The trio stared at the monster in awe. Zeph thought he saw a gleam of recognition in Xerolances eyes.
"...My spells are failing," Xerolance growled through clenched teeth. "Catch" he said as he threw a bone blade to Zeph. The blade clattered to the floor and Zeph stood staring at the creature, unmoving.
The monster known as Orcala suddenly lunged at the group. Everyone dodged but Zeph who was transfixed by the battle between light and dark that ravaged the creatures body. The Orcala headbutted Zeph sending him slamming into the gate. His skull slammed into steel and pain brought him back to reality. Jennifer was shooting what appeared to be rays of light at the creature while Xerolance attempted to devour it with his dark blade.
Adrenaline surged through Zephs body. Pain led to anger and within moments Zephs regular steel armour turned a deep shade of crimson and spikes shot out of his shoulders. Holding his hands up high Zeph called upon the nearby forces of light and dark and formed two blades, one in each hand. Eyes alight with fire, Zeph charged into the chaotic mess. They were losing and they new it. The light from Jennifers bow was merely making the creature glow brighter and Xerolances blade simply made the other side absorb more light. They were cancelling eachother out.
Slahing wildly Zephs blades did nothing. It was then that a realization hit him. They were trying to beat light with light and dark with dark. That was impossible, they would tire out soon and be slaughtered.
Unless they fought light with dark and dark with light.
"Switch sides!" Zeph bellowed.
Jennifer and Xerolance both looked at him as he inverted the blades in each hand. What was once light is now dark and vice vesra. By now Jennifer was already beside Xerolance shooting holes in the Orcalas dark flesh. They were making progress. Xerolance ran around to where Jenifer stood only moments before and resumed his slashing. Zeph stood infront of the creature, distracting it while and landing a blow every now and then.
Suddenly the Orcala roared out in pain and anger. Roar isn't quite the right word, it was more of a screech. The sound brought the group to their knees. Eventually the sound stopped. Zeph arose quickly, not wanting to be sliced in half. What he saw made his heart sink. The Orcala had backed up into a corner and the gashes in its sides were closing.
We can't kill it.
A ray of light shot out from behind Zeph and into the Orcala. Another idea hit Zeph as the ray was absorbed into its bosy, making the creature glow brighter.
If you can't beat em, join em.
Reaching out with his mind he attempted forge a link with Jenny and Xerolance. Xerolance whipped his head sideways and looked at Zeph who gave him the OK sign, though Jenny was a different matter. As soon as their minds met Zeph was hit with a wave of light that would have vaporized him if he hadn't been naturally protected as an Elemental Lord.
Easy, it's just me.
After the link was forged he explained his plan.
He was cut off by the roar of the Orcala who had now fully recovered. Zeph quickly forged a blade of light which he passed to Xerolance.
"It burns!" Xerolance screamed, dropping the blde as if it were a hot coal.
"Suck it up or die!" Zeph hollered as he charged toward the Orcala. Soon Xerolance was by his side hacking at the Orcala while Jenny ran in circles around it, shooting arrows occasionally into its flesh.
It tried in vain to hit her, but she was far to nimble. Light met light, time after time again. With each hit the Orcala glowed brighter and eventually it only it's left arm was dark.
"Almost there!" Someone yelled.
After a long, tiresome, fight it was oer. The orcala was now pure light. The second the Orcala dropped Nadir it threw its hands up in defeat. After the group backed away it looked over its body in wonder. Then, it spoke.
"So this is what if feels like to be whole again!" It chuckled in a deep voice. Then it turned to the trio. "You have freed me of what I thought to be eternal suffering." Looking at Zeph the Orcala spoke once more, "I sense that you have the power to return me to the elements of which I was composed, but first I wish to repay the favor and save your lives." Walking past the group the Orcala touched the gate and muttered a strange incantation. In response the gate swung open, its hinges groaning with protest. "Anything else you want me to do?"