Apologies, folks. I either managed to unsubscribe, or marked it as read, or something. (I rely on the New Replies thingy in the top left). And I've been busy with Exciting New Employment!
My first ever paid design gig! If they like my business card enough, I get to design their website too! Most of my week has been iterating from a basic black bike on plain white background to this sleek number:

The client's contact information is centered on the back, white text on black.
Since there's been such a delay, we'll just run all three submissions in random order. I can do things this way henceforth if we remain at a small number of commands.
die roll= 2
die roll= 1
die roll= 3
Go EAST while searching up singles at Match.com.
You hear a roaring river and shortly stumble upon a brick BRIDGE.
Brick Bridge Lives= 3 Hardcore mode= On Annoying Hum= On Movemode= Jump
You leap onto a BRIDGE. An I.R.S. collections ROBOT bristles with syringes and beam weapons. It is HOSTILE and you hear a whine as its phasers charge up. EXITS: WEST, EAST (currently blocked by ROBOT)
Toes stubbed: 2. Please input next COMMAND.
ERROR! SHELTER not found. COMMAND queued for next opportunity!
Hell, we're already jumping and making an annoying hum. This is SO worth it.
MODE not found. COMMAND not found. Fail/Retry/Fail?
(cute, but let's avoid bloating the Current Info blurb too much. I plan to incorporate the modes you accidentally created, but I don't want to figure out how a jumping, flapping, eyes-crossed yodeler manages to hum while licking his elbows. also try to submit actual actions so we can get to the Mansion! preferably alive.)My response to Wardead's post has PLAYER ONE's current status. Remember, non-actions are O.K., but the first
action that is chosen by die roll indicates PLAYER ONE's immediate reaction to the hostile robot. Don't worry, you have 3 lives!