCalluHobo killed majofa and were the first players to have 2 items. iCalluHobo had the Eyes of Death and the Hands of Time, which provided a very valuable information resource.
calindu221 then killed blazken, picking up a 2nd item of his own.
In Round 3, all of the remaining members of Gratitude killed XYTWO. This made things interesting because XYTWO had the Eyes of Death, which was obtained by Essence, Onizuka, and calindu221. This meant that they all knew who had killed XYTWO, and thus, the other players in their city.
calindu221 was saved by Legit's Portal of Entropy and was sent to Readiness. Essence and Legit couldn't kill him since he was in a different city, and the third person in their city, Onizuka, targeted Essence. Essence died, and Onizuka had 3 items at the start of round 5.
In Round 5, Nepycros killed iCalluHobo and gained the Eyes+Hands combo. ddevans96 killed Genuinous and picked up the Owl of Air and Shield of Aether. This would allow him to survive a lot longer, since he also had the Stones of Earth. calindu221 and Onizuka killed RavingRabbid, each picking up a Circle of Life.
In Round 8, Onizuka killed calindu221, and got a second Circle of Life, a Ring of Fire, and Stones of Earth. It would be almost impossible to kill him without the Cross of Light. Legit also killed calindu221, and obtained a Ring, Stones, Eyes, and a Circle. He was powerful, but not as powerful as Onizuka.
Legit killed nilsieboy in Round 10, picking up a Cross of Light and Shield of Aether.
At the start of Round 11, Legit and Onizuka were the strongest players in the game, each with 7 items. This was more than twice as many as anyone else. They were both very difficult to kill and could regenerate lost lives. Legit had the Cross of Light, however, which meant that he could break through Onizuka's extra lives.
By the end of Round 12, it was very difficult to stop Legit from winning. He had 3 extra lives, 2 from the Circle of Life and 1 from the Shield of Aether. He also had the Stones of Earth to give him immortality on odd-numbered rounds. With the Cross of Light and the Ring of Fire, Legit was able to kill the other remaining players until he was the only one left.
Somehow still around, somewhat

Offline RootRanger

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Re: Elimination by RootRanger https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28186.msg370606#msg370606
« Reply #85 on: July 24, 2011, 03:11:59 am »
These are all optional, but it would be very helpful to me if all of the players would answer as many as they can.

1.) Would you play again? If not, why would you not like to play?

2.) When would you want the game to start again? (immediately, in a few weeks, in a few months, etc.) Are you interested in hosting?

3.) Are the rules unclear? Are there situations that could occur that the rules do not cover? Which parts of the rules need to be changed or improved?

4.) Were any of the items too powerful or not powerful enough? How should the imbalanced items be changed?

5.) Are there any other problems with the game? Do you have any other comments or suggestions?
Somehow still around, somewhat

Offline Onizuka

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Re: Elimination by RootRanger https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28186.msg370610#msg370610
« Reply #86 on: July 24, 2011, 03:27:07 am »
1) Play again
2) Soon, after items are rebalanced. Rather play than host, but will if no one else is interested
a So much with the Orb. Orb not freezing the effects of items is the main concern.
b Ties in with a. Item "priority". What happens before and after. Like the orb freezes before the portal teleports. Or the gravy shield still works when they're frozen. Even though all actions happen at the end of the round, they have priorities on when they activate. Needs to be clear.
4) Holy Light=Massive OPness. Negating others protection is horrible. Negating essentially all items in the game=bad. No "real" UP items. I'd like the Orb to stop the affect of Gravy shield, as its the only real hard counter this game has. (2 people, with one with Orb and other with Gravy shield. Orb person can never kill the gravy shield person.) Each works well for what it does. I want this item completely changed. Possibly to something that lets you see who targets you each round. I like items that don't directly affect the game.
You're just as selfish as I am. You're just not as good at it yet.

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Re: Elimination by RootRanger https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28186.msg370650#msg370650
« Reply #87 on: July 24, 2011, 05:14:31 am »
Quote from: RootRanger link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28186.msg396390#msg396390 date=1311477119
1.) Would you play again? If not, why would you not like to play?
Yes, I would play again :)

2.) When would you want the game to start again? (immediately, in a few weeks, in a few months, etc.) Are you interested in hosting?
From a couple of weeks up to a couple of months. I would be interested in hosting this at some point, and would probably prefer the paperwork.

4.) Were any of the items too powerful or not powerful enough? How should the imbalanced items be changed?
I think the Cross and the Stones are very powerful items. I am unsure how to change the Cross, but I would like to see the Stones could come into on even rounds instead of odd rounds, to disallow the first turn immunity with them alone.

5.) Are there any other problems with the game? Do you have any other comments or suggestions?
I would suggest a definite priority for item effects.
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Re: Elimination by RootRanger https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28186.msg370654#msg370654
« Reply #88 on: July 24, 2011, 05:21:14 am »
Quote from: ddevans96 link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28186.msg396436#msg396436 date=1311484471
Quote from: RootRanger link=topic=http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28186.msg396390#msg396390 date=1311477119
1.) Would you play again? If not, why would you not like to play?
Yes, I would play again :)

2.) When would you want the game to start again? (immediately, in a few weeks, in a few months, etc.) Are you interested in hosting?
From a couple of weeks up to a couple of months. I would not be interested in hosting this at some point.

4.) Were any of the items too powerful or not powerful enough? How should the imbalanced items be changed?
I think the Cross and the Stones are very powerful items. I am unsure how to change the Cross, but I would like to see the Stones could come into on even rounds instead of odd rounds, to disallow the first turn immunity with them alone.

5.) Are there any other problems with the game? Do you have any other comments or suggestions?
I would suggest a definite priority for item effects.
All I have to say.
Perception is the source of misunderstanding.

Why, yes. I do have a Mindgate necklace. It's how I ninja everyone.

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Re: Elimination by RootRanger https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28186.msg370896#msg370896
« Reply #89 on: July 24, 2011, 09:18:11 pm »
Regarding item priority:

Current cross of Light>Orb of Wadurr>[Items relating to attacks/movement/possibly gathering info]

Current cross of Light>Cloak of Darkness>Owl of Air=Eyes of Death=Hands of Time

Current cross of Light>Circle of Life=Shield of Aether(With +lives remaining)>Ring of Fire

Owl of Air>Orb of Entropy

Orb of Wadurr should freeze item effects. It makes sense as if the player is frozen, they should not be able to do anything.
This eliminates the hard counter that gravy has towards orb of wadurr. It also freezes Orb of Entropy people in their city from moving.
Ofc Protection from cloak overrides city/player seekers
Extra lives should protect against instantkill from RoF
Owl of Air should act after the Orb of Entropy activates, showing where the orber went. A flying owl should be able to find where a person traveled.

Stones should be nurfed to even rounds. All it does is remove first round protection and decrease its total round protection by 1 compared to the old one.

You're just as selfish as I am. You're just not as good at it yet.

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Re: Elimination by RootRanger https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28186.msg371453#msg371453
« Reply #90 on: July 25, 2011, 11:40:13 pm »
1, Of course! :)
2, Couple of weeks
3, They are clear for me.

