
Offline shockcannonTopic starter

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Puzzle Plight - by shockcannon https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67211.msg1290180#msg1290180
« on: May 31, 2019, 02:45:30 am »
Puzzle Plight

Started by The Galaxy’s Best Elements Player

Set Up

1.) There will be two teams: The Noobs and The Shocks (# of each team will vary on players but roughly a 4:1 ratio)
2.) The game organizer will select a single compound word. (Correct Example: moonlight). If you are unsure of what a compound word is, look it up.
3.) Half of The Noobs will get one half of the compound word and the other half of The Noobs will get the other half. If there are 6 Noobs, 3 would receive the word moon and 3 would receive the word light (using moonlight as the example compound word). These words will be Private Messaged secretly to each player.
4.) The Shocks receive no word and are instead notified that they are Shocks via PM. The Shocks will know who each other are but will NOT be allowed to communicate with each other privately once Round 1 has begun. The Shocks WILL be able to communicate privately beforehand to strategize but NOT once the game has begun (which is when Round 1 starts).

How To Win

1.) The Noobs will win when all The Shocks are devoured.
2.) The Shocks will win when one Shock correctly guesses the compound word or when there are an equal number of Noobs and Shocks remaining.
3.) Devouring is the only way to eliminate a player.
4.) Roles will be revealed when a person is devoured.
5.) At the end of reach round, players will vote on who to sacrifice to the Mighty Otyugh.
6.) At any time a Shock may announce that he/she wishes to guess the compound word. If the player guesses correctly, The Shocks win, but if the player guesses incorrectly then that player will immediately be eliminated without affecting the devour for that round.
7.) Last Stand: One time per game, if a Shock gets devoured, that player is allowed one chance to guess the compound word even though they have just been devoured. If this ability has been used already and the last Shock is devoured, The Noobs win.


1.) Gameplay will occur through a series of rounds.
2.) During a round, every person will say a single word. Proper nouns are allowed (such as a name or location) but they must remain a single word. This word can be anything, even part of the compound word or the whole compound word itself. Although the word you say can be anything, it is highly recommended that this word relates to the half of the compound word you received. This is how you identify other Noobs while pinpointing The Shocks. The Shocks will have to use words said by other players to try and blend in while biding their time to figure out the whole compound word.
3.) To simulate an order in which players say their words one by one, every player will be given a temporary number (for example: 1-15 for a 15 player game). These numbers will represent an order, but the order is more like a circle such that 15 goes back to 1. The Shocks will then privately tell the game organizer which player will start and what direction the order will go. At this point, the numbers will be reorganized to more easily visualize the order.
4.) Each round will use the same order originally chosen by The Shocks at the start of the game. Each round will also be broken up into phases.
5.) Phase 1 consists of all The Noobs sending in their words to the game organizer.
6.) Phase 2 consists of each Shock being allowed to see only the words of the people who go before them in order, including other Shocks. They will then have to send in a word of their own.
7.) After a round of word giving is completed, the entire list of words and who said each word will be revealed publicly in the same order of the players. At this point in time, a period will be given to discussion. Players are free to discuss with each other and when time is up, players will vote on one person to be devoured. The Shocks are not allowed to privately chat or PM with each other during this period.
8.) After the devour, another round of word giving is allowed.
9.) After 4 rounds of word giving, players may vote to no longer have further word giving rounds, relying only on the words from the first 4 rounds to determine The Shocks. This will give The Shocks less words to go off, but also provide The Noobs with less words to distinguish players. This vote will be anonymous.
10.) Words given may not be repeated again. If two or more players provide the same word in a round, I will ask the players that occur later in the order to provide me with a new word. I will show them the list of already given words so they don't accidently pick a new one. This process should hopefully be the fastest way to have simulate people giving unique words in order while reducing the amount of PMs and time it takes for a round to occur.
11.) Encrypted or Hidden Messages are not allowed. The word you give is your way of sending everyone else a message that you are a Noob without giving away the full compound word. Words can be anything as long as they are real words and they are only a single word. No hiding messages in discussion posts or modkill will result. If you think you can get away with it goodluck!

Discussion is only allowed in thread. The exception is PMs between Shocks before Round 1 or if one of the variants has been selected.

Extraneous Rules To Cover All Bases
- Again no talking in codes.
- Again no hidden messages in posts
- When giving a word for a round, only alphabetical letters are allowed. No numbers or emojis
- Words given must be a singular word and must be a real word. Slang is allowed if it is a single word and at least somewhat close to a real word. ("lol" is NOT acceptable)
- I can't stop people from looking up words especially in case their English vocabulary is limited, but PLEASE PLEASE try not look at compound words lists online. That takes the fun away from the game.

Guessing a Word
When choosing to guess a word please use the following format:

I reveal as Shock. I guess that the word is _________.

If a Noob pretends to be a Shock and guesses the word, they will be instantly sacrificed to the Mighty Otyugh, as the Mighty Otyugh doesn't like secrets being leaked. In addition, this will cause Noobs to lose their ability to vote for that phase. Any guessing that does not use this format, or some very close variant of it, will not be considered a guess and will be ignored.

Same format as mafia, except that voting at the end of the timer will NOT reset the timer. Additionally, if the leading vote is only 1 vote, the player/players with only 1 vote cannot be devoured. Sacrificing to the Mighty Otyugh requires at least 2 votes.

shockcannon (1) - NoobRanger
Manual (4) - DANIIIIIIIIII, TheNumerousAndAnnoyingFakeHam, ReadyPlayerOa, Nubian

Potential Variants

The following variants may be used in future games or the first game if people have issues with the above ruleset. Additionally, feel free to comment if you think one of the above rules hinders the enjoyment factor of this game.

1.) Advanced Comms - The Shocks are allowed to privately communicate with each other throughout the discussion period.
2.) Silent but Deadly - Word giving will consist of 3 rounds only, and after the 3rd round the game will continuously cycle between lynching and discussion.
3.) Unbalanced - The compound word is not equally split between The Noobs. For example, with 7 Noobs, 5 might get one half of the word and only 2 the other half.
4.) New Abilities - Equip players with special one time use abilities, such as having your vote count twice.
5.) Back From the Dead - Devoured players are still allowed to give a word in subsequent rounds (this is a complex rule that should only be used with experienced players).
6.) Cremation - The roles of dead players are NOT revealed.
7.) Stutter - Words that are repeated in the same round will remain and Shocks are allowed to repeat words that Noobs before them send in.
8a.) Chatterbox - Chatting in chat is allowed. Chat logs must be posted.
8b.) Gossiper - Chat logs do not need to be posted.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2019, 03:58:47 pm by shockcannon »
You are what you eat from your head to your feet

Offline shockcannonTopic starter

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Re: Puzzle Plight - by shockcannon https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67211.msg1290182#msg1290182
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2019, 02:48:15 am »
Spoiler for example set up and round 1:
Compound word = moonlight
Original List: (S=Shock, N=Noob, words next to noobs are words given originally)
1.) SlightlySignificantWeeb - N, moon
2.) R2D2D - S
3.) BBBomboCreator - N, moon
4.) Sir Prex - N, light
5.) Chemistry4HerTeen - S
6.) VineRose - N, moon
7.) whiningwhyingwambulance3 - N, light
8.) Slave_Lexi'sCounterPart - N, light

R2D2D and Chemistry4HerTeen decide to start with VineRose and move down the list. Each Noob comes up with a word to send in to the moderator.

New List:
1.) VineRose - N, stars
2.) whiningwhyingwambulance3 - N, miracle
3.) Slave_Lexi'sCounterPart - N, dark
4.) SlightlySignificantWeeb - N, cheese
5.) R2D2D - S
6.) BBBomboCreator - N, round
7.) Sir Prex - N, Mobian
8.) Chemistry4HerTeen - S

Step 1.) All Noobs send moderator their word.
Step 2.) R2D2D gets to see all the words that come before him before sending in his own word. (ex: stars, miracle, dark, cheese) These words will be in order
Step 3.) R2D2D sends in his word of "space."
Step 4.) Chemistry4HerTeen gets to see all the words that come before him. (ex: stars, miracle, dark, cheese, space, round, Mobian) These words will be in order and Chemistry4HerTeen will know what his partner sent in, although they are not allowed to communicate as round 1 has started with the word giving.
Step 5.) Chemistry4HerTeen sends in his word of "planet."
Step 6.) Moderator will release the final list of all players and the words they sent in.

Final List:
1.) VineRose - stars
2.) whiningwhyingwambulance3 - miracle
3.) Slave_Lexi'sCounterPart - dark
4.) SlightlySignificantWeeb - cheese
5.) R2D2D - space
6.) BBBomboCreator - round
7.) Sir Prex - Mobian
8.) Chemistry4HerTeen - planet

Discussion and Voting Begins.

Spoiler for sign up list:
Sign Up List
1.) Linkcat
2.) MasterWalks
3.) dawn to dusk
4.) serprex
5.) Submachine
6.) Naii_the_Baf
7.) Coffeeditto
8.) CrockettRocket
9.) moehrpi
10.) ddevans96
11.) Captain Scibra

Signups have ended.

Game starts
Word Sending 1
Voting 1
Word Sending 2
Voting 2
Word Sending 3
Voting 3
Word Sending 4
Voting 4

Official Order of Players for Puzzle Plight #1
1.) Coffeeditto
2.) CrockettRocket
3.) moehrpi - devoured R3 (Noob)
4.) ddevans96 - devoured R2 (Shock)
5.) Captain Scibra - mod killed R3 (Noob)
6.) Linkcat
7.) MasterWalks
8.) dawn to dusk
9.) serprex - mod killed R3 (Noob)
10.) Submachine
11.) Naii_the_Baf
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 08:11:18 pm by shockcannon »
You are what you eat from your head to your feet

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Re: Puzzle Plight - by shockcannon https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67211.msg1290183#msg1290183
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2019, 02:54:47 am »
Interested in running a Forum Game? PM me or drop by the Transfer Thread and we'll see what we can do.

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Re: Puzzle Plight - by shockcannon https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67211.msg1290184#msg1290184
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2019, 03:00:32 am »
This is one of the most narcissistic things I've ever read.

I'm in
« Last Edit: June 01, 2019, 08:13:29 pm by MasterWalks »
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Re: Puzzle Plight - by shockcannon https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67211.msg1290252#msg1290252
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2019, 11:10:26 am »
I am not drunk enough for this
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Re: Puzzle Plight - by shockcannon https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67211.msg1290258#msg1290258
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2019, 02:07:17 pm »

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Re: Puzzle Plight - by shockcannon https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67211.msg1290272#msg1290272
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2019, 08:09:25 pm »

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Re: Puzzle Plight - by shockcannon https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67211.msg1290399#msg1290399
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2019, 03:29:37 am »
FYI noob's pretty much just need to use https://www.devglan.com/online-tools/aes-encryption-decryption & suddenly shock's need to bring much more computational power to the table

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Re: Puzzle Plight - by shockcannon https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67211.msg1290404#msg1290404
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2019, 07:46:43 am »
In if shock updates the signup list today. :silly:
And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

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Re: Puzzle Plight - by shockcannon https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67211.msg1290453#msg1290453
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2019, 12:00:55 am »
Why not.

In, I guess.
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Re: Puzzle Plight - by shockcannon https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67211.msg1290454#msg1290454
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2019, 12:43:06 am »
I'll play and not be inactive

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Re: Puzzle Plight - by shockcannon https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67211.msg1290455#msg1290455
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2019, 01:28:56 am »
totally didn't mean to capitalize the other part of the compound word.
A world war? Am I invited?
Thanks to skotadi for saying this in chat. Made me laugh pretty hard, and fits with me not getting drafted. :silly:


blarg: Linkcat,MasterWalks,dawn to dusk,serprex,Submachine,Naii_the_Baf,Coffeeditto,CrockettRocket,moehrpi,ddevans96,Captain Scibra