Every round, you will send via PM a number between 1 and 100 to the
organizer. As the round is over, the numbers sent will be revealed.
The player who sent the highest number (randomized if there is a tie) will be eliminated, the other players will get as many points as the number they sent.
The winner will be the Last Standing or the first to reach 200 points.
Rounds will last approximately 1 day (From 2 PM GMT to 2 PM GMT.)
The first round coincides with signups, and will last about 2 days instead. You may sign-up by posting in this thread, or by sending me the score PM.
Be sure to include Gamblers in the PM signups.
Any player who sends no PM will get 1 point.
Any player who sends no PM for three rounds will be eliminated.
The winner will receive 3 points for Master of Games, the 2nd placed will receive 1.