I suggest marking spots where players are with a 'P' so it is easy to see where close players are. A lot easier than cross-referecing the map with the whole list of players.
I'm afraid I can't do that - adding a 'P' to the tile would instead cover up the original letter designating what type of tile it is (X, O, ., etc.), unless I make it so that the code looks up the tile if it has a letter or symbol associated with it, but even then, I don't want to make things any more complicated...
Alternatively, Border function.
Using this as a temporary method if someone can help me do the above correctly instead.
Submachine and I form team Red Hot Coffee Machines. (can be abbreviated to RHCM or RHCP)
You're still going to be known as 'Team Red' on the main page.

AD TienzuStorm, qwerter and I form Team DodgerBlue.
I can confirm.
Also added.
Do we have to announce our teams
You -ABSOLUTELY MUST- announce your teams publicly. Trying to do otherwise will not let you gain any team bonuses, whether by relic bonuses or the required win amounts. If you try to secretly form an alliance after one or more players gets more than 4 relics for example, I will immediately void that merging and the alliance will not occur. Colors will be given to players once they create a team (no exceptions - makes it easier for me to distinguish things via color).
MAJOR EDIT: Players can now find where one or more players are by the location of a 'P'. P's do not effect what color or type of tile they're on, so if you see a 'P' it means at least one person is on there.