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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg92645#msg92645
« Reply #132 on: June 15, 2010, 07:26:32 pm »
"Simply survive"? Easier said than done!

"Okay," Nanuuk said. "Sounds like a plan." Nanuuk closed his eyes and concentrated on the moisture in the air around him. He spun Glacius once, then rapped it sharply on the floor. A ripple of energy emanated outwards from the point of contact, spreading outwards until it encompassed Nanuuk's entire form in a hemisphere of energy.

"Pago!" Nanuuk shouted, raising his staff. The energy solidified and froze the water vapor in the air, forming ice crystals. Nanuuk shaped the crystals as they grew, blossoming into existence to form a frozen, desolate landscape. Within seconds, Nanuuk had surrounded himself in a dome of thick, hardened ice. He opened his eyes and saw the figures of Arcterael and Jonathan, comedically distorted by the twisted ice.

Oh, wow. Nanuuk drove the head of Glacius into his own head. I am so stupid. "Umm, sorry, guys. Do you guys want to get inside, too?"

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg92678#msg92678
« Reply #133 on: June 15, 2010, 08:06:45 pm »
@Helios: Er... Not to be rude or anything, but you've got Jonathan's history completely wrong. Here's how I originally intended:

Eclipsis, being so powerful, separated himself from Sol Invictus, and tried to take over the world. Sol subdued Eclipsis, and sacrificed his own life to seal his inner demon away. Because they were originally one and the same, they merged back together and reincarnated into Jonathan. Inside Jonathan, Eclipsis stayed dormant, until the day Jonathan went to the Temple of Solaris, and touched the sword Excalibur. In that instant, Eclipsis awakened, and took control of Jonathan, because Jonathan was no longer a god and thus not strong enough to resist; that was when the Temple of Solaris was destroyed, and Jonathan exiled. The Archangels actually did not know that Jonathan was under the influence of Eclipsis, they just thought that he turned Fallen and massacred the angels. I doubt that the Archangels even know that Jonathan was the reincarnation of Sol Invictus.

And just as a reminder, every "god" has an inner demon inside, just like every human has an evil side to their psyche. And I've decided on the name of Luna's evil side: Erebia. She will emerge during a lunar eclipse; however, if Eclipsis was to awaken, he can corrupt Luna and force Erebia to awaken. If both Eclipsis and Erebia fully awakens, then we sure need some insanely strong fighters on our side to keep them from taking over the world.
Luna's color will probably be #7DFFFF, while Erebia is #FF7D7D.

Helios, I wish you can edit your post according to what I said above about Jonathan's correct history. I'll write something when you've done so.

Also, Decktrya's post made zero sense whatsoever. I'll just pretend it's not there.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg92789#msg92789
« Reply #134 on: June 15, 2010, 11:22:26 pm »
It seems like Helios is not going to edit. Oh well, I'll just work around things then...


"I recognise you with ease due to your revelation of your angelic name, Solariel," said the archangel Arcterael. "I sense that you are troubled, and if it may ease such anxieties, I will say this: Heaven's foe and my own will always be Eclipsis, not Jonathan. The actions of the former do not reflect upon the latter, and as such, I hold no grievance against you. However, I warn you that it remains absolutely imperative to maintain a hold of yourself; should the demon ever return, I cannot afford to be merciful."

"Cannot afford to be merciful"? The dark, sinister voice deep inside Jonathan's heart sneered. Should I ever return, I shall inflict such excruciating agony upon your soul that you will forget what "merciful" means! A hint of insanity was beginning to show in the inner demon's voice.

Last warning, thought Jonathan irritably. Go away. What happened before in the Temple of Solaris will not happen again. My will is now strong enough to ensure that you never see the light of day for the rest of eternity.

That is, until the sun blackens with an eclipse... Eclipsis gave one final mocking laugh, before fading away into Jonathan's subconsciousness again.

Turning to Arcerael, Jonathan laughed. "You should tell the rest of your angels that," he said. "Most of them are convinced that I have turned Fallen. I'm actually surprised, and glad beyond relief, that you are aware of the existence of my inner demon; it was a terrible burden to repent for sins that I did not commit. However, rest assured that I have my demon under control; he will not surface ever again." Lest the sun blackens... Jonathan thought grimly. It's unlikely that a solar eclipse will occur, but what will I do if it does?

"I am glad," replied Arcterael. "That aside, we do have more urgent, immediate matters to attend to." The archangel looked around, seemingly at unease. "I have notified Heaven of our current situation; though the message will require a substantial amount of time to be conveyed to its destination, I trust that Heaven will hear my call, and provide us assistance and hope. If anything, we need simply survive until their arrival."

"Okay," said Nanuuk, the water spirit. "Sounds like a plan." He seemed to gather his powers; he spun his staff once, and rapped it on the floor. From the point of contact burst forth a hemisphere of energy, covering Nanuuk's thin, white-clad form. "Pago!" He shouted, raising his staff; the energy solidified, until Nanuuk was covered in a thick dome of ice. Then the Marid realized that Jonathan and Arcterael were still outside, and cursed himself for his own ignorance. "Umm, sorry, guys. Do you guys want to get inside, too?"

Jonathan smiled. "It's all right," he replied. "I'm perfectly capable of defending myself, so there is no need for you to spend more energy to include me in your defensive spell."

"I doubt that any creature found here will be enough of a thread to bring me physical harm," said Arcterael. "Nevertheless, we should proceed in caution."

Suddenly, something on the wall caught Jonathan's eye. It emitted a strange glint, like that of something crystalline. Upon closer inspection, the strange object turned out to be a tiny convex lens, gleaming faintly in the light conjured by Jonathan. It seemed to be some sort of scrying device. Up until this very moment, they were being watched.

"Guys, we're being watched," Jonathan whispered to Nanuuk and Arcterael quietly. "But not anymore." Drawing his Excalibur in one smooth, fluid motion, Jonathan brought the silvery white blade down upon the gleaming crystal lens in a decisive slice.

But the lens did not shatter into bits of broken crystal, like Jonathan anticipated. Instead, Jonathan's blade glanced off the lens as if it had struck something it could not penetrate. The clash of metal on quartz emitted a clear, musical note. Strange, Jonathan thought. The Excalibur could, even in its basic form, cut through steel with ease; the crystal lens must be protected with some powerful enchantment.

Regardless, Jonathan was not going to have his every action observed by an unknown foe. If the Excalibur in its basic form could not cut through the lens, he would simply upgrade it to a stronger form. Closing his eyes, Jonathan called upon the angelic powers within himself. A white aura began to form around his body, sparkling and glowing with the power of Light. Then, a pair of angel wings of the purest white, wide and magnificent, sprouted from Jonathan's back. The wings were almost identical to the ones belonging to Arcterael, emanating the holy energies of Light.

But the greatest change was not Jonathan himself, but his sword. After Jonathan's transformation, the Excalibur seemed to grow in size. Before, it was nothing but a normal longsword; now the blade was twice as wide, a large silver broadsword gleaming with power. The gold runes and sigils of Light on the sword glowed brightly, covering the entire blade in a magnificent golden aura. "Excalibur Judgment," Jonathan spoke, and brought his new broadsword crashing down onto the small crystal lens.

For a split second, the crystal lens seemed to groan in protest. Then, it shattered, into a thousand pieces, and the crystal shards flew everywhere. The explosion was very loud, and it echoed eerily in the dark room.

"Can't you make it a bit quieter?" Nanuuk whispered intensely. "What if someone hears-"

Suddenly, the ground shook violently. Large cracks and crevices began to appear in the floor. But it was not the cracks in the ground that made the three people tense and alert; it was something inside the cracks...

To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg92846#msg92846
« Reply #135 on: June 16, 2010, 12:37:20 am »
All right, I finished. Now there will be an uber monster coming from under the floor; it is triggered when someone is strong enough to shatter one of the surveillance cameras. This monster should be strong enough to give Jonathan, in angelic form, some trouble to defeat.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg92851#msg92851
« Reply #136 on: June 16, 2010, 12:44:39 am »
Essence I'm going to let you do the next part... I don't feel like making Bob run towards the food or anything. He may be hungry and he may be crazy, but he's not stupid. He was a scientist, after all. So there's not much for me to write, other than maybe some creature coming, but I'm more curious as to what's up with the new room.


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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg92870#msg92870
« Reply #137 on: June 16, 2010, 12:57:56 am »
Wait... but I have no idea what this monster is going to be! You're going to have to describe it.

Meanwhile... can't let writing go to waste.

"Suit yourself," Nanuuk said. "But this is the strongest shield you've ever seen. Just watch!" Eager to show off his skills, Nanuuk ran recklessly into the darkness, yelling and screaming like a maniac.

Soon, he watched a small, dark figure on the ground with too many teeth to count. It leaped towards Nanuuk, who simply stood smiling, confident in the power of his protective dome. A thousand discordant notes echoed through the shadows as the creature shattered the ice wall like it wasn't even there.

Nanuuk barely had time to utter an expletive; he dodged and the creature flew over him. He felt the wind rush past his hair as the creature turned around and leaped once more. Nanuuk pivoted on one foot and raised his left arm. The broken shards of ice simultaneously rose into the air and flew towards the creature, skewering it mid-flight. When it landed next to Nanuuk, it was dead. "Oops. Sorry about that, guys. That creature must have been super powerful to be able to break through my first-rate protective spell, heh." Nanuuk then decided to shut up. He had already embarrassed himself enough. Plus, apparently, they were being watched.

Jonathan pulled out his meat cleaver that could decapitate an ox and went to work slicing apart some sort of surveillance device. But it didn't work. Even Nanuuk was shocked, but Jonathan quickly shouted something and the sword grew.

Wait, what. How is that even possible?
Nevermind "possible". Check the size of that thing! The new sword was huge, about twice as thick as it was before. An ox? This thing could decapitate...


a pair... of oxen. In one blow. Yeah, you're reaaaaaal clever, Nanuuk.
This new sword managed to destroy the surveillance device, but in a very ostentatious manner; golden shockwaves flew out from the sword periodically, and when the device broke, a loud explosion echoed through the darkness.

"Can't you make it a bit quieter?" Nanuuk whispered. "What if someone hears-"

Too late. We're doomed. Nanuuk sensed a presence underneath them. But how? I don't have any magical sixth sense powers...

You idiot! Don't you see the cracks?

Oh, right.
The ground underneath them was splitting up like an earthquake. Yep, pretty obvious sign of a disturbance. Nanuuk instinctively summoned a minor spirit and tossed it into a large crevice that had just appeared.

He heard a scream, and then all fell silent.

I should probably stop throwing spirits around... Nanuuk thought, twisting his beard anxiously.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg92885#msg92885
« Reply #138 on: June 16, 2010, 01:13:02 am »
But, you see, Icy, I have no idea what that monster is going to look like :P

Oh, and wait until Nanuuk sees the Excalibur in its Execution form. THAT is a huge sword. :D
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg92886#msg92886
« Reply #139 on: June 16, 2010, 01:15:14 am »

Yes! Helios is doing that monster I guess :P

Nanuuk does not appreciate big pointy objects unless it is in his hand. He will probably run away.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg92904#msg92904
« Reply #140 on: June 16, 2010, 01:32:54 am »
"Slave, did they just shatter the mirror?" asked the Emperor, bored again.
"Y-y-y-yes m'lord" said the imp.
"Do they honestly think I use those to see them?" asked the Emperor, looking into the pits through his summoned portal.
"I suppose yes, m'lord" muttered the imp.
"HAHAHAHAHAH!" guffawed the Emperor.
"HAHAHA!" laughed the imps, frightened.
"Oh, did you intercept that message to 'heaven' as asked?"
"Yes m'lord, what should we do with it?"
"Deliver it to the Sphinx, so it can prepare."
"Yes m'lord."
"And Imp.  I'll forgive you this time..."
"Oh yes, thank you merciful Emper--"
"BUT!  Next time?  Why don't we send something that can hit them."

Just making sure none of this heaven stuff gets to far.  As an FYI, the Emperor will always be able to see you, and you aren't in a normal place.  Physics might break.

Other than that, bear in mind Blood, that you can't ask Helios to edit your backstory.  If it wasn't in your character sheet, it's fair game (and no I won't update your character sheet any more).


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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg92908#msg92908
« Reply #141 on: June 16, 2010, 01:37:13 am »
Th-th-The Sphinx??!!

Btw, when does the round end? I want someone to die.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg92910#msg92910
« Reply #142 on: June 16, 2010, 01:37:53 am »
The round ends at the climax.  So... whenever you want it to.

Also, have fun with the Sphinx.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg92924#msg92924
« Reply #143 on: June 16, 2010, 01:52:59 am »
Other than that, bear in mind Blood, that you can't ask Helios to edit your backstory.  If it wasn't in your character sheet, it's fair game (and no I won't update your character sheet any more).
It was in my backstory. Helios didn't interpret it right.

As an FYI, the Emperor will always be able to see you, and you aren't in a normal place.
If I survive that far, the Emperor will die by my hands. And again, let me be perfectly clear. He will NOT be able to kill me, by any means. When I'm eliminated, I will simply be transported back to where I was before I got taken away.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.

