It was only this long that I could entertain the thought of being a witch. (a bewitching witch, for that matter. *flips blue hair*) University's only getting tougher from now on, which requires lot of attention, so I start narrowing my focus by closing Witch Game 5.
Spoiler for Some final remarks before the conclusion:
At first, I didn't expect the game to stretch out this long; I planned this game to have some easy to solve mysteries that doesn't require much thought (Eric's and Henry's mysteries) and some other silly, goofy stuff (balloon witch, Elizabeth seeing ghosts), but when we started off, I was bombed with such intensity that I felt the need to step up my game. After the difficulty was set though, new players were kinda scared away, then Eva and UTA became busy and had to go, leaving all responsibility to Fippe and Kuro. With such pressure, it could easily become less fun to find solutions, and if that's so, there's no need to do things the hard way. The majority of the story was already solved, so at least it doesn't go to waste.
It was fun to impersonate the witch at times, but I was not very good at it, because I kept giving away hints to speed up the game.

Despite that, I hope that I could grant you the challenge that thou were looking for.

The Full Solutions (almost in chronological order):Lucy's motivation:
The story picked up 20 years later after Witch Game 3 ended. The original Lucy died soon after the Witch Hotel massacre, but with that, the story was not over yet. Lucy had a family waiting for her at home: her husband Charles and her daughter Lucy Jr. They both heard the late Lucy's stories about her favorite hotel and how she would never let anything bad happen to that place. Soon after the massacre though, the prices of the land went down and a noble family purchased it to build their mansion on it. The hotel was demolished and this made younger Lucy furious. She vowed vengeance against the Blairfield family, because they destroyed everything that her mother died for. Goals: annihilate the Blairfield family and make it look like her mother's curse, who came back to life as a witch, all during the anniversary of the incident.
7. When you attempted to exit the mansion, you bumped into a witch who called herself Lucy. She was levitating and used her powers to bind you with invisible chains, preventing you from moving. Before that, she tricked you into grasping a murder weapon in an attempt to frame you. After a small conversation, she used teleportation and disappeared from the room.
Who you saw in the kitchen was actually just an elaborate balloon that was made to look like Lucy. Lucy was talking to you through speakers and the balloon was moving forward with propellers. When a signal was sent by Lucy with a remote control, the balloon popped, giving the illusion of teleportation.
The reason why you couldn't move was because Charles practised hypnosis on you for years, and as a result, you became immobile whenever you heard a special initiative phrase ("What did you plan to do with those knives?"). Lucy knew this and used this knowledge to immobilize you. The hypnosis broke when you heard the hypnosis-breaking phrase ("Is everything alright?").Spoiler for Witch comments:
Knowing that Sir Donovan frequently visited noble familias for business, it became handy for Lucy that her father was working for him. Charles knew that Lucy wanted to take vengeance, but he was not aware of Lucy's murderous intentions. Because of this, Charles helped Lucy in any way he could: he practised hypnosis on Donovan for years, then when the time came, he also helped Lucy sneak in the Blairfield territory by hiding her in his car's trunk.
Lucy got her "doppelganger" balloon as an expensive birthday present from her father. It was later teched up so it can move mid-air and also selfdestruct if needed. This balloon mystery was actually the first mystery I thought about when I started putting WG5 together. When Eva told Kuro in WG4 that the game's focus is on disproving magic and not on creating murder mysteries, I thought that I should create a mystery where there is no murder, just straight up magic that needs to be disproved. And thus, mystery 7 was born.
I know that some of you found this mystery to be goofy or silly, but it was a unique attempt, so I didn't want to leave it out of the game. ^^"
Spoiler for Inspirations:
The teleportation part was inspired by
Chapter 632 of the Detective Conan manga: Instant Movement. The mystery was different there, but I really liked the theatrical attitude of the "teleporting" character, so I copied some of his dialogues.
There was no direct inspiration for the other parts, I just came up with them after looking for mysteries that didn't include murder.
1. Simon Blairfield, the landlord of the Blairfield estate died inside his office. The office door was locked, so Alfred the butler brought his own masterkey to open the office door for you. When you looked inside, you saw Simon's body fallen on his desk. His wife, Natalie Blairfield ran up to him to check if he's alive then you checked it too just to be sure.
When lady Natalie opened the door to Simon's office, Simon was still alive, just exhausted from overnight work. Natalie then quickly ran up to him and stabbed Simon with a very small, poisonous needle in various vital points, which caused instant death. However, it wasn't Natalie who did all that, but Lucy, cleverly disguised as Natalie.Spoiler for Witch comments:
Didn't see that one coming. Or did you? Eva almost solved it while we were still on the first page, but he didn't go that extra mile to say that it was not Natalie who we saw running up to Simon.
-The murderer entered the room with us, then killed Simon while we were in the room. Specifically, Natalie had the opportunity to kill Simon before we personally checked his pulse.
This truth was so specific though, that I needed 2 red truths to counter only this one: one that said that there were no other people in the room than who we saw entering, and another telling that it was not Natalie who killed Simon. To help the players a bit, I hinted in the story that when "Natalie" woke you up, she was not acting like before. Also, later after the fake Natalie left to call the police, the real Natalie returned and said that she didn't call them.
During the night before the fire, Lucy's insider assistant let her in the mansion. While Natalie was sleeping, Lucy used Natalie's clothes and make-up to disguise herself. This way she could freely walk around the mansion next day without anyone catching suspicion. Not only that, but Lucy was also a blessed voice actor, so she could also impersonate her. Lucy knew from her assistant that Natalie likes to sleep in, so all she needed to do was to set up everything way before she woke up: she set the chapel on fire, ordered the maids and personnel to leave the mansion and gather water barrels, used Natalie's guestroom keys to let you out of your room and all the other stuff that you read in the story.
2. Stanley Grueber, the famous director was found dead in his guestroom. The door was once again locked when you tried to enter, so lady Natalie opened the door for you with her guestroom key.
(Solved!)Stanley and Tina were dating in the past, so Tina had Stanley's cellphone number. After she set up a (Remington) Sniper Rifle stand on a second floor balcony, she called Stanley on his phone that she is going to jump off the building from above his room. Stanley quickly stood on his bench to lean out his window, hoping that he could dissuade Tina from suicide, but instead as soon as Stanley's head was out of the window, Tina shot him and his dead body fell back to his room, down the bench and back to the floor. The window then closed itself.Spoiler for Inspirations:
As I already mentioned
in this post, the inspiration came from another Detective Conan episode. The original episode was not a big deal, but the mystery itself was so controversial, that I remembered this episode for years. Now I could finally fix its problem.
4. Duke Henry Blairfield, the son of Simon of Natalie was found dead inside a locked room on the second floor of the mansion's B-wing. His throat was sliced and he had a sword in his hand. Before you found his body, a servant (Pablo) and a maid (Elizabeth) outside the room claimed to have witnessed a ghost entering the door, that's why lady Natalie opened it for you.
Henry caught Tina in a second floor room with the stolen weapons. Henry found the scenario very suspicious, so he grabbed one of the swords from a sword display and attacked Tina. Tina was badly wounded, but she could reach for the other sword and cut Henry's throat. She then grabbed all the weapons and keys in the room and jumped off the balcony. Before she died, she could use the hand grenades and water barrels to free Lucy. Lucy tried to comfort her, but Tina died in her arms. To remove all evidence, all the remaining weapons and Tina's dead body were dragged into the chapel fire.
Later when Natalie, Sir Donovan, the maids and the servants gathered in front of the room where Henry died, Pablo started molesting Elizabeth who screamed in surprise. To hide her embarrassment, she lied that she screamed because of a ghost. Pablo confirmed the lie to hide his intentions.Spoiler for Witch comments:
As we learned from Stanley's case, Tina stole all sorts of military weapons and set them up in a second floor room. After Stanley was shot with the Remington rifle, Tina started to pack and hide the weaponry. Meanwhile though, Henry was looking for people through the mansion, and when she got to the room where Tina was hiding, he opened it with his own key and found Tina with the stolen weapons. During their sword fight, Tina was badly but not lethally wounded. Tina thought that it was lethal though, so she was ready to sacrifice her life to save Lucy. She knew that Lucy was stuck in the chapel fire, because Lucy called her on her cellphone. Lucy tried to dissuade Tina from jumping down the balcony, but she already made her decision. After the jump, Tina was agonizing in pain, but she was still able to throw the hand grenades and push over the barrels with her last strength (oh, by the way the chapel was right under balcony, so Tina didn't need to crawl much). When Lucy dragged her dead body in the chapel fire, she didn't know that Tina had Alfred's masterkey, so the key was left to burn in the fire.
About Elizabeth, we already knew from the story that she was a seductive persona. This is the reason why Pablo decided to take a chance with her on the second floor.
3. Alfred the butler was found inside the burning chapel in the middle of a fire, pinned on the Jesus Crucifix. You and Natalie saw the crucified body through the inner chapel entrance. The fire spread out very far and the garden-side door was locked.
(Solved!)Before Lucy got to the chapel, Alfred told the maid he was with to help the others who were bringing water to extinguish the fire. Because Alfred was alone, Lucy was able to knock out and crucify him while the fire did not spread much. She then took all keys from Alfred and locked the garden-side door. She then went upstairs, put Alfred's masterkey in front of a second floor room and then returned to the chapel. She then proceeded to stab the butler with a knife, but she didn't notice that the fire spread too much for her to exit. When she heard that you and Natalie are approaching, she hid inside one of the Confessionals. After you and Natalie left, Tina destroyed the garden-side door via hand grenades and used the water barrels to put out the surrounding fires so that Lucy can escape.5 & 6. After you separated from the group, you found 2 dead bodies inside separate locked rooms on the A-wing's first floor. The lights were out, so you had a hard time to recognize the bodies, but you identified them as Eric and Tina, who were reported missing earlier. These rooms had transparent windows, that's how you could spot the dead bodies inside. The room where Eric died was labeled Surveillance Camera Room and you could see a key next to Eric's body.
(Solved!) (Solved!)5.
Lucy used one of the keys to the surveillance room to unlock the room's door, entered the room, then locked the door from the inside. By the time this happened, Alfred regained his consciousness and escaped the chapel too. After he received a new key from Simon's office, he heard Eric's scream from upstairs. Alfred hurried up to see what happened and unlocked the door with his new masterkey. But when he opened the door, Eric was already killed by Lucy. Later Lucy could steal Alfred's masterkey to close the surveillance room's door from the outside. Lucy dropped the room's original key on the floor as a distraction.6.
After Alfred unintentionally freed Lucy from the Surveillance Camera Room, he ran away and locked himself in another room on the same floor. Lucy went back to the Camera Room, shut down the electricity, returned to the room where Alfred was hiding and pretended that she went to chase someone else. But in reality, she crawled under the room's window and waited until Alfred came close to inspect the hallway. Lucy then jumpscared Alfred by showing herself through the window in the dark (his 2 biggest fears were darkness and witches). This reminded Alfred of his old times in the inquisition and his heart problems returned. He also started to feel intense pain from his wounds on the cross, so eventually he dropped his masterkey. While Alfred was busy with taking his medicine, Lucy reached in for the masterkey through a small hole, retrieved the key, unlocked the door, entered the room, killed Alfred, left the room, and locked the door from the outside. Later when you found the butler, you assumed that you found Tina.
TL;DR: And that's all I had planned for this game. I still had some
unused stuff and I still had some tricks up my sleeves, but I ran out of all my time to show them. The Fifth witch now ceremonically gives the right to Fippe94 to choose the Sixth one (or Seventh, if we consider this as a legit game:'s-game-6-the-epic-finale/).
edit: inb4 "OMG Orange truths! The witch didn't reply to us in red, it's all fake~" :V