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Re: Pipeworks II - by CleanOnion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #60 on: June 05, 2017, 11:02:53 pm »

Round 7

Spoiler for Pipeworks at the end of Round 6:


Two explosions punctuated today's events. How, why, and by whom remains to be determined. Fire and smoke decorate the Pipeworks, the latter of which is rapidly being sucked away by the ventilation system.

The Medics and Brewers appear to have declared war amongst themselves.

There was another electronic signal, however at risk of offending the hexadecimal gods by writing it in binary, here is the plaintext: SECRET BOX 2 OPENED. 3 REMAIN.

The food supply continues to dwindle.

As a side note, please do keep in mind that you're allowed to lie about pretty much anything in the game. Please do exploit this.

Faction inventories will take a while to update - apologies!

Weather report: It's hot!

Round 7 ends: Round 6 has ended.

Please PM any queries to myself and Naii_the_Baf.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 06:09:58 am by CleanOnion »

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Re: Pipeworks II - by CleanOnion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #61 on: June 06, 2017, 12:45:44 am »
If CO made an invisible NPC-faction detonate the bomb that devastated us I am going to riot, if another faction did it I am not much less upset. What happened to "Small chance to set any affected tiles on fire." anyway? (and yes I know it was bombs, because unpolluted tiles where still eradicated in a radius of 2). Cultists had it kinda bad too, but with a visible NPC-faction they could have seen it coming at least.
Medics should also have activated food production in Action 1 (this is crucial activating it later costs energy but gives less food) and considered deactivating ventilation. Our only powersource has an ~80% chance to be cut off this turn for an undetermined amount of time due to pollution and our food is on an alltime low. Unless someone sends us bricks -even if medics correct their course of action perfectly- we are all dead in 6 rounds. It doesnt help that they are a prime suspect for the detonation of the bomb, got extremely close to our territory, claiming at least 1 tile we also claimed that turn without coordinating it with us, and caused some trouble for the brewers and indirectly forced everyone to unally them by not explaining themselves on time. The explanation also isnt that convincing, no faction loosing items means that you didnt steal a non-NPC-factions' common property at least, but it might still have been a civilian just owning those goods. Also, wasnt it possible to you to just tranquilize her? You still killed a merely suspicious (perfectly healthy) person, I was hoping she'd have had some kind of deadly disease, so that keeping her away from the people at all costs was necessary. I am sorry, but thats just too many fishy things happening with your faction that dont put you in a good light. You being (at least formally) at odds with everyone and having the most influence and absolute control over the consoles could also easily escalate, too. I demand a few explanations!

Also anybody got an idea how to put out the fires? All I can think off is walling them off and with how far pollution has gotten this will be difficult.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2017, 12:50:44 am by kaempfer13 »
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Re: Pipeworks II - by CleanOnion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #62 on: June 06, 2017, 05:37:54 am »
Neither the Cultists or Brewers have any bricks.

With any luck, our fighting with the NPC faction will be over this round.

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Re: Pipeworks II - by CleanOnion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #63 on: June 06, 2017, 04:24:59 pm »
The Invaders have offered a ceasefire and alliance to us. We don't wish to fire back with our own bombs and do more damage to the Pipeworks, and having them take 1 territory from us each time we take one of theirs will lead us in circles and waste time.

We'll need the Scientists to send them an email on our behalf stating that we accept their offer of an alliance, if the Scientists are OK to spend an action on this, ideally action 1 in case they attack if they don't hear back.

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Re: Pipeworks II - by CleanOnion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #64 on: June 06, 2017, 04:35:22 pm »
The Invaders have offered a ceasefire and alliance to us. We don't wish to fire back with our own bombs and do more damage to the Pipeworks, and having them take 1 territory from us each time we take one of theirs will lead us in circles and waste time.

We'll need the Scientists to send them an email on our behalf stating that we accept their offer of an alliance, if the Scientists are OK to spend an action on this, ideally action 1 in case they attack if they don't hear back.

Don't mind saying I'm a scientist at this point.

While ordinarily we would be happy to help, have you seen the state of our board? Granted we haven't discussed this yet so I might be wrong, but we need to evaluate how to deal with this fire and the incredibly aggressive Medics first.
What can you offer us in return for this action, considering how much we need every action right now. Do you have a way for us to quench fire?

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Re: Pipeworks II - by CleanOnion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #65 on: June 06, 2017, 04:38:03 pm »
We have nothing to offer, we'll handle the situation ourselves without your help, but that requires the use of our Oxygen depleting nuke.

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Re: Pipeworks II - by CleanOnion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #66 on: June 06, 2017, 04:41:52 pm »
we'll see what we can do. will let you know (hopefully) in time to disarm nuke.
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Re: Pipeworks II - by CleanOnion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #67 on: June 06, 2017, 05:07:15 pm »
I believe it is possible that the Scientists were attacked by the same faction we're dealing with. They use Napalm bombs, we stole their blueprint for it. This seems likely to have high or certain chance of fires.

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Re: Pipeworks II - by CleanOnion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #68 on: June 06, 2017, 05:56:34 pm »
Mind you that even if they stick to a ceasefire, they may still go for the same tiles as you do, take items and bombs are a constant threat from them. Have they offered a ceasefire to all factions or just you?

I dont think NPC-factions have a different action process, this round they will continue as if its still war even if they get the e-mail right away.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2017, 05:58:06 pm by kaempfer13 »
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Re: Pipeworks II - by CleanOnion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #69 on: June 06, 2017, 05:58:59 pm »
Onion was slow to update the items last night. The Brewers do have 2 pallets of bricks that I was unaware of.

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Re: Pipeworks II - by CleanOnion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #70 on: June 06, 2017, 06:03:15 pm »
Just with us. I don't know if they know you guys are here.

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Re: Pipeworks II - by CleanOnion (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #71 on: June 06, 2017, 09:13:03 pm »
The medics, (myself being one), have been deliberating and have decided to inform the masses: We caused the fire near the generator, but it wasn't intentional. We launched the RCTC with the EMP Drone on it in the general direction of the scientists, planning to see if they had set anything up around the generator to hinder us, but upon the arrival of the car's destination, it promptly blew up upon malfunction. We apologize to the scientists and are willing to cooperate in helping you back on the feet; we can offer items and won't invade anything but the Generator itself so we can power it with oil we own.

We are willing to help supply bricks to fend off the NPC faction as well.

