Trial 4 - Tower Offense - Round 4Actions:
Submachine: Attack RootRanger, Defend against RootRanger
RootRanger: None
UTAlan: None
Kuroaitou: Attack UTAlan, Defend against RootRanger
Current Points: (point loss from current round in paranthesis)
Submachine: 16 (-2)
RootRanger: 0 (-3)
UTAlan: 11 (-3)
Kuroaitou: 13 (-2)
Suddenly, Root's tower lights up, and then every light inside fades. "And there we have our first death in the final... Paradise Lost is truly nearing its end, but there are still much that could happen", the cultist says.
Spoiler for Rules reminder:
You start with 20 points.
Each round you can Attack and/or Defend against each other player, leading to a total of 6 possible actions.
Up to 3 actions may be used each round.
You PM me with your desired actions for the round.
If no PM is sent, you will not take any actions.
Each action costs 1 point.
If you Attack somone who does not Defend against you, they will lose 3 points.
If you reach 0 points (or less), you will instantly lose the game, and be electrocuted. (note: all your actions for the round will still happen)
The last player remaining wins.
Rule clarification: If you have 1 or 2 points left, you can still use 3 actions that round (You will still die of course, but all 3 actions will still happen)You are free to post in this topic and PM other players discussing this trial. Remember: It is the PM you send to me that affects which actions you take,
not a post in this topic (but feel free to post in this topic too).
Time left to send your actions: NO TIME LEFT