It was indeed very short. Perhaps give more incentive and possibilities to screw the plans of others? Removing or limiting the ability to honor/etc multiple gods at once could also probably lengthen the game.
I have two ideas about improvements that would increase the excitement factor of the game:
- some reason to work together with other players (plot and strategize together against everyone else!)
- some kind of commentary about what happened in the previous day other than deaths; trying to figure it all out from the spreadsheets is quite.. unexciting. Instead of the whole game going in PMs, it would be nice to make it a bit more 'interactive', as in having discussions in the topic and such..
Just random thoughts. 
Removing or limiting the ability to honor/accuse/dispute multiple gods at once is probably a good idea. I had many headaches trying to recheck the spreadsheet if I honored those False Gods accordingly. Of course, there would be a MAJOR revamp of False God Divine Actions, but some of those Divine Actions that were focused on Realms or Powers were pretty weak to begin with, eh?

In terms of co-op play and active participation in the topic, the first can easily be remedied by the fact that in the 2nd F&H, 2 players can
choose the same Esteemed False God, with the condition that they start at a lower reputation with all the other False Gods. Both players -automatically- win if one of them wins via Heresy or Fanaticism (and even Apocalypse, if there's no one remaining besides the two), but of course, the reputation disadvantage can come back into play and also ensure paint a huge target on their forhead.
As for the second, the only thing I can think of to increase posting within a F&H is to force people to post 'attributions' or 'rebuttals' to players/against False Gods. For example, let's say you have 3 actions that you send via PM: Honor Rainbow, Accuse Rainbow Kuroaitou, and Dispute Rainbow Kuroaitou. Out of those 3 basic actions (Honor, Accuse, and Dispute), you need to either a) write a small poem or something of the like to say to others why Rainbow is awesome (Honoring), b) write a small 'rap battle' on why so and so player is bad (Accusation), or c) write a logical argument to the False God(s) about why that person is unworthy of their time (Disputing).
The second part is a bit complicated though. ^^; I'm all up for ideas on how to improve talks in the topic!
Also, were the FGs ever targeted? I don't think there was any realistic incentive to do so, considering the difficulties in getting them to 'exhausted' status.
No. But I will reduce FG health (15 is more reasonable), improve damage of certain False God Divine Actions (and add passives as well), alongside making it so that you -do not- lose reputation or current health from attacking a False God.