I really like the lore Kuro, you're doing great job writing this stuff, I really enjoy it! 
Well, my lore was pretty crappy at first, but I've been spicing it up as of late because GHOSTZ.

When a second ghost disappears after a kill, where can the new ghost spawn and how much control do I have over choosing the spawn point?
When a new ghost spawns, but the turn is not yet over, can the ghost instantly move that turn, potentially chasing other players?
I shall post these answers in the thread shortly.

When a new ghost spawns, it always spawns to the nearest 'corner 'L' wall' found in the quadrants of the map. So if the ghost kills a player on say, H7, and a new ghost is to be spawned, it'll be spawned in the corner wall to the northwest (specifically on the '#' wall tile that doesn't rotate).
Sadly no, when the new ghost spawns, it must wait for the next day to move. This might change however if the map remains static. >_>