
Offline DemagogTopic starter

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Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34818#msg34818
« on: March 07, 2010, 10:53:43 pm »
Ok so this is a variation on the other game I'm having yall help me test. It's the same setup as last time, 11x11, 4 players. What's different is that now instead of moving the center piece to your corner, you must move the colored dot in your corner onto the center piece. The catch is, you can move any piece! You can move the center, you can move your opponent's pieces, and your own of course. All pieces will have tails this time, but we will cap it at a length of five, except on the center piece, which has no cap, however it's length is determined by the round number. Also, the length of the center piece is only increased when the piece is moved. The length of the tail on everyone's pieces is always five, even when we start. The only time it is not at five lengths is before it has moved five places from its starting position, or if it has been jumped. Lastly regarding tails, just to keep everyone's tails separate, please use a mark symbol as your piece, and the tail as your color. The tail of the red piece will be maroon, as it is in the previous version.

Also, if you move your piece onto your opponent's piece, their piece goes to a corner of your choosing. Their tail goes with them. Also, if you "jump" a piece in this manner, be it your opponent's or your own, you get to move again (and remember, you can move any piece).

This version might get a little complicated with jumping and extra moves, so if you make a complicated (basically multiple) move, please write a short description of your move below the board. Otherwise, the same general posting format is suggested (Round #, Who will move next, Board, Description if necessary, and lastly conversation).

Pretty much all the rules are the same in this version as the original, except what has been "outlined" above. Again, I will allow two people per color in this one to make things faster.

Orange: Demagog // _______
Blue: icybreaker // Patrick
Yellow:Kamietsu // Terroking
Green: mafidufa // _______

Here is the original board:
:water   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :time
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :fire   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
:gravity   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :life

Now here is my move:

Round 1
Next move: Blue
:water   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :time
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :fire   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   :gravity   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :life

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Also, remember the posting format, and remember to preview your post to make sure you copied the board correctly. Also, it appears that when you do a mark symbol, it adds a space, so just make sure it's aligned properly.

Oh and if your text is huge, it means you didn't end the size html code for the board, so just add [/size] right after the board to fix it.

New Rules Here!
-If anyone somehow happens to get trapped by their tail in the corner, just decrease the length of your tail by 1 each turn until you can get out (you should be able to get out on your second turn, because the end of your tail will be next to you, so you can move there).
-When a person is jumped their tail is removed.
-When a person is jumped, they can be moved to any unoccupied corner. If no corner is available, place them as close to one as possible (I can't think of anything better).
-If the fire piece becomes trapped only by its own tail, remove the tail and place the piece at the center. If the center is occupied, place it as close as possible.


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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34820#msg34820
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2010, 10:58:55 pm »
Round 1
Next move: Yellow

:water   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :time
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :fire   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   :gravity   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :life

Offline Kamietsu

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34837#msg34837
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2010, 11:28:24 pm »
Round 1
Next move: Green

:water   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :time
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :fire   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   :gravity   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :life

╔╦╦═╦══╦╗  ( ̄ー ̄) --Snorlax says:
║═╣╬║║║║║    Eat your shower, brush your toothpaste, take your teeth.

Offline DemagogTopic starter

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34840#msg34840
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2010, 11:32:29 pm »
It's still round 1 Kami, so the red piece only has 1 tail length. The other pieces always have five unless they get jumped or when we start.


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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34841#msg34841
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2010, 11:34:30 pm »
Wayt whaaaat. I thought you said the :fire piece had no cap on tail length.

Offline Kamietsu

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34842#msg34842
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2010, 11:35:29 pm »
It's still round 1 Kami, so the red piece only has 1 tail length. The other pieces always have five unless they get jumped or when we start.
You should add that to the rule then because it's not anywhere written in this game.
╔╦╦═╦══╦╗  ( ̄ー ̄) --Snorlax says:
║═╣╬║║║║║    Eat your shower, brush your toothpaste, take your teeth.

Offline DemagogTopic starter

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34845#msg34845
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2010, 11:50:36 pm »
Sorry, I thought I said it, or it least implied it enough that yall would understand. My fault. It's now in the middle of the first paragraph.

Offline mafidufa

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34849#msg34849
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2010, 12:00:51 am »
Round 1
Next Move: Orange

:water   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :time
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :fire   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   :gravity   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●    :life   ●


Offline DemagogTopic starter

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34854#msg34854
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2010, 12:08:46 am »
Round 2
Next move: Blue

:water   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :time
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :fire   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   :gravity   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●    :life   ●

Ok new rule... the tail length of the red piece only increases when it's moved, so if you move it, make sure it is the same length as what round we are in. That way if someone happens to be at the location where the end of the tail just was when it comes time to increase the tail length, we know what to do. I'll add it to the rules now.

Also, Mafidufa, you can join in on Push Version 1 if you want (we'd appreciate it). The rules are a little different so be sure to read up lol... and make sure you make a move as green so we can complete the required 4 players... if you decide to play that one that is... :-)


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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34867#msg34867
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2010, 12:23:03 am »
Round 2
Next move: Yeller

●   :water   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :time
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   :fire   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   :gravity   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●
●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●   ●    :life   ●

Offline mafidufa

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34872#msg34872
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2010, 12:28:29 am »
OK I've joined version 1 as well. What is jumping? Is that when a dot gets trapped by its tail?

Offline DemagogTopic starter

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Re: Push Version 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3729.msg34874#msg34874
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2010, 12:35:03 am »
No, jumping is when you move your piece onto someone else's. Kinda like chess.

You do bring up a good point though about it becoming trapped. I thought there was no way to get trapped by your own tail, and there isn't, but if it's your tail and another tail, you can get trapped... If you do get trapped, you'll have to move other pieces until your piece is no longer trapped.

