The nymph already Deja vu'd herself, but the Deja's attack was greater than it's defense.
The diver will help you only if you can pay him.
How about my suggestion?
I was going to pick it whether or not you self advertised. Please refrain from doing so though
We need to go to the scarabs and convince at least 14 of them to unite so that they could defeat edgar. To time lands we go!
"C'mon," you say to Dave, "we gotta deal with that creep"
Dave shrugs.
"Hey, maybe they'll a nymph will help us see who robbed us."
"And why would the anubis help an Aetherian?" asks Dave.
"Because we just slayed the dragon."
Dave shrugs and agrees to go with you.
The location of the pyramid of time isn't known to many. The dunes look like pyramids until you get up close, the wind completely blocks one point of view.
"We need to get to a cave," screams Dave, pointing out a sandstorm is coming.
What do you do?