Suspicious amount of experienced forum users scoring 0 this round...There is definitely something fishy going on here...And I don't think I like it much at all...
Quote from: eljoemo on October 23, 2013, 12:00:22 amSuspicious amount of experienced forum users scoring 0 this round...There is definitely something fishy going on here...And I don't think I like it much at all...All I will tell that there was some round one dickery going on.And I am not happy about it.
and all I will that dickery is fought with dickery
With all this dickery, are you saying that this will become a... cockfight?
Quote from: xyan on October 23, 2013, 12:52:58 amand all I will that dickery is fought with dickeryLet the contest BEGIN!
There can only be one.
What # is everyone sending in? I'm sending in #649