The bomb shelter was already protection from the grenade...
No luke, I cleared the stack to before the bomb shelter was placed. It does not exist at this point in time, unless someone wants to put it back up.
As referee, I feel like it's time to step in.
Objects drawn (in order)
Rifle Plug
Bunker Buster
Missile Hack
===Stickmasterluke clears the stack====
Chuck Norris
Bruce Lee
Fashion Police
Black hole
For future reference, if you do not want to target your opponent's last move, and instead target the duck with an alternative tactic, please clear the stack. This would go right after the rifle plug.
Now, to create the stack
The defense plugs the gun the offense would have used to shoot. The defense hacks the bunker buster that the offense would have used to destroy the barricade that prevented the grenade from destroying the deck.
The plugged rifle, missile hacking, and bunker still exist.
Currently: The black hole absorbs the troll, fashion police, bruce lee, and Chuck Norris, who for the purposes of this game not being completely broken, is just a cowboy.
It is the defense's turn, they have one more drawing, a bunker, and missile hacking, to defend the deck with.