'DAY' 1:
Day 1 has now ended.A few guidelines:
Remember to send ALL ACTIONS via PERSONAL MESSAGES to order to avoid others from predicting your moves, unless specified otherwise (see Paradox).-Note that you can only use ONE specific False God ability at any given time (i.e. - you cannot 'spam' an ability more than one in a day)
-Note that the amount of AP or 'Action Points' you spend in a given day is determined by what skills you use,
as well as how many 'targets' you're affecting. Targeting a False God by a Realm is 3 points (the maximum amount for almost all users), so please avoid going over your point budget.
-Keep track of your reputations and HPs!
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?hl=en_US&key=0Aj7BKHGe7wc8dGMyZkxCRVNiblcwV0YwcXFwVzd6S2c#gid=0-Feel free to ask questions in this thread or via personal message.
NOTE: When a new round starts, that is your time to send your Actions! Label your PMs with 'Fanatics and Heretics - Day X Actions' (x = a number) to make it easier for organizers to filter information.
And most important of all... have fun.