Round 16
The Scientists are doing their best to analyse the fire, but without the lights on, accurate reports are hard to come by.
Based on the decrease in both smoke and visible fires, they have come to the following conclusion: the fire is shrinking, growing weaker. They estimate it will go out in 8 actions.
Through running tests via the wiring, they have determined that the electrical infrastructure has already attained minor damage and the lights in that section of the Pipeworks may not work. However, they predict that total infrastructural collapse will occur in 4 actions if the fire is not stopped. The investigators were keen to enforce that, to avoid permanent damage, it should be stopped in 2 actions.
The other fire, near the old Brewers' headquarters, is impossible to analyse. The Scientists maintain their pessimistic estimate that they originally predicted: 10 actions.
The Scientists took the Troglodytes under their wing, and an old virus found new victims.
Experiments were performed and new inventions were created.
A poor soul was stranded, alone in the pipes, waiting to die.
A relic of an ancient past was uncovered, but the only thing that mattered were the spoils it offered.
Round 16 ends: Round 16 has ended.To get the fire sorted out you have 4 actions remaining.To get the other fire sorted out (or win) you have 10 actions remaining.Please PM any queries to
myself and Naii_the_Baf.