Paradise Lost 2Link to the first game, by Legit: is a forum game based on alliances and betrayal, or as Legit puts it: "a psychological strategy game". If you have read the manga "Liar Game", it is very similar to the games presented there. There will be 4 or 5 rounds, and each round will consist of a different game. Each game, some (or none) players will lose, and be out. In the end of the last round, there will be 1 or 2 players left, these are the winners. For examples on how the games will be, check out Legit's original game or the Liar Game manga.
There are no rules about chatting or PMing with the other players: You can freely quote or screenshot PMs, you can lie, you can post in the topic (as long as you dont just spam of course).
Each round will put you against all the other players, but it will be important to talk and cooperate with some of them. Of course, betrayal might sometimes be even more rewarding...
1. dawn to dusk
2. Linkcat
3. Dm
4. iancudorinmarian
5. Zawadx
6. mathman101
7. skyironsword
8. theelkspeaks
9. Rutarete
10. RootRanger
11. MeowMeowCat
12. Submachine
13. eljoemo
14. ddevans96
15. Naesala
16. qwerter
17. Kuroaitou
18. UTAlan
19. Aknelo