Despite the darkness that surrounded the acolytes, the Oracle knew that there would be something to undo this catastrophe. Even though he was restricted in what he could do, just as the False Gods were not truly powerful beings who can will what they wish, there was one who was truly omnipotent. One who had limitless power, but knew better than to recklessly abuse such blessings; one who didn't want to create an army of the divine or an ever-peaceful society of elementals.
He made the wind danced, forced the stars to revolve around the realm, and gave shape to every substance created in this world. And within the darkness, a small beacon of light had shown in the 'body' of one of the Gods, lifting her essence into the skies above.
...and the darkness cleared once more. The shells of the False Gods began to vibrate, gyrate, and grow in size. From the crater fields to the endless plains, the Deadswood to the arctic oceans, life began anew once more in the beings that ruled over the realm.
DAY 21
Day 21 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.Day 21 has begun.
-Gods have now began recovering HP; the amount of HP each (current) Exhausted False God recovers is based on the amount of times the False God was targeted with basic non-Promoting actions. For example, Miracle was targeted for a total of 21 times between Day 15 and 'today' with Honor, Accuse, Fight, and Mend, allowing her to recover 21 HP each day. Divine Glory recovers 5 HP, etc.
-False God's maximum HP totals are also increased when they have recovered their full 16 hearts.
-If you think you should be Favored (or Hated) with a certain False God, know this:
- Incubation does -NOT- count as an instant False God promotion to either status. You -must- use Honor OR Accuse on them in order to get the rep exchange upon them losing Exhausted.
- I also may have made an error. Notify me immediately if this is the cause.
-Questions welcome.
Inactive: Nepycros, Cheesy111