
Offline RootRangerTopic starter

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  • RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.
  • R A I N B R O S
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 13th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 9th Birthday Cake10th Trials - Master of FireElemental Conquest WinnerWriting Competition - Across(tic) the World of ElementsWeekly Tournament Winner1st Grandmaster Battle Winner - FireThere Can Be Only One - 2016 WinnerGold DonorChampionship League 2/2015 2nd Place9th Trials - Master of FireElements: A Game of Politics - WinnerEnder of War War #8 Winner - Team FireWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerChampionship League 1/2013 WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWar #4 Winner - Team DeathChampionship League 3/2011 3rd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerBeginners League 2/2011 2nd PlaceWeekly PvP Tournament WinnerWeekly PvP Tournament WinnerBeginners League 1/2011 2nd PlaceWeekly PvP Tournament Winner
Grandmaster (by RootRanger) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=55502.msg1152256#msg1152256
« on: August 21, 2014, 04:24:25 pm »
Lore (Click Here!)

In its earliest days, the Elements forum was administered by a user named Scaredgirl. She was largely responsible for the creation and growth of the Elements community. Scaredgirl made revolutionary deckbuilding guides and designed the best farming decks of her time. She laid the groundwork for the Card Ideas and Art subforum. She drafted the rules for the first leagues and tournaments. With an entire forum to manage, Scaredgirl appointed 12 Masters to assist her.

At first, the Masters cooperated with each other. But soon, they grew discontent. They would tirelessly argue over which Element was superior. Arguments turned into fights, and fights turned into war. It was not just a war constrained to the game, it was a war that stretched into every corner of the Elements community.

The forum crumbled right in front of Scaredgirl's eyes, decaying into a wasteland of chaos and violence. With all hope lost, Scaredgirl departed from her own forum forever. Her last act as an administrator was to permanently ban the 12 Masters in order to protect what remained of the Elements forum from their tyrannical rule.

With the 12 Masters gone, the Elements forum slowly recovered. The few remaining players agreed that all of the Elements had their own merits, and no Element was superior. As more new players joined, leagues and tournaments became popular again. New, innovative decks rose to the top with their efficiency and creativity. The Card Ideas and Art section flourished with great ideas, some of which were even added to the game. The oldest players shared deckbuilding tips and strategies with the rest of the forum, helping new players become a part of the community. At last, Scaredgirl's dream of a perfect forum had come true.

But it seems all good things must die. The oldest players have departed, and there are fewer new players joining. The leagues and tournaments have slowed down. The Card Ideas are less creative than they used to be, and the new decks being made are weak and ineffective. In the late hours of the night, players whisper their worries to each other. They fear the Masters are returning to the forum. War is coming. The Oracle predicts that one Element will soon rule over the community.

The old Masters have chosen new names and infiltrated the forum. With Scaredgirl gone forever, nothing can stop the Masters from resuming their destructive war against each other. The forum will be consumed by chaos and insanity. There will be violence, and there will even be death. In the end, only one Master will remain. The forum will fall to the hands of a ruthless and unstoppable god: the Grandmaster.


The oldest and strongest Elements Masters have returned to the forum, disguised as regular members. Each player is secretly one of the 24 Masters that may be chosen from. Additionally, each player starts the game with a Power stat that can be anywhere from 0 to 1000.
Each round, a player may vote for one person to kill. This is done by messaging RootRanger with the name of the player you would like to vote for. The player with the highest Voting Total will be eliminated until only one player is left.

The Power stat determines how strong a player's vote is. Voting Total is determined by the sum of the Power stats of each player who voted. For example, if 10 players vote for Brad, and they each have 800 power, then Brad's Voting Total would be 8000. If 12 players vote for Chad, and they each have 600 power, then Chad's Voting Total would be 7200. In this case, Brad would be eliminated because he has the higher Voting Total, even though more players voted on Chad.

When a player is eliminated, his Power is divided evenly among the players who voted for him. If Chad had 700 Power, then the 10 players who voted for him would each gain 70 power. It is possible for a player's Power to exceed 1000; there is no upper bound. At the beginning of each round, I will reveal the forum name and the Master identity of the player who was eliminated the previous round. I will also reveal which Masters targeted him, but not their forum names. Any players who have gained Power will be informed of their new Power. Lastly, players who have been targeted by abilities will be informed of the Master names of the players who targeted them.

Each player has a unique Master ability. To use your Master ability, simply tell RootRanger in a private message. If necessary, you should also provide a target for your ability. The full list of possible Master abilities are shown below. Abilities labeled "ER" may be used every round. Abilities labeled "EoR" may be used every other round, which means you have to wait one round before using your ability again. Abilities labeled "Passive" are automatically used; you do not have to send a PM to activate a Passive ability. The possible Master abilities are shown below.

Masters and Abilities

:entropy jmizzle7 :entropy - One of the oldest players in the game, he designed some of the best decks for playing AI3 and False Gods. His legendary God Farming deck had a 75% win rate at the time, which no player since has been able to match.
Purple Nymph (ER): Invert the Power of the target player for this round. Cannot target self.

:fire Antagon :fire - The very best PvP player of his time. Among his many accomplishments is the original PvP Graboid Rainbow, which he used to climb to the top of the very first Battle League.
Rage Potion (EoR): Your Power is increased by 500 for this round, and your Voting Total is decreased by 500 for this round.

:entropy Zeru :entropy - When Antagon disappeared, Zeru took over as the best player in the game. He is known for his terrifying Discord/Earthquake/Graboid rainbows.
Discord (ER): Target two players. Their Powers are switched for this round. Cannot target self.

:earth Terroking :earth - He dominated the early upgraded metagame with his original Speedbow, but he is most known being a four-time Master of Earth.
Stone Skin (Passive): At the beginning of each even-numbered round, your Power permanently increases by 75.

:death MrBlonde :death - The only player to ever be a five-time Master, MrBlonde crushed his competition with his powerful Death decks.
Poison (ER): The target player's Voting Total is permanently increased by 200.

:time Xinef :time - A clever card designer, deckbuilder, and recreational mathematician. His most memorable deck is his old False God grinder, Pharaoh sails to Orion.
Procrastination (Passive): Players who vote for you have their vote disabled for the next round. The following round, they are notified that their vote was disabled by Xinef.

:light xdude :light - The Legendary Master of Light who organized and executed the 3rd Trials.
Pegasus (EoR): Double your Power for this round.

:aether icybraker :aether - A kind and friendly member, icybraker would always start pleasant conversations in chat. After all, he was great at breaking the ice.
Dimensional Shield (Passive): For the first three rounds, your Voting Total is 0. Any abilities that target you will fail. After Round 3, your ability is removed.

:water Essence :water - One of the most active forum members of the early days of Elements, Essence designed The Essential Half Blood Farmer.
Mind Flayer (EoR): Target a player. At the start of the next round, the target's ability is permanently disabled.

:life Gl1tch :life - The only player creative enough - or crazy enough - to win Trials with a Luciferin deck. All hail Gl1tch!
Heal (EoR): Your Voting Total is decreased by 2000 for this round.

:life killsdazombies :life - The friendly host of numerous tournaments and mafias, such as the one here.
Emerald Shield (ER): If the target player votes for you, the vote is transferred to himself.

:gravity girlsgeneration :gravity - A top player in Championship League, with more Marks of Gravity than anybody else.
Gravity Shield (EoR): This round, disable the vote of the player with the highest Power who votes for you. The following round, this player will be notified that his vote was disabled by girlsgeneration.

:darkness Kael Hate :darkness - An old staff member with a bit of a "dark" personality. He served as a Global Moderator and Card Curator.
Steal (EoR): The target player has his vote transferred to your own target for this round. The next round, the target player is notified of what his new target was.

:fire ~Napalm :fire - Fervently loyal to Fire, ~Napalm was a highly skilled player who dominated tournaments as soon as she joined the game. She is one of the few players daring enough to outrush False Gods.
Phoenix (Passive): When you would normally die, you survive. The player with the second highest Voting Total is killed in your place. I will reveal that the Phoenix ability was used, and the Phoenix ability is permanently removed.

:aether Higurashi :aether - One of the most experienced forum members, Higurashi was a Tournament Organizer, Global Moderator, and Forum Administrator. She was also the only known player to win a tournament with a Turquoise Nymph Deck
Immortal (Passive): You cannot have your Voting Total altered by abilities.

:darkness TheonlyrealBeef :darkness - One of the most active tournament organizers the game has ever seen. He is also known for his unstoppable Ghostmare decks.
Minor Vampire (Passive): Each round, your Voting Total is temporarily decreased by your Power.

:air QuantumT :air - A talented PvP player who won numerous PvP Tournaments and the original "There Can Be Only One" event. He won Trials with an Air/Light stall.
Shockwave (ER): The target player has his Voting Total increased by 400 for this round.

:water RavingRabbid :water - A top player in Championship League, forum organizer, and host of the PvP Event Lost Temple.
Arctic Squid (EoR): The target player has his ability disabled for this round and the following two rounds.

:time 10 men :time - Among his PvP accomplishments and extremely high in-game score, 10 men wrote an impressive article providing turn-to-win statistics for decks with various creature and quanta combinations.
Golden Nymph (ER): Target one player. At the beginning of the next round, you learn the player's ability.

:earth kirchj33 :earth - Known for his TADAbow, kirchj33 revolutionized AI3 grinding.
Iridium Warden (ER): The target player has his ability disabled for this round.

:gravity nilsieboy :gravity - Honey Charger. There is nothing else to say.
Sapphire Charger (Passive): You cannot have your vote disabled/transferred or your power changed.

:air Jenkar :air - A League Organizer who really, really liked Unstable Gas.
Unstable Gas (EoR): The target player's Voting Total is increased by 2000 for this round. At the beginning of the next round, your own Power is permanently decreased by 100 and your Voting Total is permanently increased by 100.

:light mesaprotector :light - A relatively new Master, he has a pretty cool Mono Light deck.
Holy Light (ER): Target one player. At the beginning of the next round, you learn the player's Power stat.

:death Shantu :death - The winner of multiple PvP Events including Prisoners Dilemma, The Colosseum, Avatar, and Duels of Honor. He was also a host of Elements Chess.
Vulture (Passive): If you kill the player you vote for, you permanently gain 100 Power.


Before the game begins, players may make bids. You may bid anywhere from 0 to 1000 on each Master, depending on how valuable you think their abilities are. Your bids do not have to be integers, as long as they are at least 0 and no more than 1000. For example, you would be allowed to bid 1000 on Antagon or 32.33 on Jenkar.

You are not required to make a bid for every Master, or even make any bids at all, but bidding is highly recommended for players who prefer certain Masters over others. Once sign-ups end, I will compile all the bids and assign each Master to a player. The steps below explain how this process works.

Step 1.) The player who made the highest bid is given the Master who was bid on. Ties are broken by RNG.
Step 2.) The bids of the player(s) who have already been matched with a Master are removed.
Step 3.) The bids on the Master(s) who have already been matched with a player are also removed.
Step 4.) Repeat Step 1 until every player is matched witha Master.

Most importantly, the Power you start the game with is equal to 1000 minus the bid you made on your Master. So, if your Master is xdude and your bid for xdude was 400, you would start the game with 600 power. If you don't make any bids at all, you would start the game with 1000 power, but you would likely have a Master you do not like.

I've created an example in the spoiler. For the sake of simplicity, let's say there are only 5 players in the game, who only bid on 6 different Masters.

Spoiler for The Spoiler:
Here are the example bids of the 5 players in the game.
jmizzle7 9008001002000
Antagon 800600500500400
Zeru 100500400300300
Terroking 100300200300100
MrBlonde1000 100200100
Xinef 70020002000
The highest bid is 900 for jmizzle7, made by Abed. Thus, Abed would be jmizzle7 and have 100 Power. Then, remove all of Abed's bids along with all of the bids for jmizzle7. The highest remaining bid is 600 for Antagon, made by Brad. Thus, Brad would be Antagon and have 400 Power. Then, remove all of Brad's bids along with all of the bids for Antagon. The highest remaining bid is 400 for Zeru, made by Chad. Thus, Chad would be Zeru and have 600 Power. If you continue this process, Dad would be Terroking and have 700 Power, and Ed would be MrBlonde and have 900 Power.


Each Round will last approximately 24 hours.

Bids and Power stats will be rounded to the hundredths place. For example, if you bid "100*pi," your bid will be rounded to 314.16. Ties will be broken through RNG.

Players are not allowed to quote private messages from the host. In other words, if I send you a private message with your Master ability and your Power, you are not allowed to quote this and show it to other players. You are allowed, however, to tell them what your Power and Master ability are.

Editing posts is not allowed. You may simply double post if you need to change something you said.

Voting for yourself is allowed, as is not voting at all. Although this is very unlikely, if none of the players vote in a round, no one will die that round, and not voting will not be allowed the following round.

Alliances are allowed. You can team up with other players if you think it will help you win.

Some abilities occur before others. For example, if jmizzle7 and Kael Hate target the same player during the same round, jmizzle7's ability will occur before Kael Hate's ability. This is because jmizzle7's ability is higher on the priority list. The full list is shown below

kirchj33 > RavingRabbid > Antagon/xdude > jmizzle7 > Zeru > Kael Hate > All other Masters

If more than 24 players sign-up, I will simply add more Masters that you can play as. If fewer than 24 players sign-up, some of the Masters will simply not be in the game. I will reveal which ones were not chosen.

If you are one of the Masters included in the event and want your ability changed to something else, just message me, and I'll consider it.

Lastly, if you have any questions and concerns about the rules and the game balance, please post in this thread or message me. Seeing as this game has never been played before, I am certainly open to criticism.


1.) qwerter
2.) Kuroaitou
3.) rob77dp
4.) CCCombobreaker
5.) Zawadx
6.) worldwideweb3
7.) eljoemo
8.) Legit
9.) ddevans96
10.) Naesala
11.) Torriku
12.) Onizuka
13.) ji412jo
14.) Ginyu
15.) CrockettRocket
16.) mrpaper
17.) iancudorinmarian
19.) theelkspeaks
20.) Shantu
21.) skyironsword

Sign-up by posting in this thread. You are recommended to send RootRanger a private message consisting of a bid for each Master. The full list of Masters are shown in the spoiler.

Spoiler for The Spoiler:
jmizzle7 -
Antagon -
Zeru -
Terroking -
MrBlonde -
Xinef -
xdude -
icybraker -
Essence -
Gl1tch -
killsdazombies -
girlsgeneration -
Kael Hate -
~Napalm -
Higurashi -
TheonlyrealBeef -
QuantumT -
RavingRabbid -
10 men -
kirchj33 -
nilsieboy -
Jenkar -
mesaprotector -
Shantu -

When the countdown ends, each player will be assigned a Master based on the bids. Any players who did not make any bids will have all of their bids set to 0. Any ties will be broken with RNG.

Grandmaster has begun!

Revision History:
8/23: Fixed a typo (thanks rob)
8/21: Nerf to the abilities for Terroking and Shantu.
8/21: Added a Note about Bids/Power.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 07:33:42 pm by RootRanger »
Somehow still around, somewhat

Offline Submachine

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  • Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Submachine is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.
  • Who needs a Sub?
  • Awards: Weekly Tournament Winner (2020.09.27.)Weekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Design July 2015 - GoldSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeBattle League 3/2013 3rd PlaceWeekly Tournament Winner
Re: Grandmaster (by RootRanger) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=55502.msg1152269#msg1152269
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2014, 06:20:48 pm »
Wait... Is this some sort of a new forum game or a simple Mafia? :o
And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

~ Platinum Quest ~

Offline RootRangerTopic starter

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  • RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.RootRanger brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.
  • R A I N B R O S
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 13th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 9th Birthday Cake10th Trials - Master of FireElemental Conquest WinnerWriting Competition - Across(tic) the World of ElementsWeekly Tournament Winner1st Grandmaster Battle Winner - FireThere Can Be Only One - 2016 WinnerGold DonorChampionship League 2/2015 2nd Place9th Trials - Master of FireElements: A Game of Politics - WinnerEnder of War War #8 Winner - Team FireWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerChampionship League 1/2013 WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWar #4 Winner - Team DeathChampionship League 3/2011 3rd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerBeginners League 2/2011 2nd PlaceWeekly PvP Tournament WinnerWeekly PvP Tournament WinnerBeginners League 1/2011 2nd PlaceWeekly PvP Tournament Winner
Re: Grandmaster (by RootRanger) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=55502.msg1152272#msg1152272
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2014, 06:23:48 pm »
It's an entirely new forum game, like Ropes and Elimination. It will get its own thread as soon as Kuro gets the chance to move it.
Somehow still around, somewhat

Offline rob77dp

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  • rob77dp is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.rob77dp is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.rob77dp is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.rob77dp is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.rob77dp is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.rob77dp is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.rob77dp is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.rob77dp is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.rob77dp is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.rob77dp is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.rob77dp is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.
  • Am I back?!? Time zone US Central -5/-6GMT
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 13th Birthday Cake14th Trials - Master of DeathWeekly Tournament Winner (2020.08.16.)Slice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeWinner of Team PvP #812th Trials - Master of DeathWinner of 12 Lives #4Slice of Elements 9th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeForum Brawl #6 Winner - The Tentacle's Grip10th Trials - Master of DeathWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeTeam Competition - The Spy Who EMed MeGold Donor9th Trials - Master of DeathSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 5th Birthday Cake7th Trials - Master of Death
Re: Grandmaster (by RootRanger) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=55502.msg1152273#msg1152273
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2014, 06:26:29 pm »
Spoiler for event info:
Lore (Click Here!)

In its earliest days, the Elements forum was administered by a user named Scaredgirl. She was largely responsible for the creation and growth of the Elements community. Scaredgirl made revolutionary deckbuilding guides and designed the best farming decks of her time. She laid the groundwork for the Card Ideas and Art subforum. She drafted the rules for the first leagues and tournaments. With an entire forum to manage, Scaredgirl appointed 12 Masters to assist her.

At first, the Masters cooperated with each other. But soon, they grew discontent. They would tirelessly argue over which Element was superior. Arguments turned into fights, and fights turned into war. It was not just a war constrained to the game, it was a war that stretched into every corner of the Elements community.

The forum crumbled right in front of Scaredgirl's eyes, decaying into a wasteland of chaos and violence. With all hope lost, Scaredgirl departed from her own forum forever. Her last act as an administrator was to permanently ban the 12 Masters in order to protect what remained of the Elements forum from their tyrannical rule.

With the 12 Masters gone, the Elements forum slowly recovered. The few remaining players agreed that all of the Elements had their own merits, and no Element was superior. As more new players joined, leagues and tournaments became popular again. New, innovative decks rose to the top with their efficiency and creativity. The Card Ideas and Art section flourished with great ideas, some of which were even added to the game. The oldest players shared deckbuilding tips and strategies with the rest of the forum, helping new players become a part of the community. At last, Scaredgirl's dream of a perfect forum had come true.

But it seems all good things must die. The oldest players have departed, and there are fewer new players joining. The leagues and tournaments have slowed down. The Card Ideas are less creative than they used to be, and the new decks being made are weak and ineffective. In the late hours of the night, players whisper their worries to each other. They fear the Masters are returning to the forum. War is coming. The Oracle predicts that one Element will soon rule over the community.

The old Masters have chosen new names and infiltrated the forum. With Scaredgirl gone forever, nothing can stop the Masters from resuming their destructive war against each other. The forum will be consumed by chaos and insanity. There will be violence, and there will even be death. In the end, only one Master will remain. The forum will fall to the hands of a ruthless and unstoppable god: the Grandmaster.


The oldest and strongest Elements Masters have returned to the forum, disguised as regular members. Each player is secretly one of the 24 Masters that may be chosen from. Additionally, each player starts the game with a Power stat that can be anywhere from 0 to 1000.
Each round, a player may vote for one person to kill. This is done by messaging RootRanger with the name of the player you would like to vote for. The player with the highest Voting Total will be eliminated until only one player is left.

The Power stat determines how strong a player's vote is. Voting Total is determined by the sum of the Power stats of each player who voted. For example, if 10 players vote for Brad, and they each have 800 power, then Brad's Voting Total would be 8000. If 12 players vote for Chad, and they each have 600 power, then Chad's Voting Total would be 7200. In this case, Brad would be eliminated because he has the higher Voting Total, even though more players voted on Chad.

When a player is eliminated, his Power is divided evenly among the players who voted for him. If Chad had 700 Power, then the 10 players who voted for him would each gain 70 power. It is possible for a player's Power to exceed 1000; there is no upper bound. At the beginning of each round, I will reveal the forum name and the Master identity of the player who was eliminated the previous round. I will also reveal which Masters targeted him, but not their forum names. Any players who have gained Power will be informed of their new Power. Lastly, players who have been targeted by abilities will be informed of the Master names of the players who targeted them.

Each player has a unique Master ability. To use your Master ability, simply tell RootRanger in a private message. If necessary, you should also provide a target for your ability. The full list of possible Master abilities are shown below. Abilities labeled "ER" may be used every round. Abilities labeled "EoR" may be used every other round, which means you have to wait one round before using your ability again. Abilities labeled "Passive" are automatically used; you do not have to send a PM to active a Passive ability. The possible Master abilities are shown below.

Masters and Abilities

:entropy jmizzle7 :entropy - One of the oldest players in the game, he designed some of the best decks for playing AI3 and False Gods. His legendary God Farming deck had a 75% win rate at the time, which no player since has been able to match.
Purple Nymph (ER): Inverse the Power of the target player for this round. Cannot target self.

:fire Antagon :fire - The very best PvP player of his time. Among his many accomplishments is the original PvP Graboid Rainbow, which he used to climb to the top of the very first Battle League.
Rage Potion (EoR): Your Power is increased by 500 for this round, and your Voting Total is decreased by 500 for this round.

:entropy Zeru :entropy - When Antagon disappeared, Zeru took over as the best player in the game. He is known for his terrifying Discord/Earthquake/Graboid rainbows.
Discord (ER): Target two players. Their Powers are switched for this round. Cannot target self.

:earth Terroking :earth - He dominated the early upgraded metagame with his original Speedbow, but he is most known being a four-time Master of Earth.
Stone Skin (Passive): At the beginning of each even-numbered round, your Power permanently increases by 75.

:death MrBlonde :death - The only player to ever be a five-time Master, MrBlonde crushed his competition with his powerful Death decks.
Poison (ER): The target player's Voting Total is permanently increased by 200.

:time Xinef :time - A clever card designer, deckbuilder, and recreational mathematician. His most memorable deck is his old False God grinder, Pharaoh sails to Orion.
Procrastination (Passive): Players who vote for you have their vote disabled for the next round. The following round, they are notified that their vote was disabled by Xinef.

:light xdude :light - The Legendary Master of Light who organized and executed the 3rd Trials.
Pegasus (EoR): Double your Power for this round.

:aether icybraker :aether - A kind and friendly member, icybraker would always start pleasant conversations in chat. After all, he was great at breaking the ice.
Dimensional Shield (Passive): For the first three rounds, your Voting Total is 0. Any abilities that target you will fail. After Round 3, your ability is removed.

:water Essence :water - One of the most active forum members of the early days of Elements, Essence designed The Essential Half Blood Farmer.
Mind Flayer (EoR): Target a player. At the start of the next round, the target's ability is permanently disabled.

:life Gl1tch :life - The only player creative enough - or crazy enough - to win Trials with a Luciferin deck. All hail Gl1tch!
Heal (EoR): Your Voting Total is decreased by 2000 for this round.

:life killsdazombies :life - The friendly host of numerous tournaments and mafias, such as the one here.
Emerald Shield (ER): If the target player votes for you, the vote is transferred to himself.

:gravity girlsgeneration :gravity - A top player in Championship League, with more Marks of Gravity than anybody else.
Gravity Shield (EoR): This round, disable the vote of the player with the highest Power who votes for you. The following round, this player will be notified that his vote was disabled by girlsgeneration.

:darkness Kael Hate :darkness - An old staff member with a bit of a "dark" personality. He served as a Global Moderator and Card Curator.
Steal (EoR): The target player has his vote transferred to your own target for this round. The next round, the target player is notified of what his new target was.

:fire ~Napalm :fire - Fervently loyal to Fire, ~Napalm was a highly skilled player who dominated tournaments as soon as she joined the game. She is one of the few players daring enough to outrush False Gods.
Phoenix (Passive): When you would normally die, you survive. The player with the second highest Voting Total is killed in your place. I will reveal that the Phoenix ability was used, and the Phoenix ability is permanently removed.

:aether Higurashi :aether - One of the most experienced forum members, Higurashi was a Tournament Organizer, Global Moderator, and Forum Administrator. She was also the only known player to win a tournament with a Turquoise Nymph Deck
Immortal (Passive): You cannot have your Voting Total altered by abilities.

:darkness TheonlyrealBeef :darkness - One of the most active tournament organizers the game has ever seen. He is also known for his unstoppable Ghostmare decks.
Minor Vampire (Passive): Each round, your Voting Total is temporarily decreased by your Power.

:air QuantumT :air - A talented PvP player who won numerous PvP Tournaments and the original "There Can Be Only One" event. He won Trials with an Air/Light stall.
Shockwave (ER): The target player has his Voting Total increased by 400 for this round.

:water RavingRabbid :water - A top player in Championship League, forum organizer, and host of the PvP Event Lost Temple.
Arctic Squid (EoR): The target player has his ability disabled for this round and the following two rounds.

:time 10 men :time - Among his PvP accomplishments and extremely high in-game score, 10 men wrote an impressive article providing turn-to-win statistics for decks with various creature and quanta combinations.
Golden Nymph (ER): Target one player. At the beginning of the next round, you learn the player's ability.

:earth kirchj33 :earth - Known for his TADAbow, kirchj33 revolutionized AI3 grinding.
Iridium Warden (ER): The target player has his ability disabled for this round.

:gravity nilsieboy :gravity - Honey Charger. There is nothing else to say.
Sapphire Charger (Passive): You cannot have your vote disabled/transferred or your power changed.

:air Jenkar :air - A League Organizer who really, really liked Unstable Gas.
Unstable Gas (EoR): The target player's Voting Total is increased by 2000 for this round. At the beginning of the next round, your own Power is permanently decreased by 100 and your Voting Total is permanently increased by 100.

:light mesaprotector :light - A relatively new Master, he has a pretty cool Mono Light deck.
Holy Light (ER): Target one player. At the beginning of the next round, you learn the player's Power stat.

:death Shantu :death - The winner of multiple PvP Events including Prisoners Dilemma, The Colosseum, Avatar, and Duels of Honor. He was also a host of Elements Chess.
Vulture (Passive): If you kill the player you vote for, you permanently gain 100 Power.


Before the game begins, players may make bids. You may bid anywhere from 0 to 1000 on each Master, depending on how valuable you think their abilities are. Your bids do not have to be integers, as long as they are at least 0 and no more than 1000. For example, you would be allowed to bid 1000 on Antagon or 32.33 on Jenkar.

You are not required to make a bid for every Master, or even make any bids at all, but bidding is highly recommended for players who prefer certain Masters over others. Once sign-ups end, I will compile all the bids and assign each Master to a player. The steps below explain how this process works.

Step 1.) The player who made the highest bid is given the Master who was bid on. Ties are broken by RNG.
Step 2.) The bids of the player(s) who have already been matched with a Master are removed.
Step 3.) The bids on the Master(s) who have already been matched with a player are also removed.
Step 4.) Repeat Step 1 until every player is matched witha Master.

Most importantly, the Power you start the game with is equal to 1000 minus the bid you made on your Master. So, if your Master is xdude and your bid for xdude was 400, you would start the game with 600 power. If you don't make any bids at all, you would start the game with 1000 power, but you would likely have a Master you do not like.

I've created an example in the spoiler. For the sake of simplicity, let's say there are only 5 players in the game, who only bid on 6 different Masters.

Spoiler for The Spoiler:
Here are the example bids of the 5 players in the game.
jmizzle7 9008001002000
Antagon 800600500500400
Zeru 100500400300300
Terroking 100300200300100
MrBlonde1000 100200100
Xinef 70020002000
The highest bid is 900 for jmizzle7, made by Abed. Thus, Abed would be jmizzle7 and have 100 Power. Then, remove all of Abed's bids along with all of the bids for jmizzle7. The highest remaining bid is 600 for Antagon, made by Brad. Thus, Brad would be Antagon and have 400 Power. Then, remove all of Brad's bids along with all of the bids for Antagon. The highest remaining bid is 400 for Zeru, made by Chad. Thus, Chad would be Zeru and have 600 Power. If you continue this process, Dad would be Terroking and have 700 Power, and Ed would be MrBlonde and have 900 Power.


Each Round will last approximately 24 hours.

Bids and Power stats will be rounded to the hundredths place. For example, if you bid "100*pi," your bid will be rounded to 314.16. Ties will be broken through RNG.

Players are not allowed to quote private messages from the host. In other words, if I send you a private message with your Master ability and your Power, you are not allowed to quote this and show it to other players. You are allowed, however, to tell them what your Power and Master ability are.

Editing posts is not allowed. You may simply double post if you need to change something you said.

Voting for yourself is allowed, as is not voting at all. Although this is very unlikely, if none of the players vote in a round, no one will die that round, and not voting will not be allowed the following round.

Alliances are allowed. You can team up with other players if you think it will help you win.

Some abilities occur before others. For example, if jmizzle7 and Kael Hate target the same player during the same round, jmizzle7's ability will occur before Kael Hate's ability. This is because jmizzle7's ability is higher on the priority list. The full list is shown below

kirchj33 > RavingRabbid > Antagon/xdude > jmizzle7 > Zeru > Kael Hate > All other Masters

If more than 24 players sign-up, I will simply add more Masters that you can play as. If fewer than 24 players sign-up, some of the Masters will simply not be in the game. I will reveal which ones were not chosen.

If you are one of the Masters included in the event and want your ability changed to something else, just message me, and I'll consider it.

Lastly, if you have any questions and concerns about the rules and the game balance, please post in this thread or message me. Seeing as this game has never been played before, I am certainly open to criticism.


Sign-up by posting in this thread. You are recommended to send RootRanger a private message consisting of a bid for each Master. The full list of Masters are shown in the spoiler.

Spoiler for The Spoiler:
jmizzle7 -
Antagon -
Zeru -
Terroking -
MrBlonde -
Xinef -
xdude -
icybraker -
Essence -
Gl1tch -
killsdazombies -
girlsgeneration -
Kael Hate -
~Napalm -
Higurashi -
TheonlyrealBeef -
QuantumT -
RavingRabbid -
10 men -
kirchj33 -
nilsieboy -
Jenkar -
mesaprotector -
Shantu -

When the countdown ends, each player will be assigned a Master based on the bids. Any players who did not make any bids will have all of their bids set to 0. Any ties will be broken with RNG.

Grandmaster has begun!

Revision History:
8/21: Nerf to the abilities for Terroking and Shantu.
8/21: Added a Note about Bids/Power.

So should interested parties wait for separate thread to sign up?
Death War #12/TBD TTG Brawl #6/1st Death War #10/9th GP Brawl #5/6th Death War #9/9th MoL Brawl #4/3rd Water War #8/7th DDD Brawl #3/3rd*Death War #7/5th*Death War #6/11th

Offline RootRangerTopic starter

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Re: Grandmaster (by RootRanger) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=55502.msg1152280#msg1152280
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2014, 07:29:32 pm »
Until the thread is posted, you can sign-up my PMing me.
Somehow still around, somewhat

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Re: Grandmaster (by RootRanger) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=55502.msg1152361#msg1152361
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2014, 11:21:29 am »
Stupid question: Can I bid 1000 on all for example? Or do my bids have to be max 1000 in total?

Offline DoubleCapitals

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Re: Grandmaster (by RootRanger) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=55502.msg1152364#msg1152364
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2014, 11:34:20 am »
Stupid question: Can I bid 1000 on all for example? Or do my bids have to be max 1000 in total?
I think so, unlike the Rumble game not all bids will go through. Better ask RootRanger though.

P-Edit: /in!
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 12:37:57 pm by qwerter »
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  • Awards: Slice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 9th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeMaster of Mafia10th Trials - Master of TimeSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeSilver DonorSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 4th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 3rd Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 2nd Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner
Re: Grandmaster (by RootRanger) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=55502.msg1152373#msg1152373
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2014, 12:39:05 pm »
A fabulous idea Root. :)

Here's to hoping this (and many more games) will pop up and not only diversify the available games to play in the section, but also bring about more activity! I'll be signing up shortly...

(P.S. - sorry about the delay to move this again, long day. T_T)

Offline rob77dp

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Re: Grandmaster (by RootRanger) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=55502.msg1152391#msg1152391
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2014, 02:41:08 pm »
I am in!

(PM to Root with my bids soon (TM))
Death War #12/TBD TTG Brawl #6/1st Death War #10/9th GP Brawl #5/6th Death War #9/9th MoL Brawl #4/3rd Water War #8/7th DDD Brawl #3/3rd*Death War #7/5th*Death War #6/11th

Offline DoubleCapitals

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Re: Grandmaster (by RootRanger) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=55502.msg1152393#msg1152393
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2014, 02:50:19 pm »
Voting Totals reset after every round, right?
L R L R STOP & DASH & UP & TALK B B A B S(tart)

Offline CCCombobreaker

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Re: Grandmaster (by RootRanger) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=55502.msg1152394#msg1152394
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2014, 03:22:41 pm »
I have signed up via PM to Root. 
Deckbuilding mad scientist.  Come by and hang out in my stream!

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Re: Grandmaster (by RootRanger) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=55502.msg1152397#msg1152397
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2014, 03:42:23 pm »
in, good luck and have fun!
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.


blarg: RootRanger,qwerter,Kuroaitou,rob77dp,CCCombobreaker,Zawadx,worldwideweb3,eljoemo,Legit,ddevans96,Naesala,Torriku,Onizuka,ji412jo,Ginyu,CrockettRocket,mrpaper,iancudorinmarian,ARTHANASIOS,theelkspeaks,Shantu,skyironsword