In a world where mankind has almost left us, few still live. These men must fight for survival, otherwise they shall be killed. Some men have gone crazy with power, while some hide and hope for the best.
This game will be a map, a 10x10 grid.
There is a maximum of 8 players.
Object of the game : Be the last man standing
How to play :
Each player starts on a different square of the map with 10 health. there are trap doors-which make you lose one health, portals-which teleport you to another portal, and normal squares-nothing special. every player will see every adjacent square to them, but will not see trap doors. whenever you lose one health, you will spawn at the nearest portal. when you reach zero health, you are dead- and out of the game. Every player starts with their fists.
Each turn, every player will pm me(aigel) to take an action.
The actions consist of :
Walking-north,south,east, or west.
Attacking : gun, axe, fist
And Blocking : block
Walking : you walk-north south east or west on the map.
Gun : range 3 squares, deals 2 damage
Axe : range 1 square, deals 3 damage
Fist : range 1 square, deals 1 damage
Block : block one damage
There are 4 different special items you can pick up, and 3 normal ones.
The four special items are :
The feet of the rabbit : you can move two squares per turn.
The potion of life : gain 5 extra health.
The brain of a rat : can see the traps that are near you.
The bottle of venom : every time you attack, equip a poison counter- (who ever has a poison counter on them takes one damage per turn)
The three normal items are :
The Axe
The Gun
The shield : whenever you block the person your blocking takes one damage.