The title says it all!
Us, the godsreally need your help.Something terrible isabout to happento Elements the Game.We wouldn't expectpuny mortals like youto understand any of thisbut we are here becausewe really need your help.
For this to workyou will have to doEXACTLYwhat we ask you to.No matter how dumb it look,how strange it sounds,or how impossible it is.Oh cool look, I'm purple!
If you want to join this expeditionsign up by replying ''in'' in this thread.This won't be easy.We don't expect many of you to survive.Good luck! Each round will last 72 hours.
To sign up you have [countdown=MONTH,DAY,YEAR,HOUR,MINUTE]no time left
1. Linkcat
2. Naii the Baf
3. mathman101
4. Kalinuial
5. dawn to dusk
6. CactusKing
7. DoubleCapitals
8. Fippe94
9. iancudorinmarian
10. worldwideweb3
11. CleanOnion
12. DoctorC
13. InsignificantWeeabo
14. kaempfer13
15. UTAlan
16. shockcannon
17. Zawadx
18. asdw152
Oh look he's purple