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Re: Quest of the Frozen North Part 1: Curse of the Nymphs by Guolin https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12488.msg162763#msg162763
« Reply #252 on: September 22, 2010, 03:52:34 am »
IC: Nordal bowed to Natir and the mercenaries once again, then retraced the path to his room. Once he returned, he pulled out his map and looked how to get to the nymphs ruins. Afterward he prepared by detaching the cap of his staff, and pulling his bow out to string it. After this was done, he checked the map again as a precaution and removed his katanas to lighten himself.

As a last second idea, Nordal pulled something out of his pack and tucked it inside his cloak while climbing out the window and up onto the roof. From there, he made his way from rooftop to rooftop, all the way to the nymph's ruins. There were a collection of irregularly placed structures with, for Nordal, unknown purposes. On the other side of these, was a cave mouth.

Now, time to prepare for tomorrow, he thought, as he took out the items he had placed in his cloak's inner pocket. It was a pencil and paper, which he subsequently used to sketch the layout of the ruins, in case he needed a defensible position tomorrow. Luckily it was a clear and moonlit night, otherwise his trip may have been useless. Moving from roof to roof to get various vantage points, he soon had an adequate map of the area. I wish I could see inside that cave, but I suppose that will have to wait until tomorrow.

Returning to his room, Nordal lay down to sleep, dreaming of the next day's adventures...

OOC: Feel free to wake him up with the maid for your next post, I had nothing in mind for the morning, and after being up that much later he would presumably sleep in unless he was interrupted.


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Re: Quest of the Frozen North Part 1: Curse of the Nymphs by Guolin https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12488.msg163162#msg163162
« Reply #253 on: September 22, 2010, 10:27:32 pm »
Okay, I'm going to let some of the newer players catch up. I'll start Day 2 once everyone gets to sleep.

IC at killsdazombies. IC:

"We may have some swords in the armory back there. You should rest after you've done what you need to do. We have living quarters upstairs, and it's going to be a big day tomorrow."


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Re: Quest of the Frozen North Part 1: Curse of the Nymphs by Guolin https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12488.msg163178#msg163178
« Reply #254 on: September 22, 2010, 10:48:51 pm »
IC at bigbadbanana. IC:

"Most certainly. Our military Rustlers enjoy the sunlight until they are ready to fight in a squadron. Thanks to the efforts of the Atlaentici Church, we've been able to create artificial light that works just as well as sunlight. Wait...Leanilia said one of them jolly adventurers would come here from the mainland. Could you be that traveler?" The elemental smiled in anticipation.
"Yes, that is me," Faldaunia replies with a smile just as big."Oh! I forgot to mention my guards! This is Iggy, Erin, Jojo, Warren, Leafling, Photonian, and Chloro," she says while individually pointing out each.
OOC: You don't get guards yet. See those military rustlers? You'll be given those shortly as your guards. xD On the other hand, if the guards you said were your summoned creatures, you'll have to make them temporary - AKA they'll leave after a while, escaping to a life of luxury in the Greenhouse, perhaps.
((Mmmkay then.))
"Yes, that is me," Faldaunia replies with a smile just as big. Curiously, she asks, " Did Leanilia say anything about me?"


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Re: Quest of the Frozen North Part 1: Curse of the Nymphs by Guolin https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12488.msg163181#msg163181
« Reply #255 on: September 22, 2010, 10:52:47 pm »
IC at BBB. IC:

"I believe you mean your master?"


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Re: Quest of the Frozen North Part 1: Curse of the Nymphs by Guolin https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12488.msg163195#msg163195
« Reply #256 on: September 22, 2010, 11:25:24 pm »
IC at Terroking. IC:

Ah, the feeling of a new world. The ferry finally made it to the Northeast Port of Atlantis, a beautiful city of gold. With his greatsword and diamond shield on his back, Samuel Vimes walked off the ferry and onto the streets of Atlantis. He felt uneasy, though. There was no land supporting Atlantis. It was not connected to the earth.

However, Samuel recalled a place called "Earth on Water", a sector of Artificial Earth. Not only will Samuel probably feel better there, but he'll also find fellow Earth elementals there.


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Re: Quest of the Frozen North Part 1: Curse of the Nymphs by Guolin https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12488.msg163199#msg163199
« Reply #257 on: September 22, 2010, 11:28:10 pm »
IC at Toimu. IC:

Up ahead was the land of Atlantis. Mog had "persuaded" a Toadfish to carry him here. But wait! The streets were paved with magic metal...this is disturbing. Mog will have to keep his visit short.

They say that there is a cemetary around here where friends gathered. A place where they breeded vultures and recruited Skeletons.

OOC: Here's a map of Atlantis for those that haven't seen it yet:

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Re: Quest of the Frozen North Part 1: Curse of the Nymphs by Guolin https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12488.msg163261#msg163261
« Reply #258 on: September 23, 2010, 12:50:37 am »
IC at Toimu. IC:

Up ahead was the land of Atlantis. Mog had "persuaded" a Toadfish to carry him here. But wait! The streets were paved with magic metal...this is disturbing. Mog will have to keep his visit short.

They say that there is a cemetery around here where friends gathered. A place where they breed vultures and recruited Skeletons.
((OOC:  Summary:
Location: Overseas Cemetery
To-Do List: Get troops
Notes: Have met with the Death Ambassador to Atlantis, briefed on the situation, and waiting for Day 2.))


After the Toadfish had carried Mog close to the shore, he plunged a small knife into the back of its’ head.  Mog then dragged the corpse onto the shore and started butchering it.  He found the sack of poison in the Toadfishes head, some people had asked Mog to make poisons for applying to the blades of hunting tools.  He didn’t understand this at all.  The poison took too long to kill, and then you couldn’t eat the meat.  Mog flicked the sack of poison back into the water, then washed his hands and tools just for good measure.  The next thing he noticed was plants couldn’t grow in this magic rock ((OOC: metal)) that was the ground.  So no fire to cook with…  He started cutting off slabs of meat from the Toadfish, applying some spices and herbs, and eating the meat raw.

About half way threw his meal, some Skeletons in shinny magic rock cloths walked up to him.  Mog smiled happily up at them.  They looked in disgust back at Mog.  “What are you doing here peasant!” the Skeleton with the most shinny cloths yelled.  ‘Eating’ was all Mog said in return between mouth-fulls. “You’ll have to come with us; we will see what Herr Ambassador as to say about this.”  ‘Clean first’ was the only reply.  Mog striped down and bathed in the water, paying special attention to his face, hands, privets, and feet.  He pulled fresh, but just as poor and ratted looking, cloths out of his pack and put them on.  Mog then shrugged on his pack and followed them, or tried to, they surround him.  As they walked, Mog thought it was funny that they all walk so… funny.  The leader would also say “Left…. Left…. Left…. Right!” now and then.

The Ambassador was the person in-charge of the Overseas Cemetery, but he didn’t look old enough to be an elder.  The Ambassador was an extremely energetic person!  He spoke extremely fast, and pulled Mog into a large room with colors on the wall.  Mog started eating some plants, but then found out they weren’t for eating, only looking at.  The Ambassador had some food brought in.  Mog kept eating all the food that was brought in, until The Ambassador told they to stop bringing in food.  It seemed this Mog would eat until his stomach exploded if he was able!  The Ambassador started talking about alliances, betrayals, missions, and calling him the Savior of Death.  Mog chuckled at the Savior of Death, how can you save something that is dead?  Hehe  Wait… a… minute… The Ambassador was calling Mog the Savior of Death, but Mog had killed many things. ‘But I just killed a Toadfish’ Mog said sadly, how could he be the Savior of Death if he killed stuff to eat it?  The Ambassador looked very confused, WTF was this guy talking about?  O-well, the king said he was sending a Death Druid to help out with this plague, and here he is.

“Show Mog to his quarters, he will pick out his troops for the mission in the morning.”  A new Skeleton, this one wearing soft looking animal skin, lead Mog down a few halls and into a large room.  “This will be your quarters Herr Mog,” the Skeleton did a smart about-face, and marched off.  Mog had never seen such a large or soft bed before!  This must be a mistake, this is surely the Kings room…  But F*** it, they said it was mine.  It was a bit early for bed, what should I do until then?

((OOC: I need to study, I might add more before Day 2, but don't count on it.  600 words is plenty!))

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Re: Quest of the Frozen North Part 1: Curse of the Nymphs by Guolin https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12488.msg163277#msg163277
« Reply #259 on: September 23, 2010, 01:25:28 am »
"Well thats great, mind showing me some weapons? Also, do you have any idea where some... "Filth" might be located? I need to get started cleaning."


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Re: Quest of the Frozen North Part 1: Curse of the Nymphs by Guolin https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12488.msg163650#msg163650
« Reply #260 on: September 23, 2010, 09:09:29 pm »
IC at BBB. IC:

"I believe you mean your master?"
"Yeah," Faldaunia beams, but is slightly impatient now.


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Re: Quest of the Frozen North Part 1: Curse of the Nymphs by Guolin https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12488.msg163798#msg163798
« Reply #261 on: September 24, 2010, 12:21:32 am »
IC at Toimu. IC:

Up ahead was the land of Atlantis. Mog had "persuaded" a Toadfish to carry him here. But wait! The streets were paved with magic metal...this is disturbing. Mog will have to keep his visit short.

They say that there is a cemetery around here where friends gathered. A place where they breed vultures and recruited Skeletons.
((OOC:  Summary:
Location: Overseas Cemetery
To-Do List: Get troops
Notes: Have met with the Death Ambassador to Atlantis, briefed on the situation, and waiting for Day 2.))


After the Toadfish had carried Mog close to the shore, he plunged a small knife into the back of its’ head.  Mog then dragged the corpse onto the shore and started butchering it.  He found the sack of poison in the Toadfishes head, some people had asked Mog to make poisons for applying to the blades of hunting tools.  He didn’t understand this at all.  The poison took too long to kill, and then you couldn’t eat the meat.  Mog flicked the sack of poison back into the water, then washed his hands and tools just for good measure.  The next thing he noticed was plants couldn’t grow in this magic rock ((OOC: metal)) that was the ground.  So no fire to cook with…  He started cutting off slabs of meat from the Toadfish, applying some spices and herbs, and eating the meat raw.

About half way threw his meal, some Skeletons in shinny magic rock cloths walked up to him.  Mog smiled happily up at them.  They looked in disgust back at Mog.  “What are you doing here peasant!” the Skeleton with the most shinny cloths yelled.  ‘Eating’ was all Mog said in return between mouth-fulls. “You’ll have to come with us; we will see what Herr Ambassador as to say about this.”  ‘Clean first’ was the only reply.  Mog striped down and bathed in the water, paying special attention to his face, hands, privets, and feet.  He pulled fresh, but just as poor and ratted looking, cloths out of his pack and put them on.  Mog then shrugged on his pack and followed them, or tried to, they surround him.  As they walked, Mog thought it was funny that they all walk so… funny.  The leader would also say “Left…. Left…. Left…. Right!” now and then.

The Ambassador was the person in-charge of the Overseas Cemetery, but he didn’t look old enough to be an elder.  The Ambassador was an extremely energetic person!  He spoke extremely fast, and pulled Mog into a large room with colors on the wall.  Mog started eating some plants, but then found out they weren’t for eating, only looking at.  The Ambassador had some food brought in.  Mog kept eating all the food that was brought in, until The Ambassador told they to stop bringing in food.  It seemed this Mog would eat until his stomach exploded if he was able!  The Ambassador started talking about alliances, betrayals, missions, and calling him the Savior of Death.  Mog chuckled at the Savior of Death, how can you save something that is dead?  Hehe  Wait… a… minute… The Ambassador was calling Mog the Savior of Death, but Mog had killed many things. ‘But I just killed a Toadfish’ Mog said sadly, how could he be the Savior of Death if he killed stuff to eat it?  The Ambassador looked very confused, WTF was this guy talking about?  O-well, the king said he was sending a Death Druid to help out with this plague, and here he is.

“Show Mog to his quarters, he will pick out his troops for the mission in the morning.”  A new Skeleton, this one wearing soft looking animal skin, lead Mog down a few halls and into a large room.  “This will be your quarters Herr Mog,” the Skeleton did a smart about-face, and marched off.  Mog had never seen such a large or soft bed before!  This must be a mistake, this is surely the Kings room…  But F*** it, they said it was mine.  It was a bit early for bed, what should I do until then?

((OOC: I need to study, I might add more before Day 2, but don't count on it.  600 words is plenty!))
((You really rushed that one. ;) In fact, this will be my last IC post to you until bigbad and Terro get caught up to Day 2. I don't mind the excessive post - just don't get too excessive, and try to keep between 1-2 paragraphs as a guideline.))

IC: Just when Mog was about to lay back and relax, a servant came in with peeled grapes. Mog's face was pained with a huge grin...until the Skeleton started speaking. "Very sorry, this is not your room. Ambasaador want you in room next to this now." Mog had no choice but follow the skeleton into a much smaller room, but it was still pretty nice. The skeleton dropped off a small bowl of unpeeled grapes, too.

"Queen also said you need to prepare for an adventure into weird cave tomorrow. But sleep tight tonight, she said."


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Re: Quest of the Frozen North Part 1: Curse of the Nymphs by Guolin https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12488.msg163802#msg163802
« Reply #262 on: September 24, 2010, 12:24:50 am »
IC at killsdazombies. IC:

Even more irritated now, Sir Norii snapped, "Just go up there and ask someone, okay? Only ask me on what you need to do tomorrow."


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Re: Quest of the Frozen North Part 1: Curse of the Nymphs by Guolin https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=12488.msg163805#msg163805
« Reply #263 on: September 24, 2010, 12:26:37 am »
IC at bigbadbanana. IC:

"Indeed, yes, she did. Well, in that case, you should pick up some Rustlers to help you. We may also have some Battle Frogs around here too. Weapons are in the basement if you need any. If you need anything else, just ask me!"

