Heres how this works. There are no rules. Profanity, Sexuality, and anything else goes. Just no spamming, and don't break the basic forum rules. Although, I do request you don't mention player names other than yourself. The objective? We make a 4 chorus and 3 verse rap, which on completion, will be performed by me. Here are the base first 2 verses for the chorus:
Hey, Hey, Guess what happened today?
Well you see, things arent going my way..
Then, each player of the game will write one verse, 8 syllables, minimum 5 words. Must rhyme.
How this works is when you post your line, Ill add it. When we complete the first chorus, I will post a message saying that the verse lines are started. Chorus should be 6-8 lines. Ill post the guidelines for the verse in my update. And on lines 6/8, please dont leave a cliffhanger. Cliff hangers only viable at the end of the verses, and must connect to the chorus intro (Above). You can, however, mention names of FAMOUS players, meaning people with special colored forum names. Mods, Admins, Zanz (If your a daring fellow

), and other special people. Lets make this rap!