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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg89078#msg89078
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2010, 02:23:14 am »
I got to admit Icy your characters are usually really creative but this one somehow lacks :P.
Now does it lack? :P

Character completed. :) Sorry, I was busy learning myself the maths.


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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg89166#msg89166
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2010, 05:00:03 am »
Some questions about characters:
1) Can the ability be anything you wanted, just as long as it doesn't god-mod?
2) Like-wise, can you have any weapon, as long as it doesn't god-mod?
3) What species would you put a person that can eat anything edible (and a few things that aren't) as?
4) Can your character swear a lot, and if so, does one write it along the lines of, "The string of profanities that came from her lips shocked those around her"? Or can you use the actual swear words?

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg89178#msg89178
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2010, 05:32:05 am »
OK, I'll take a crack at this. I am trying to improve my writing skills after all.

Username: Bloodshadow

Name: Jonathan Solaris

Gender: Male

Race: The sun deity, Sol Invictus, reincarnated into a half-human, half-angel.

Color: #FFFF7D, and the purple one is #FF7DFF.

Weapon: Jonathan uses the Excalibur, a weapon made from the essence of Light, and the Sun. It has several different forms, depending on how much energy is put into it:
1. Basic form. Normally, the Excalibur looks like a longsword, about 5 centimeters wide made from white and silver metal, with gold runes and sigils of Light on it. In this form it is nothing but a sharper-than-normal sword, but it can channel and amplify Light magic to some extent.
2. Judgment. This form looks like a wide broadsword version of the Excalibur, about 10 cm wide; the speed is decreased while power increased. This form is invoked when Jonathan enters his angelic form, when he is facing a powerful opponent. It can create waves and blasts of golden Light energy when swung, and it greatly amplifies any Light magic channeled into it.
3. Execution. In this form, the Excalibur is a massive sword, more than 20 cm wide; its power is tremendous. This form is activated when Jonathan uses his solar deity powers; he will only do this when in grave danger. In this form, the Excalibur can create massive energy blasts by itself, and cut through almost anything; but using this form puts a great toll on Jonathan's body.
4. Solstice. This form can ONLY be used when Jonathan has been DEFEATED when using Execution. The massive sword of Execution will crack, revealing a blinding golden light coming from inside. Then Execution shatters, revealing a sword made of a pure golden metal. This sword is golden instead of white, but it resembles Excalibur's basic form; it can be only maintained for a short amount of time before reverting to its basic form.
    Equinox. The shattered remains of Execution will merge and form a white buckler-sized shield with a golden sun on it. This shield can create powerful barriers of Light to protect Jonathan and his allies.
-1. Eclipse. The Excalibur will become a black and purple sword of Darkness during a solar eclipse. This form also has several upgrades, and it has the ability to drain the life force of others.

Photokinesis: Jonathan has control over Light. He can use it to blind enemies, dispel evil, heal himself and others, focus it into destructive beams, etc. He usually shapes light into swords of varying sizes and shapes. See picture: http://lunaticsupernova.deviantart.com/art/Sword-Summoner-36072723
Paladin: Jonathan uses a fighting style that incorporates both melee sword combat and Light magic.
Advanced Forms: Jonathan himself, like his weapon, has several different forms. His appearance is dependent on the power level he uses; the more power, the more severe drain on his body and spirit.
  Human form: In human form, Jonathan is only slightly stronger, heals faster, and has more stamina than a normal human. He can only use the basic form of the Excalibur.
  Angelic form: In this form, Jonathan has a pair of white angel wings, and a glowing white aura. His strength, speed, stamina, perception, magic, etc, are all increased. He can use the Excalibur in Judgment form.
  Demigod form: In this form, Jonathan utilizes his powers as Sol Invictus. His wings become draconian, golden, and more energy-like, and his aura turns golden; he gains a golden, sun-like tattoo on his forehead. His powers are explosively increased in this form, but if used for too long this form will cause heavy fatigue and incapacitation. He can use the Excalibur in Execution form.
  Divine form: This is as close to his original god form as Jonathan can get. His wings become pure energy, his hair becomes flame-like, and he dons a set of golden armor made of Light; his entire body is covered with glowing golden tattoos. Jonathan can only use this form if he has been defeat in demigod form and brought to the verge of death; this form can only be maintained for a short while. Jonathan can use the Solstice and Equinox in this form.
  Demonic form: During a solar eclipse, Jonathan will turn into something similar to a fallen angel; he will channel the darker, more demonic aspects of himself when he was a god. In this form all of Jonathan's powers will change from Light to Darkness, and he will be able to use the Excalibur in Eclipse form; his color scheme is changed from white-gold to black-purple. In more advanced demonic forms, Jonathan's sclera will turn black while his eyes are purple. However, in this form Jonathan will be taken over by his psychotic, cruel, and sadistic alter-ego, and he will show no remorse and concern for his friends, or any life in general.

Appearance: Jonathan is a handsome young man, about 180 cm tall, with medium-length spiky golden hair (NOT blond, but GOLDEN), and bright, piercing golden eyes. He usually wears a white cloak with golden runes, and the Excalibur is buckled to his belt. During a solar eclipse, when he was taken over by his inner demon, Jonathan's hair and eyes will turn black-purple, and his handsome features will become twisted and insane.
Personality wise, Jonathan is casual, laid-back, polite, charming, funny, etc. He is brave, and cares very deeply about his friends and loved ones; he will do anything, even risking his own life, to protect the others. However, his alter ego is the exact polar opposite: cruel, sadistic, insane, with no respect for anyone and anything.

Jonathan used to be Sol Invictus, the Sun God of Light. Every human has an evil side inside them, and every god has an inner demon; because Sol was so powerful, his inner demon, Eclipsis, split from Sol himself and threatened to cover the world with an eternal eclipse and turn it into a world of Darkness. Wanting to protect the world, Sol sacrificed himself to seal away Eclipsis; as a result, they merged back into one again, and reincarnated into the body of a half-angel, Jonathan.
At his eighteenth birthday, Jonathan, among other young angels, were taken to the Temple of Solaris, to see if any of them could pull out the sacred blade Excalibur, and take on the mantle of Sol Invictus. Naturally, Jonathan was able to pull out his own sword, and at that moment his previous life as a god flashed before his eyes. At that same moment, the sun turned black, and Eclipsis awakened inside Jonathan; he massacred the angels, and destroyed the Temple of Solaris. Jonathan was able to suppress his inner demon, but because of his massacre he was banished from heaven into the mortal world. He then wandered around the world, seeking a way to control his inner demon, before he was taken by the Grandmaster.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg89319#msg89319
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2010, 12:03:50 pm »
I got to admit Icy your characters are usually really creative but this one somehow lacks :P.
Now does it lack? :P

Character completed. :) Sorry, I was busy learning myself the maths.
Thought you'd edit it.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg89630#msg89630
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2010, 06:51:15 pm »
Glitch, there is no L in Bob.

Also, since I posted my character's information in a brief format, if anyone has any questions just ask me.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg89703#msg89703
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2010, 08:54:34 pm »
Gl1tch: Please get the colors right. I've specifically chosen colors that are easier on the eyes. The yellow color I used is #FFFF7D, and the purple one is #FF7DFF. Quote my post if you don't know how it's done.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg89841#msg89841
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2010, 12:12:56 am »
Time to bust out my all-time favorite Shadowrun character.
Username: Essence
      Name: Angus Thermopyle
      Gender: Male

      Race: Troll

      Colour: Orange
      Weapon: Angus carries a hip-mounted autogun with full metal jacketed rounds and an oversized Chinese meat cleaver.
      Abilities: Angus regenerates (slowly), and has sub-dermal armor agumenting his natural trollish toughness, and is pretty much the most wound-resistant thing around.  He also has an absolutely pathetic spark of magical ability in him, and knows how to cast exactly one spell: Stunball. (small radius, medium range, deals non-lethal damage but in large enough amounts to KO ordinary folk off the street.)  Fortunately, his innate toughness makes casting it a breeze for him, even though a human with so little magical skill would be exhausted after a couple of castings. 
      Description: Angus Thermopyle is about seven feet tall, with bumpy orange skin and kelp-like hair that he keeps in dreadlocks and a doorag.  He is just over three feet wide at the shoulder, which keeps him from fitting comfortably in most human-sized environments.  He is best described as racuous, fun-loving, and loud -- though his definiton of "fun" usually involves blowing large things and/or crowds of people up while under constant attack from furious enemies.   He has a tattoo on his neck (over his Adam's apple) of the Arm-and-Hammer Baking Soda logo with the words "GET A BIGGER HAMMER" around it.

      Biography: Angus was a professional escape-coverer for a group of corporate spies.  He hated his job because most of the spies' missions went smoothly and he didn't get to blow sh!t up, but the times when things went wrong, he turned mere mayhem into absolute chaos and loved it.   In the few seconds before getting kidnapped by the Grandmaster, Angus was reading Hustler magazine and polishing his autocannon.  No, literally.
If something happens and you think it deserves my attention, feel free to PM me. Other than that, I'm probably here if you want to shoot the breeze.


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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg89844#msg89844
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2010, 12:13:56 am »


Good lord. I had no idea. Blood, you're a lifesaver. Gl1tch, I'm editing my color, if you don't mind, to #89CFF0.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg89883#msg89883
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2010, 01:01:34 am »
I'd rather you guys didn't do that, but I suppose there's no rule against it.  I'll edit.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg89899#msg89899
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2010, 01:19:08 am »
Hey, Gl1tch, if you'd rather I stick to an all-fantasy theme, I can totally do that.  Just let me know. :)
If something happens and you think it deserves my attention, feel free to PM me. Other than that, I'm probably here if you want to shoot the breeze.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg89900#msg89900
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2010, 01:19:49 am »
I actually couldn't care less who your character is.  It's more about writing.

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Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7906.msg89901#msg89901
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2010, 01:20:09 am »
Cool.  Angus is a very inspirational character for me, so I expect to do well. :)
If something happens and you think it deserves my attention, feel free to PM me. Other than that, I'm probably here if you want to shoot the breeze.

