Bloody brilliant! For King, country and Father then.
He recalled his previous meetings with the Elder Light Mage Suriel and his orders.
"The Cathedral of the Archangel Lumi is a towering edifice positioned on your left when you exit the port."
"Wonderful! Should be hard to miss, Elder Suriel!"
Suriel had appeared saddened.
"Why this sarcastic attitude? One such as you should be pleased and proud to represent our kingdom and to lead its investigation."
"You know what I believe, Master."
"Ah yes, the Darkness folk. They must be responsible for everything, mustn't they?"
"Send one of the Novices, not an Adept like me. I should remain here, the son of Elderian, no less, to protect the kingdom. What if the entire event has been orchestrated by their Black Magic from the beginning?"
"And yet, what if it isn't? Son of Elderian, you must overcome your bias against Darkness..."
In any event, there it was; the ornate building of devotion with the Archangel Lumi on top. The figure of Heaven smiled at him benevolently, as if gracing him and his mission.