A new dawn has arrived... the tale of Fanatics and Heretics, eternally retold.
Fanatics and Heretics
Another century has passed; the priestess Rozinanza had fallen to the behemoth Yggrisalis long ago, the mutated combination of 3 former acolytes, UTAlan, Onizuka, and Cheesy111. While the Usurper himself managed to be slain before the month had ended, all of the battles were for naught, as the creature managed to obliterate the rest of the acolytes in its malicious glory. For many years, the other civilians of the elemental plane had hid away in fear, hoping that the demon would not come near their societies and generate the void...
The era of terror was about to change however.
Various acolytes had heard the soft whispers of the Oracle, heeding their call:
"Elementals! Children of the true Gods, hear me... your time has come to rid the world of this weakening monstrosity and bring back glory to the Deities you had sworn to serve. I too, mourn the loss of our great priestess Rozinanza, but fear not, for I shall find a way to truly bring her back into this world, and give true, uncorrupt power to those who are willing to serve the Gods as they should!"
The call to arms has interested you... what powers could he possibly grant to an elemental being such as you?
SIGNING-UPPlayers sign up in the topic by posting in this topic. There is NO limit to the number of players this time! (15 minimum is required however) While signing up, you have two choices:
- Specifically choose a False God (except Rainbow) that you would like to be Esteemed with.
- Don’t choose any FG and let a random False God Esteem you instead, BUT gain +3 total hearts before you begin.
There are
four ways to win the game:
- To win via ‘Fanaticism’, you must have at least 24/29 False Gods that are 'Favored'.
- To win via ‘Heresy’, you must have at least 24/29 False Gods that are 'Hated'.
- To win via 'Oppression', you must have at least 24/29 False Gods that are ‘Scared’.
- To win via ‘Apocalypse’, all other players must simply be killed.
RULESWith the exception of Rainbow, False Gods are grouped accordingly:
Spoiler for Groups:
By their ‘Power’:- Retribution: Incarnate, Graviton, Lionheart, Scorpio
- Wisdom: Morte, Osiris, Paradox, Neptune
- Rebirth: Eternal Phoenix, Destiny, Firefly Queen, Miracle
- Protection: Serket, Seism, Gemini, Jezebel
- Transmutation: Hecate, Akebono, Chaos Lord, Elidinis
- Domination: Hermes, Obliterator, Octane, Divine Glory
- Indulgence: Decay, Dark Matter, Dream Catcher, Ferox
- Realm of the Nexus (Earth, Gravity, Time) – Seism, Obliterator, Akebono, Dark Matter, Graviton, Osiris, Destiny
- Realm of the Heavens (Air, Entropy, Aether) – Firefly Queen, Octane, Dream Catcher, Chaos Lord, Gemini, Paradox, Lionheart
- Realm of Creation (Life, Water, Light) – Ferox, Elidinis, Neptune, Scorpio, Jezebel, Miracle, Divine Glory
- Realm of Destruction (Death, Fire, Darkness) – Serket, Morte, Incarnate, Hecate, Decay, Eternal Phoenix, Hermes
Reputation-Each player has assigned reputation with all 29 of the False Gods. There are 7 ranks of Reputation, in which players can ascend or descend the ranks from the actions below:
- Hated (H): The lowest rank of reputation obtainable – False Gods will not grant you an HP boost unlike the 'Favored' status, but you still gain access to their 'Hated' Divine Action. You may only lose this reputation status if a player or multiple players 'Honor' you twice (i.e. - Player A uses 'Honor' on Player B on the same False God, or Players A & C use 'Accuse' on Player B on the same False God) (they can target the False God individually or within a group that the FG belongs to).
- Disliked (D): False Gods that heavily dislike your presence; certain special abilities will have much stronger effects on targets that have the ‘Disliked’ reputation or worse, and will allow you to be granted to the Basic Action, 'Promote'..
- Ignored (I): False Gods that ignore your presence; a few special abilities may have unique effects on targets that have the ‘ignored’ (or lower) reputation.
- Apathetic (A): The neutral stance of most False Gods. Nothing gained or lost.
- Respected (R): False Gods that respect your presence; a few special abilities may have unique effects on targets that have the ‘respected’ (or higher) reputation.
- Liked (L): False Gods that generally like your presence; certain special abilities will have much stronger effects on targets that have the ‘Liked’ reputation or better, and will allow you to be granted to the Basic Action, 'Promote'.
- Favored (F): False Gods that favor your presence above all others; you can use the False God’s Favored ‘Divine Action’ with this status. You may only lose this reputation status if a player or multiple players 'Accuse' you twice (i.e. - Player A uses 'Accuse' on Player B on the same False God, or Players A & C use 'Accuse' on Player B on the same False God) (they can target the False God individually or within a group that the FG belongs to). You also increase your maximum health points by 1 per Favored False God.
There are three ‘special’ reputation ranks that only be acquired by special means:
- Esteemed (E): The one False God that chose you (or that you chose) and that will refuse to abandon you, regardless of your standing with other False Gods. Your Esteemed False God cannot have its reputation changed, you gain access to its unique ‘Esteemed Passive’ ability, and you have BOTH its Hated and Favored Divine Actions! No other player has access to that Esteemed Passive, unless they become 'Esteemed' with them. Players can changed their Esteemed False God later in the game.
- Exhausted (X): These False Gods are too weak in order to use their Divine Powers, and are vulnerable to dramatic reputation swings: using ‘Promote’ on them only will force them to elevate you to ‘Scared’ status automatically with them; using ‘Honor’ (or 'Accuse') will force them to ‘Favor’ ('Hate') you, but only after they're healed to full. You can revert an Exhausted False God back to their normal status if you recover them to full health with 'Mend' and other healing actions. Players who fail to Honor, Accuse, or Promote an Exhausted False God will have their status reverted back to 'Apathetic' with them, unless they were previously Esteemed with that False God.
- Scared (S): These False Gods are terrified of your presence; you cannot gain or lose reputation with them, but players who are Favored with them cannot use their Divine Action against you. The ‘Scared’ status can be obtained in multiple ways:
- Find a way to get a False God to become ‘Exhausted’, and then use ‘Promote’ on that same False God.
- The usage of various Divine Actions, such as The Reaper's Kiss, The Splintering, or Xylem Terror.
- Use 'Promote' on a False God that is 'Favored' or 'Hated' (YES! This means that if you are Favored/Hated with a False God, trying to promote them again would make them terrified of your conquest for power, and they will become Scared of you that way!)
...but you can remove the Scared status off another player or yourself by targeting the player and using 'Accuse' or 'Honor'; [any number of players must use a minimum of 2 'Accusations/Honors' on that same player/False God to remove it off them (i.e. - Player A and C use 'Dispute Player B Rainbow', or Player A 'Dispute Player B Rainbow x2' are examples). Using Accuse reverts the Scared status to 'Hated', while using Honor reverts the status to 'Favored'.
Players who use 'Promote' on that same False God 2 times in a row (without being interrupted) can also revert the Scared status back to 'Apathetic'.
Actions and PrecedenceEach player normally has 3 ‘Action points’ they may spend on that day. You may perform as many actions as allowed, but you CANNOT spend more than the number of actions points you have (in
most cases, this will be 3...).
- There are seven basic actions:
- Honor
- Accuse
- Dispute
- Submit
- Fight
- Mend
- and Promote.
- Send your actions via PMs only, UNLESS you are targeted by certain Divine Actions/Esteemed Passives, OR if you want others to know if what you're doing.
- Sending a PM that will send you over your daily allowance of points will automatically negate all points that you have (i.e. – you act as if you didn’t perform any actions). The organizer will correct this whenever they can.
- In addition to the Basic Actions, you can also perform certain DIVINE ACTIONS depending on the reputation you have with certain False Gods.
- There are also ESTEEMED PASSIVES that you can use to your advantage depended on which False God you are Esteemed with. Some of these passives require you to talk in the topic; others require certain Basic or Divine Actions to be done. There are even those that are simply based off of what other people do! Remember to read them all carefully before you choose your False God (if you decide to)...
- All Divine Actions (based on precedence list in spreadsheet)*
- Submit
- Dispute
- Promote
- Honor and Accuse (both cancel each other out if they target the same False God/player)
- Fight and Mend (depending on below precedence!)
- Passives (depending on precedence)*
If two players send in actions of similar precedence at the same time (i.e. - Fight/Mend, the same Divine Action against each other or the same target, etc.), the person with more health will have their actions first processed. If the health is the same, the player with the higher total of Favored/Hated/Scared False God reputations are first processed (i.e. - if a player has 15 Hated reputations and the other has 16 Scared Reputations, the Scared player wins). If the highest rep totals are the same, then finally the player who sent their actions in first will get precedence over the other.- Honor (1-3): Select a specific False God (1 AP)/False God Group (by Essence) (2 AP)/Realm of False Gods (3 AP) and a player to Honor the player of being devout and the False God of being blessed, increasing their reputation by 1 rank of the False God(s). This will actively cancel out any player's Accusations during that turn, but it cannot block Promotions.
- Accuse (1-3): Select a specific False God/False God Group (by Essence)/Realm of False Gods and a player to Accuse the player of being unfaithful and the False God of being ignorant, lowering their reputation by 1 rank of the False God(s). This will actively cancel out any player's Honors during that turn, but it cannot block Promotions.
- Dispute (1-3): Select a specific False God/False God Group (by Essence)/Realm of False Gods and a player to Dispute them of being a hypocrite. If that player uses ‘Honor’ respectively on the False Gods targeted, they instead LOSE reputation (1 rank) from that/those False God(s), and you GAIN reputation from them (1 rank) - the opposite applies if they used 'Accuse' on that False God instead. If they use Promote, they do not become Favored/Hated/Scared by that False God and cannot target that False God the next turn. However, if the player did not target themselves with Honor, Accuse, or Promote, you lose 1 heart per AP spent on failed Disputes (i.e. - if you used 'Dispute Power of Retribution' on a player that didn't use Honor, Accuse, or Promote on themselves, you lose 2 hearts).
- Submit (2): Submit yourself to the higher powers, begging to be forgiven of your insolence. If any player attempts to change your reputation with basic actions while you're using Submit (i.e. - any other player targets you with Honor, Accuse, or Dispute), you recover 1 heart per reputation change they attempted to afflict on you, while negating their reputation changes. If you're not targeted by any basic action reputation changes, then nothing happens.
- Fight (1): Fight a target and remove 1 of their hearts.
- Mend (1): Mend a target and restore 1 of their hearts.
- Promote (1): Request the target False God (only one at a time) to Promote you to ‘Favored’, 'Hated', or 'Scared' status. This action can only be blocked by another player's ‘Dispute’, but your reputation cannot be decreased by Dispute. You may use Promote on other players, but you cannot promote another player to the Scared status, only Favored or Hated.
HealthEach player has ‘10 hearts’. When your heart count goes to zero, you are automatically eliminated (i.e. – ‘killed’) from the game (ignoring any resurrection abilities...). Players can lose hearts by being attacked with Basic actions, such as 'Fight', or more complex Divine Actions and passives. They can also increase their maximum heart totals by other abilities, or by gaining the 'Favored' status with a False God. Certain abilities and actions (Mend) can temporarily (or permanently) replenish or increase any player’s heart count as well.
MAJOR NOTICE: If your total heart count decreases, your current heart count will also decrease accordingly! (but your current health will never go below zero when your maximum hearts are reduced - maximum heart count can never go below 1 either. Likewise, increasing your total heart heart count will also increase your current heart count.Each False God has ’16 hearts’, and will become ‘Exhausted’ when their heart count drops to zero or lower (yes, negative numbers!).
False Gods with 0 or less hearts left cannot aid players by using their ‘Divine Actions’, and if that player is Esteemed with them, their Esteemed passive is also canceled; in order for a False God to leave the ‘Exhausted’ status, players must use Mend on that False God until they are fully ‘recovered’ (i.e. - they have full HP).
All health is found on the MAIN REPUTATION tab in the spreadsheets (the first tab).