Round 19
Another flurry of bricks snuffs another fire, but is it all gone or did the fire spread?
The initials timer set by the analytic Scientists has expired, and there is no notable damage. But if the fire still thrives, the entire system could go dead at any time. You'll have no way of knowing.
The Invaders keep their efforts focused on steadily dragging the Generator back to their base camp to fuel their creation. The Medics played the firefighter game, doing what they could. The Scientists took back the old generator - the hill was slightly lower this time, but they were still the kings of it. And the Cultists blundered about, running into walls.
Also, someone was evicted.
As a reminder, all members of the Pipeworks are currently under the effect of a
Suspicious Drug, with ramifications as follows:
- The Drug causes a high, then a low.
- This round, affected factions lose 3 actions.
- These actions must become Pass. Factions may choose which actions these are.
- "Affected factions" includes all faction which did not exempt themselves last round.
- Consuming Narcotics or Energy Drinks while under the effects of the Drug is not recommended.
- The Drug's effect will wear off at the end of this round.
As the lights were off, an analysis of the fire was not possible.
Also, the Invaders have the Generator again.
The results of the poll showed a majority vote (2 votes) for shortening round 19. Therefore:
Round 19 ends: Round 19 has ended.Please PM any queries to
myself and Naii_the_Baf.