Blood, maybe it's time for you to grow as a writer (speaking in terms of the game of course). Perhaps, writing a weak character will be good for you. Seeing as you've already been penalized for being OP, wouldn't it be cool if one of your characters was missing part of her soul. And remember, if you do well, I'll reward you! (GIVE YOU YOUR BOW BACK)
Trollgar snorted uncomfortably. Where Trollgar bow? Trollgar grab mace, broadsword, longsword, katana, meat cleaver, nunchucks, crucible, ball and chain, crossbow, trebuchet, sickle, boiling oil pot, rabbit, mortar pestle, iron maiden, bronze knuckles, iron knuckles, bone knuckles from the corpse of his enemies, kitten cannon, and copy of the joke that kills people, and realizing Trollgar not know how use any of them, punch nearest enemy in stomach. Bow pop out of enemy stomach. This not Trollgar bow! thought Trollgar, frustrated.