PLAYER ONE, a single COMMAND can be processed at one time. Only the first func with valid args will execute.For the record, each person rolled gets one action. The big thing I'm trying to avoid is someone monopolizing the character as seen in Nepy's recent post. However, if the dice roll chooses Nepycros's post, I
will take the first valid action - just not
all of them. Even though the first person used a single simple sentence, it had 2 actions in there. Feel free to state multiple actions if you wish, however, because some of them might not parse, such as that ATTACH attempt.
I've seen too many WDYD threads where one person abuses his time in the driver's seat with something like "Ok, I equip the sword, don't read the rest of the instruction manual, leave the library, and chop off the governor's head outside," which really pre-empts and steals a lot of the action from those who would just post "wear the sword" or "talk to the sword" or "equip the sword".die result = 4
Hardcore Mode enabled. UNFRIENDLY upgraded to HOSTILE. Two LIVES deducted.
PLAYER ONE has not taken an action yet. reroll, die result = 6
Open the Window.
If the window won't open, throw the giant magnet through the window.
WINDOW or WINDOWS not found. This is an Apple computer, duh!
Confirm PLAYER ONE attempting to EXIT DOOR? (reroll, die result = 2)
Grab magnet and try the door(if it's unlocked, leave).
DOOR used!
Dirt Road Lives= 3 Hardcore mode= On
You walk a lonely ROAD. There is a ROSE here. EXITS: DOOR to shack, NORTH, SOUTH
Please input next COMMAND.