I need allies, man. Only kills? Entropy and Fire was supposed to be in my side. The other, well, are our enemies. Fire good? Entropy too? Impossible. I'm all alone, kills is barely active but...
As I see my enemies gaining advantage of my situation I summon my Ivory Reclused Dragon. Armed with Hades's sword and 1 arsenic, I ride up the air to fight the alliance. As killsdazombies accomanies me with his Evolved Obsidian "Gargoyle" (new Darkness card, its not a made-up card, check it out in "Cards") wihich is an Obsidian dragon and a Gargoyle merged together. Armed with many Poisons and Steal, we ride upwards towards victory. But like any other villain, I carry a secret with me. As we ride up higher, the sun darkens and forms and eclipse. We are in our strongest mode now.
Zac and Xdude, you are supposed to join my team, then it will be Fire/Death/Entropy/Darkness vs Light/Gravity/Earth/Air/Life. Still not fair but it will do.