A new dawn has arrived... the tale of Fanatics and Heretics, eternally retold.
Fanatics and Heretics
Another century has passed; the priestess Rozinanza had fallen to the behemoth Yggrisalis long ago, the mutated combination of 3 former acolytes, UTAlan, Onizuka, and Cheesy111. While the Usurper himself managed to be slain before the month had ended, all of the battles were for naught, as the creature managed to obliterate the rest of the acolytes in its malicious glory. For many years, the other civilians of the elemental plane had hid away in fear, hoping that the demon would not come near their societies and generate the void...
The era of terror was about to change however.
Various acolytes had heard the soft whispers of the Oracle, heeding their call:
"Elementals! Children of the true Gods, hear me... your time has come to rid the world of this weakening monstrosity and bring back glory to the Deities you had sworn to serve. I too, mourn the loss of our great priestess Rozinanza, but fear not, for I shall find a way to truly bring her back into this world, and give true, uncorrupt power to those who are willing to serve the Gods as they should!"
The call to arms has interested you... what powers could he possibly grant to an elemental being such as you?
Players sign up in the topic by posting in this topic. There is NO limit to the number of players this time! (15 minimum is required however) While signing up, you have two choices:
- Specifically choose a False God (except Rainbow) that you would like to be Esteemed with.
- Don’t choose any FG and let a random False God Esteem you instead, BUT gain +3 total hearts before you begin.
There are four ways to win the game:
- To win via ‘Fanaticism’, you must have at least 24/29 False Gods that are 'Favored'.
- To win via ‘Heresy’, you must have at least 24/29 False Gods that are 'Hated'.
- To win via 'Oppression', you must have at least 24/29 False Gods that are ‘Scared’.
- To win via ‘Apocalypse’, all other players must simply be killed.
With the exception of Rainbow, False Gods are grouped accordingly:
By their ‘Power’:- Retribution: Incarnate, Graviton, Lionheart, Scorpio
- Wisdom: Morte, Osiris, Paradox, Neptune
- Rebirth: Eternal Phoenix, Destiny, Firefly Queen, Miracle
- Protection: Serket, Seism, Gemini, Jezebel
- Transmutation: Hecate, Akebono, Chaos Lord, Elidinis
- Domination: Hermes, Obliterator, Octane, Divine Glory
- Indulgence: Decay, Dark Matter, Dream Catcher, Ferox
- Realm of the Nexus (Earth, Gravity, Time) – Seism, Obliterator, Akebono, Dark Matter, Graviton, Osiris, Destiny
- Realm of the Heavens (Air, Entropy, Aether) – Firefly Queen, Octane, Dream Catcher, Chaos Lord, Gemini, Paradox, Lionheart
- Realm of Creation (Life, Water, Light) – Ferox, Elidinis, Neptune, Scorpio, Jezebel, Miracle, Divine Glory
- Realm of Destruction (Death, Fire, Darkness) – Serket, Morte, Incarnate, Hecate, Decay, Eternal Phoenix, Hermes
-Each player has assigned reputation with all 29 of the False Gods. There are 7 ranks of Reputation, in which players can ascend or descend the ranks from the actions below:
- Hated (H): The lowest rank of reputation obtainable – False Gods will not grant you an HP boost unlike the 'Favored' status, but you still gain access to their 'Hated' Divine Action. You may only lose this reputation status if a player or multiple players 'Honor' you twice (i.e. - Player A uses 'Honor' on Player B on the same False God, or Players A & C use 'Accuse' on Player B on the same False God) (they can target the False God individually or within a group that the FG belongs to).
- Disliked (D): False Gods that heavily dislike your presence; certain special abilities will have much stronger effects on targets that have the ‘Disliked’ reputation or worse, and will allow you to be granted to the Basic Action, 'Promote'..
- Ignored (I): False Gods that ignore your presence; a few special abilities may have unique effects on targets that have the ‘ignored’ (or lower) reputation.
- Apathetic (A): The neutral stance of most False Gods. Nothing gained or lost.
- Respected (R): False Gods that respect your presence; a few special abilities may have unique effects on targets that have the ‘respected’ (or higher) reputation.
- Liked (L): False Gods that generally like your presence; certain special abilities will have much stronger effects on targets that have the ‘Liked’ reputation or better, and will allow you to be granted to the Basic Action, 'Promote'.
- Favored (F): False Gods that favor your presence above all others; you can use the False God’s Favored ‘Divine Action’ with this status. You may only lose this reputation status if a player or multiple players 'Accuse' you twice (i.e. - Player A uses 'Accuse' on Player B on the same False God, or Players A & C use 'Accuse' on Player B on the same False God) (they can target the False God individually or within a group that the FG belongs to). You also increase your maximum health points by 1 per Favored False God.
There are three ‘special’ reputation ranks that only be acquired by special means:
- Esteemed (E): The one False God that chose you (or that you chose) and that will refuse to abandon you, regardless of your standing with other False Gods. Your Esteemed False God cannot have its reputation changed, you gain access to its unique ‘Esteemed Passive’ ability, and you have BOTH its Hated and Favored Divine Actions! No other player has access to that Esteemed Passive, unless they become 'Esteemed' with them. Players can changed their Esteemed False God later in the game.
- Exhausted (X): These False Gods are too weak in order to use their Divine Powers, and are vulnerable to dramatic reputation swings: using ‘Promote’ on them only will force them to elevate you to ‘Scared’ status automatically with them; using ‘Honor’ (or 'Accuse') will force them to ‘Favor’ ('Hate') you, but only after they're healed to full. You can revert an Exhausted False God back to their normal status if you recover them to full health with 'Mend' and other healing actions. Players who fail to Honor, Accuse, or Promote an Exhausted False God will have their status reverted back to 'Apathetic' with them, unless they were previously Esteemed with that False God.
- Scared (S): These False Gods are terrified of your presence; you cannot gain or lose reputation with them, but players who are Favored with them cannot use their Divine Action against you. The ‘Scared’ status can be obtained in multiple ways:
- Find a way to get a False God to become ‘Exhausted’, and then use ‘Promote’ on that same False God.
- The usage of various Divine Actions, such as The Reaper's Kiss, The Splintering, or Xylem Terror.
- Use 'Promote' on a False God that is 'Favored' or 'Hated' (YES! This means that if you are Favored/Hated with a False God, trying to promote them again would make them terrified of your conquest for power, and they will become Scared of you that way!)
...but you can remove the Scared status off another player or yourself by targeting the player and using 'Accuse' or 'Honor'; [any number of players must use a minimum of 2 'Accusations/Honors' on that same player/False God to remove it off them (i.e. - Player A and C use 'Dispute Player B Rainbow', or Player A 'Dispute Player B Rainbow x2' are examples). Using Accuse reverts the Scared status to 'Hated', while using Honor reverts the status to 'Favored'.
Players who use 'Promote' on that same False God 2 times in a row (without being interrupted) can also revert the Scared status back to 'Apathetic'.
Actions and Precedence
Each player normally has 3 ‘Action points’ they may spend on that day. You may perform as many actions as allowed, but you CANNOT spend more than the number of actions points you have (in most cases, this will be 3...).
- There are seven basic actions:
- Honor
- Accuse
- Dispute
- Submit
- Fight
- Mend
- and Promote.
- Send your actions via PMs only, UNLESS you are targeted by certain Divine Actions/Esteemed Passives, OR if you want others to know if what you're doing.
- Sending a PM that will send you over your daily allowance of points will automatically negate all points that you have (i.e. – you act as if you didn’t perform any actions). The organizer will correct this whenever they can.
- In addition to the Basic Actions, you can also perform certain DIVINE ACTIONS (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?hl=en_US&key=0Aj7BKHGe7wc8dGMyZkxCRVNiblcwV0YwcXFwVzd6S2c#gid=2) depending on the reputation you have with certain False Gods.
- There are also ESTEEMED PASSIVES (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?hl=en_US&key=0Aj7BKHGe7wc8dGMyZkxCRVNiblcwV0YwcXFwVzd6S2c#gid=2) that you can use to your advantage depended on which False God you are Esteemed with. Some of these passives require you to talk in the topic; others require certain Basic or Divine Actions to be done. There are even those that are simply based off of what other people do! Remember to read them all carefully before you choose your False God (if you decide to)...
From HIGHEST to LOWEST precedence:
- All Divine Actions (based on precedence list in spreadsheet)*
- Submit
- Dispute
- Promote
- Honor and Accuse (both cancel each other out if they target the same False God/player)
- Fight and Mend (depending on below precedence!)
- Passives (depending on precedence)*
If two players send in actions of similar precedence at the same time (i.e. - Fight/Mend, the same Divine Action against each other or the same target, etc.), the person with more health will have their actions first processed. If the health is the same, the player with the higher total of Favored/Hated/Scared False God reputations are first processed (i.e. - if a player has 15 Hated reputations and the other has 16 Scared Reputations, the Scared player wins). If the highest rep totals are the same, then finally the player who sent their actions in first will get precedence over the other.
- Honor (1-3): Select a specific False God (1 AP)/False God Group (by Essence) (2 AP)/Realm of False Gods (3 AP) and a player to Honor the player of being devout and the False God of being blessed, increasing their reputation by 1 rank of the False God(s). This will actively cancel out any player's Accusations during that turn, but it cannot block Promotions.
Honor (Self) Rainbow, Honor (Self) Realm of the Heavens, Honor Kamietsu Realm of the Nexus, Honor Kuroaitou Realm of Creation
- Accuse (1-3): Select a specific False God/False God Group (by Essence)/Realm of False Gods and a player to Accuse the player of being unfaithful and the False God of being ignorant, lowering their reputation by 1 rank of the False God(s). This will actively cancel out any player's Honors during that turn, but it cannot block Promotions.
Accuse (Self) Octane, Accuse (Self) Power of Domination, Accuse Legit Jezebel, Accuse $$$man Power of Transmutation
- Dispute (1-3): Select a specific False God/False God Group (by Essence)/Realm of False Gods and a player to Dispute them of being a hypocrite. If that player uses ‘Honor’ respectively on the False Gods targeted, they instead LOSE reputation (1 rank) from that/those False God(s), and you GAIN reputation from them (1 rank) - the opposite applies if they used 'Accuse' on that False God instead. If they use Promote, they do not become Favored/Hated/Scared by that False God and cannot target that False God the next turn. However, if the player did not target themselves with Honor, Accuse, or Promote, you lose 1 heart per AP spent on failed Disputes (i.e. - if you used 'Dispute Power of Retribution' on a player that didn't use Honor, Accuse, or Promote on themselves, you lose 2 hearts).
Dispute Malignant Realm of Justice, Dispute moomoose Rainbow
- Submit (2): Submit yourself to the higher powers, begging to be forgiven of your insolence. If any player attempts to change your reputation with basic actions while you're using Submit (i.e. - any other player targets you with Honor, Accuse, or Dispute), you recover 1 heart per reputation change they attempted to afflict on you, while negating their reputation changes. If you're not targeted by any basic action reputation changes, then nothing happens.
- Fight (1): Fight a target and remove 1 of their hearts.
- Fight kevkev60614, Fight Hermes
- Fight = Fight Self (there are certain situations where you might be forced to do this)
- Mend (1): Mend a target and restore 1 of their hearts.
- Mend, Mend Self (these are the same)
- Mend Higurashi, Mend Akebono
- Promote (1): Request the target False God (only one at a time) to Promote you to ‘Favored’, 'Hated', or 'Scared' status. This action can only be blocked by another player's ‘Dispute’, but your reputation cannot be decreased by Dispute. You may use Promote on other players, but you cannot promote another player to the Scared status, only Favored or Hated.
- If you're 'Liked' with Serket: Promote Serket (Favored) or 'Promote Self Serket (Favored)'
- If you're 'Disliked' with Osiris: Promote Osiris (Hated)
- If you're 'Exhausted' with Hermes: Promote Hermes (Scared)
- If Player A is 'Liked' with Rainbow: Promote Player A Rainbow (Favored)
Each player has ‘10 hearts’. When your heart count goes to zero, you are automatically eliminated (i.e. – ‘killed’) from the game (ignoring any resurrection abilities...). Players can lose hearts by being attacked with Basic actions, such as 'Fight', or more complex Divine Actions and passives. They can also increase their maximum heart totals by other abilities, or by gaining the 'Favored' status with a False God. Certain abilities and actions (Mend) can temporarily (or permanently) replenish or increase any player’s heart count as well.
MAJOR NOTICE: If your total heart count decreases, your current heart count will also decrease accordingly! (but your current health will never go below zero when your maximum hearts are reduced - maximum heart count can never go below 1 either. Likewise, increasing your total heart heart count will also increase your current heart count.
Each False God has ’16 hearts’, and will become ‘Exhausted’ when their heart count drops to zero or lower (yes, negative numbers!). False Gods with 0 or less hearts left cannot aid players by using their ‘Divine Actions’, and if that player is Esteemed with them, their Esteemed passive is also canceled; in order for a False God to leave the ‘Exhausted’ status, players must use Mend on that False God until they are fully ‘recovered’ (i.e. - they have full HP).
All health is found on the MAIN REPUTATION tab in the spreadsheets (the first tab).
>>>REPUTATION AND LIST OF DIVINE ACTIONS SPREADSHEET<<< (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?hl=en_US&key=0Aj7BKHGe7wc8dGMyZkxCRVNiblcwV0YwcXFwVzd6S2c#gid=0)
- Dm1321 {Randomized}
- ji412jo (Decay)
- Nepycros {Randomized}
- Absol (Octane)
- ddevans96 {Randomized}
- Aves {Randomized}
- Onizuka (Hermes)
- qwerter {Randomized}
- Cheesy111 {Randomized}
- 1world24 {Randomized}
- 1chase1997 (Elidinis)
- Izaya (Scorpio)
- jamiejoneslovesu (Paradox)
- andrewlovespie (Obliterator)
- Mrpizza (Ferox)
- The Mormegil {Randomized}
- FlareGlutox (Morte)
- bogtro (Dream Catcher)
- Terroking {Randomized}
- eaglgenes101 {Randomized}
- SpikeSpiegel {Randomized}
- Laxadarap (Dark Matter)
- n00b (Akebono)
- AnnaMall {Randomized}
- Helston {Randomized}
- Mort {Randomized}
- kev {Randomized}
- drolly {Randomized}
- Jocko {Randomized}
- RootRanger {Randomized}
Sign-ups are still occuring, but no bonuses are awarded!
The 'TLDR' list of changes since F&H 2:
- Being 'Esteemed' with a False God now grants you access to BOTH the Favored AND Hated Divine Actions, as well as the Esteemed Passive
- Being 'Hated' no longer decreases your total heart count.
- Easier way of becoming 'Scared' with a False God (using 'Promote' on a Favored/Hated False God), and easier ways to remove the Scared status (Honor/Accuse)
- False God HPs are on the same page as the player HP stats page
- Linked spreadsheet pages so only the main reputation page is updated.
- Players require 24 Favored/Hated/Scared status to win
- New 'Precedence' tab of Divine Actions found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?hl=en_US&key=0Aj7BKHGe7wc8dGMyZkxCRVNiblcwV0YwcXFwVzd6S2c#gid=15
- Order of Actions more clearly stated in above post.
- No heart loss if you choose a False God; bonus heart totals if you randomize it however.
- The 'Submit' basic action now heals you and prevents your reputations from being changed; Honor can target other players; Dispute reworked so you take damage if you don't affect their reputations.
- You must NOW promote from 'Disliked' to 'Hated'.
- Fight/Mend descriptions simpilfied.
Doesn't matter had random.
no time to read rules and rule changes, last time i ahd no time to be in
Do we still choose a god when we enter ? if so decay, and then I will read rules :silly:
Signing in, and random.
Octane shall be glorified.
Why the hell not.
ah...random for me, I think.
Ooh! Random, please.
In, Hermes.
Qwerter the 3rd in again. For the first time im choosing random. I wish to avenge my two defeats, and adapt to my chosen fg
I am back to claim another win. Random, please.
I'll join
I choose you, Scorpio!
1 paradox please!
if i may, obliterator
wow... whole slew of people all at once!... random..... no, no, ferox. definitely ferox
In in in in in in!
Also, I would like to have the "Helix Expansion" DA buffed (like in the original); "people who do not submit ANY actions would be killed, and put to shame" :P
Also, I would like to have the "Helix Expansion" DA buffed (like in the original); "people who do not submit ANY actions would be killed, and put to shame" :P
Shame had to be nerfed due to a recent storm of complaints. :P
Since I was watching the events of the second one for quite some time, I decided to take part in the third. Morte for me, please.
So complicated D:
Erm... Dream Catcher. Looks silly.
Oh, and one thing I wanted to ask - when are the "extra" powers you said the winners would get coming into play? You know, the invincibility to divine actions for five turns and the "ultra-fight"? I got your PM about it, but I saw nothing about it in the rules.
I'll be sitting this one out. At least you won't be hounded by as many questions this time Kuro. =P
So when does this start then?
So when does this start then?
I'll give this until tomorrow due to the forum transitions before sending out personal messages; I have a feeling that if the old forums get broken down, people won't know where to go for F&H. :)
Tried to transfer account... said that there was no such user
Tried to transfer account... said that there was no such user
You need to register here and then link.
I'm IN! Gimme a random God!
Ok lol havn't even fully read rules, so I hope it's not too difficult.
Gimme Dark matter.
I'll join, and I'll take a random God
Sowwy Akebono
MODERATOR EDIT (DO NOT MODIFY): I saw your 2pt font text and had to bloat it. Do this one more time n00b, and you might find yourself in a worse fate than the souls of Yggrisalis.
Sounds very complex but I join, if host can stand my constantly annoying questions ???
On further consideration, I will not have to time to dedicate myself to this event; I would like to withdraw.
In with random. But I had better get my pennies.
Changed my mind, but only just after the countdown's finished. Any chance I can get an entry with a random Esteemed God?
The 'Limbo' effect is now in place; what this means is that players may now enter/'sign-up' in at any time (i.e. - after the game has begun), but will be unable to choose the False God of their choice (it will be randomized from the ones not chosen), as well as receiving a -1 heart bonus (9 total current/total hearts in the beginning).
Once a there is at least one player per person that has been assigned to a unique False God (i.e. - after there 29 players with each of the 29 False Gods), the process repeats between all the remaining False Gods.
Please avoid 'posting your actions' until the first Day is posted. Lore will accompany the first Day, as well as small tips/hints, and a general list of who has which Esteemed False God. Thanks!
I came. I saw my RNG'ed god. Imad.
Make sure Kuro will join War, otherwise I'm out again! :P
Looks very well-designed, just the complexity scared me off at first. If possible, I hereby join after the official deadline. *ducks and points to chat*
I choose RNG, the true god.
I'm ready for this!
And so it began once again, a cycle of Fanatics and Heretics...
As the sun peeked up from the horizon, a long, terrorizing roar echoed throughout the lands once again. It was clear that the sound was from the Usurper's last mark: Yggrisalis.
But the Oracle, prepared for this threat, had managed to seal a piece of its soul into himself, knowing that the beast could not harm itself without due cause. Thus, the Oracle was immune to such attacks, but likewise could not harm the beast due to the part of his corrupted soul. It was up to the various acolytes who had taken arms in service (or rebellion) for the False Gods to destroy the monster once and for all. Some chosen to follow particular False Gods, while others, based on their behavior and past lives, inspired the others to Esteem them instead. But no matter how they were brought up in the world, they held dear their own motives for this mission.
"Children of the Gods, hear me." The Oracle resonated his voice throughout the morning fog.
"You have an obligation; there are two others who have been imprisoned in this... travesty that the Usurper called a 'gift'. Please free their spirits of Yggrisalis so I can permanently purge this monster of the void back to where it came. Good luck, and do not fear what may or may not come to fruition."
As the Oracle vanished once more, the screeching turmoil of Yggrisalis could be heard in the distance; its fluctuating screams denoting who would dare attack it...
Day 1 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
[b]Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.[/b]
Day 1 has begun! Have fun!
General Tips:
-When sending your actions, please PLEASE title your PM, "F&H - DAY 1" or something similar to it so I can read it easier from my PMs. Otherwise, your actions may be lost!
-Read your False God's Esteemed Passive carefully; you are the ONLY ONE to have access to it! (Except for any other player who is Esteemed with that player)
-You may use your False God's Divine Actions (Hated AND Favored), but note that you will NOT be reminded of your exact cooldown; keep track of what Divine Actions you have used and are on cooldown, because you will be corrected and forced to resend your actions if you attempt to use a Divine Action still on cool down.
-Remember the Order of Actions:
- All Divine Actions (based on precedence)
- Submit
- Dispute
- Promote
- Honor and Accuse (both cancel each other out if they target the same False God/player)
- Fight and Mend
- Passives (may be earlier or later)
-Most importantly...
Yeah, k, I'm in.
Do I know my False God yet?
Do I know my False God yet?
Yes. If you signed up early (or even now!), you'll know your False God fairly quickly/immediately. Check the spreadsheet for details; I will be updating the second post of this topic with False God information to the players in question. I'll be sending PMs soon to all the players who joined as well.
Do I know my False God yet?
Yes. If you signed up early (or even now!), you'll know your False God fairly quickly/immediately. Check the spreadsheet for details; I will be updating the second post of this topic with False God information to the players in question. I'll be sending PMs soon to all the players who joined as well.
Found it.
Lets see, time to "center of attraction" Aves, lets see how my first F&H goes.
Ah aves. Great hero for f&h 2.
Hmm... Yielding rings: Activate.
Aww, I'm touched. Still, I do wonder why anybody would need such healing on the first day. :)
[If possible, I'd like to specify that this is not a response.]
Not bothering going through all God's powers, chance I may get hit, this is pretty far back in power turns (or whatever). Plus, its a waste not to.
Aww, I'm touched. Still, I do wonder why anybody would need such healing on the first day. :)
[If possible, I'd like to specify that this is not a response.]
Sadly that's not possible. Response is now recorded. ^^;
Ah well. Maybe next time, then, Laxadarap.
Kuro, what do the bold and italic names indicate?
Ah well. Maybe next time, then, Laxadarap.
Kuro, what do the bold and italic names indicate?
Hover over the 'NAME' part of the sheet:
Bold = Gods were randomized.
Bold + Italicized = Signed up late.
Ah, thanks.
Drolly's going to like all these posts :)
WARNING: Absol is bombarding the ground from the stratosphere!
WARNING: Absol is bombarding the ground from the stratosphere!
Time for me to become Scared with Octane, I guess...
Sob Stories: Kev
Sob Stories: Kev
Fight Self.
Fight Jezebel.
Fight Spike Spiegel. And also shame on him for picking on noobs who have no idea what the holy hell is going on.
:life Pack Tactics :life
Sorry bogtro its on you
Mirror Mask 1chase1997...
Are you a chicken there chasey?
Sob Stories: Kev
Fight Self.
Fight Jezebel.
Fight Spike Spiegel. And also shame on him for picking on noobs who have no idea what the holy hell is going on.
I simply love this man...
Is there a timer for each round? Pretty sure there is one but eludes me
Is there a timer for each round? Pretty sure there is one but eludes me
Read the day 1 lore. it is there.
@Spike: enjoy the improved and now finally useful passive!
Ok so day one has been over for a while, when does day 2 start?
When Kuro gets to it. Don't worry, delays are part of it :P
When Kuro gets to it. Don't worry, delays are part of it :P
Oh I see, builds suspense, especially at the end when your not sure if your gonna die ^.^
The Oracle began planting small seeds; small fruit trees would grow where the Behemoth once charged through.
It was already the second day, and the acolytes made no hesitation in creating both alliances and rivalries; some coordinated their attacks to increase their survival (and thus, kill unsuspecting targets), while others simply protected each other from harm's way, ensuring that no one would dare attack them. Melodies of birds were heard throughout the forest, but such music was interrupted by the shrieking voice of the beast, Yggrisalis.
It held no restraint; as before, it held all the power in the realm itself. The False Gods' powers were all a part of it, every blessing and curse, every secret and superpower were all a part of the beast. Only in death, would the acolytes find themselves free of the creature, and its tremendous power...
Day 2 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
[b]Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.[/b]
Day 1 has begun! Have fun!
General Tips:
-In order to get a False God to 'Hated' or 'Favored' status, remember that your status has to be either 'DISLIKED' (D) or 'LIKED' (L) before using the action, 'Promote' on them. If you are unsure of whether you can gain a certain reputation rank with your actions, feel free to ask questions.
-Some players may also receive unique or unusual reputation ranks due to Divine Actions.
-If you are injured, you may need to use 'Mend' on yourself (sending the action 'Mend' without a target does the same thing as targeting oneself); other Divine Actions and passives can also heal you.
-Finally, if you were killed today, you may know how you were killed by either personally messaging me or asking in this topic. I will answer in the same medium. And don't fret - you MIGHT just get resurrected back into the game! :D
Aww, I'm touched. Still, I do wonder why anybody would need such healing on the first day. :)
[If possible, I'd like to specify that this is not a response.]
Well holy crap. It wasn't even enough >.< Ok lemme know, how did I die?
I believed i used hive shield... where is my four extrA hp?
Well holy crap. It wasn't even enough >.< Ok lemme know, how did I die?
[...]don't fret - you MIGHT just get resurrected back into the game! :D
Edit: I see a total of 2 "Scared"-Reputations in the sheet, so shouldn't my total heart count be 12 instead of 10?
Aww, I'm touched. Still, I do wonder why anybody would need such healing on the first day. :)
[If possible, I'd like to specify that this is not a response.]
Well holy crap. It wasn't even enough >.< Ok lemme know, how did I die?
Well holy crap. It wasn't even enough >.< Ok lemme know, how did I die?
Basically, Pyromanic was used, and you took two damage from that. Next, you also were the indirect target of Fallout Wave, receiving 6 additional damage. To top it all off, Mrpizza AND n00b both targeted you with multiple Fights, bringing you down to 0 HP.
:( Sorry that you were taken out so early, but some people just didn't like Dark Matter.
I believed i used hive shield... where is my four extrA hp?
Your 4 temporary hearts were struck down by multiple attacks (you were the target of various players); but no worries. You current hearts are at full still.
Edit: I see a total of 2 "Scared"-Reputations in the sheet, so shouldn't my total heart count be 12 instead of 10?
Again, you also took damage from Pyromanic, as well as various other Divine Actions. Take a note at various other players' heart counts and reputations to figure it out.
Wait, how is that even possible? I didn't use my DA, yet they both are used.
EDIT: what is this Yggdri-stuff? It can use random DA?
On topic,
WARNING: Absol is bombarding the ground from the stratosphere!
Seems bad to post what everyone is doing, Kuro.
Seems bad to post what everyone is doing, Kuro.
Says the elephant in the room attempting to kill us all, hoping we continue with our petty squabbles. But I do have to agree that that was a little too much public information.
Seems bad to post what everyone is doing, Kuro.
Says the unholy eldritch abomination in the room attempting to kill us all, hoping we continue with our petty squabbles. But I do have to agree that that was a little too much public information.
I suggest that everyone focus all their efforts on hitting Yggrisalis this turn
Mirror mask 1chase1997
I suggest that everyone focus all their efforts on hitting Yggrisalis this turn
Mirror mask 1chase1997
Oh, the irony.
I suggest that everyone focus all their efforts on hitting Yggrisalis this turn
Mirror mask 1chase1997
Oh, the irony.
What? Maybe we plan this.
Pack tactics ji412jo
If we want to kill Yggrisalis first, then we need 31*fight. Maybe less if DA is used.
That being said, i will definitely help killing him, if anyone interested.
Also, what is this guy doing, anyway? Stealing my DA?
I suggest that everyone focus all their efforts on hitting Yggrisalis this turn
Mirror mask 1chase1997
Oh, the irony.
What? Maybe we plan this.
No, you targeting chase after announcing a plan to kill Yggrisalis. Also, what flag is that, absol?
Also, what flag is that, absol?
Indonesian flag.
Pack tactics ji412jo
Why ? Nooo, I am super nice :(.
I promise that I will be usefull if you dont kill me blablabla *insert more mafia stuff here*
This sounds a little crazy, but I don't think we should all attack Yggrisalis straight away. If we do all attack straight away they (Cheesy111/Onizuka/UTAlan, assuming they are still Yggrisalis, which is practically a given) have some nasty responses up their sleeve such as:
2 AP: Heal a target for 2 hearts, and prevent all damage against Destiny. If any other player were to target you with any basic or Divine Action, you have a 10% chance to add 5 hearts to your maximum heart total.
1 AP: Inflict double damage back to all players that damage you with their actions (you still take damage); however, while this is active, you cannot deal damage. Cancel this by using 'Unyielding' (0 AP); you can't cancel this the same turn it's activated.
On the other hand, we can't wait until we've all got a whole lot of Divine Actions to crush them with thanks to other Divine Actions such as:
3 AP: Resurrect a player back into the game, but if you were to die, you automatically sacrifice your reanimated players and restore 4 hearts to you per resurrected player. 50% chance of causing a non-Esteemed False God to become Scared of someone.
2 AP: Target a False God; all other players who have a non-Apathetic reputation with that False God lose 1 heart per corresponding non-Apathetic reputation rank (Respected/Ignored = 1, Liked/Disliked = 2, Favored/Hated = 3, Esteemed= 4).
Which will only get stronger as the game goes on. What we need to do is stagger our attacks either through a heap of cooperation, or for us to randomly Fight and use Divine Actions against Yggrisalis now for just about every turn until it dies. Co-operation through divine actions and healing other players would also be a really, really good idea (quite a few Divine Actions can be used for healing or for positive effects on other players).
But if we don't cooperate, we're pretty much doomed to lose.
Oh, i see now what is that Yggdrisalis doing.
So we can just hit it randomly till they die? Sounds good enough.
Seems bad to post what everyone is doing, Kuro.
Also, HOLY CRAP KEV!!! It's the first turn and you got 4 Favored already??? O.o
Also, HOLY CRAP KEV!!! It's the first turn and you got 4 Favored already??? O.o
Fallout Wave.
You never noticed my reputations going crazy from time to time in either of the last two matches?
Unholy eldritch abominations and I don't take kindly to your threats.
Cosmic Link (Absol)
:lightAngelic hymn :light
the crushing leaves fall
the sounds of silence resting
peaceful minds dream
:light :light :light :light :light
the healing hands touch
the mending rivers of life
flowing to her heart
:lightAngelic hymn :light
Requiem for a Dream: request phrase
:lightAngelic hymn :light
the crushing leaves fall
the sounds of silence rest
peaceful minds dream
:light :light :light :light :light
the healing hands touch
mending rivers of life
flowing to her heart
:lightAngelic hymn :light
Error. A haiku has a 5-7-5 syllable pattern. "The sounds of silence rest" and "Mending Rivers of Life" only have 6. :-\
Requiem for a Dream: request phrase
oetO yt wep,ch lcn cmwgemo sr di ietnea ubeo
Poet to wye, he can welcome midget so it burn
I def got it.
Poet to wye, he can welcome midget so it burn
I def got it.
No. This is completely wrong. :|
bogtro (Favored)
Quote from: Kuroaitou on Today at 05:24:20 PM (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=37867.msg482350#msg482350)<blockquote>Quote from: Onizuka on Today at 05:21:58 PM (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=37867.msg482349#msg482349)<blockquote>Poet to wye, he can welcome midget so it burn
I def got it.
No. This is completely wrong. :|
[/quote]*Cough* So many gramatically wrong unscrambles, I am completely confused.
Cosmic Link (Absol)
Well, damn. If i'm not dead the next turn, we can assume either you lied about this (only if you take damage) or you actually do it, but no one or just a few attacked you.
The Oracle began planting small seeds; small fruit trees would grow where the Behemoth once charged through.
It was already the second day, and the acolytes made no hesitation in creating both alliances and rivalries; some coordinated their attacks to increase their survival (and thus, kill unsuspecting targets), while others simply protected each other from harm's way, ensuring that no one would dare attack them. Melodies of birds were heard throughout the forest, but such music was interrupted by the shrieking voice of the beast, Yggrisalis.
It held no restraint; as before, it held all the power in the realm itself. The False Gods' powers were all a part of it, every blessing and curse, every secret and superpower were all a part of the beast. Only in death, would the acolytes find themselves free of the creature, and its tremendous power...
Hey, we don't have /everything/.
*starts a riot* DAY 3 DAY 3 DAY 3!
*starts a riot* DAY 3 DAY 3 DAY 3!
One does not simply start a riot.
*starts a riot* DAY 3 DAY 3 DAY 3!
One does not simply start a riot.
Does this help? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pahiXLh4WOA)
Three Days Grace <3
Guessed that without even having to click on the link :D
Did someone freeze the game ?
As the third day began, new alliances and territories began to form; acolytes began to whisper to each other about the demonic behemoth Yggrisalis. Some managed to sneak a few quick attacks on him and disappear into the wilderness, but such attacks provoked and equal response. Another acolyte was left into the field, pummeled into the earth, leaving nothing but a small crater of his demise.
Various angels summoned by the acolytes had attempted to heal and even resurrect the weakest of players. One became the mere shell of his former self, now partially obeying his master. Swords clashed in the distance, False Gods began to emerge into the horizon more frequently with staggered tactics, and soon, the forest-like arena soon transitioned to the grassy plains, where the acolytes attempted to hide from (and pursue) each other in the maze of weeds.
...the Oracle peeked behind two grass stalks before subtly hopping away into the flora.
Day 3 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 3 has begun! Have fun!
General Tips:
-REMEMBER: Use PROMOTE to get a False God to 'Favored' or 'Hated' status! Some of you players attempted to do illegal moves last turn...
-Do not make alliances with people you cannot trust; on the other hand, it is best recommended for your own survival to help those that helped you in the current or previous turns...
-Passives will now take place after ALL actions (including basic actions 'Fight' and 'Mend'): this will clear up all issues on who gets healed first or last depending on the day.
Request either a new phrase with pre-emptive hint, or hint to previous one, whichever is applicable for using Requiem.
Request either a new phrase with pre-emptive hint, or hint to previous one, whichever is applicable for using Requiem.
The same phrase will be given to you until you or someone else solves it. :P
HINT: The phrase is actually found underneath a staff member's avatar!
Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them
Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them
Correct. Requiem now fulfilled. ^^;
Oh look, i'm still alive!
Time to go kaboom!
Center of attentino directed towards drolly.
Oh look, i'm still alive!
Time to go kaboom!
yes but I am not. damn me for choosing obliterator... good luck triumphant triad I know you can do it
Oh look, i'm still alive!
Time to go kaboom!
yes but I am not. damn me for choosing obliterator... good luck triumphant triad I know you can do it
Triumphant Triad huh? XD nice name thers
Mirror mask chasey
FlareGlutox (Hated)
Guessed that without even having to click on the link :D
I dub thee as awesome like a Seraph for your precognitive abilities.
After reading some ambiguity in the rules, players ARE ALLOWED to target other players with 'Promote'. Read the Actions section of 'Promote' for more details.
This is a general (and daily) reminder to attack Yggrisalis. Attacks need to be constant. Everyone needs to chip in with Fights and Divine Actions.
This is a general (and daily) reminder to attack Yggrisalis. Attacks need to be constant. Everyone needs to chip in with Fights and Divine Actions.
Someday, we're going to be killed by this.
My reminder or Yggrisalis?
Someday, someone else is going to win. Probably by killing everyone, since Hateds don't give a boost. Might as kill the people that are becoming stronger everyday, than the abomination that is becoming weaker.
Abomination becoming weaker. You can check his HP, still plenty to pose a serious threat.
Also, i still have frag count of 0 (those Octane DA you seen earlier was not mine). I could have easily kill those with 3 HP (and go boom again next turn, to top that), but i decided against it.
And no, this is not a threat. This is just a motivation for you all. Be careful of this monster.
EDIT: also don't forget to heal yourself. I'm talking to you, people with 3 HP.
Someday, someone else is going to win. Probably by killing everyone, since Hateds don't give a boost. Might as kill the people that are becoming stronger everyday, than the abomination that is becoming weaker.
Not going to be tricked THIS time. Kuro, do we need to kill Yggrisalis to win?
Not going to be tricked THIS time. Kuro, do we need to kill Yggrisalis to win?
Please read Yggrisalis' Divine Actions carefully and decide for your own.
We have to kill the Yggrisalis because as its hated ability it says
Soul Muncher - On the 30th day,if you are still not dead, you may use this ability for free to instantly win the game. Using this any other day has no effect.
Unless we win before day 30?
Win before day 29->Useless ability is useless.
We have to kill the Yggrisalis because as its hated ability it says
Soul Muncher - On the 30th day,if you are still not dead, you may use this ability for free to instantly win the game. Using this any other day has no effect.
Kill Yggi.
And then kill the rest.
We have to kill the Yggrisalis because as its hated ability it says
Soul Muncher - On the 30th day,if you are still not dead, you may use this ability for free to instantly win the game. Using this any other day has no effect.
Kill Yggi.
And then kill the rest.
30th day takes a long, long, time. If most of the people attack Yggi, sure, Yggi will probably die. And then the people who were Honoring and Promoting false gods have tons of power and HP, and those who wasted their time fighting Yggi are powerless and easy to kill. If someone's convincing you to fight Yggi, they're getting a win-win scenario. One opponent is damaged in HP, and one opponent won't honor or promote that turn.
Also, 'the' Yggrisalis?
The clock ticks slowly
Second by second pass by
Waiting for no one
Ignoring her wish
his sacrifice saved her life
but took his in place.
Center of attentino directed towards drolly.
Center of attention directed away from drolly. Sorry, I'm too shy ...
Center of attentino directed towards drolly.
Center of Attraction directed away from drolly as well, by the way ;)
They say that delusions of the mind are easy to spot... to the viewer, not the victim.
Several acolytes were afflicted by curses of the False Gods of the day before; some, repeated their own actions from before unwillingly due to a single parasite on their body. Others were sent into a dream-world hallucination, and ended up being much worse than before. And one particular individual, exploding in a climax of cosmic energies, ended up being targeted by almost all of the elementals around. Yggrisalis, however, was the one who put that sad individual in his grave, emitting streams of poisonous lava from its gargantuan fanged mouth, eventually hitting other nearby acolytes as well. The False Gods themselves shuddered from its screech once more, and tried to cast their own spells onto the beast, but only hitting the air and each other.
Dawn finally came... would there be another death today?
Day 4 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 4 has begun! Have fun!
General Tips:
-Getting low on health? Now's a good time to use 'Mend' on yourself!
-Note that if you find yourself with either a) oddball HP amounts, b) weird reputations, or c) some sort of weirdness with your current standing, you may have to read the storyline carefully to determine if you were one of those 'victims'. Also, note that -ANYONE- is capable of doing harm, but only those with specific reputations/status can use Divine Actions of a unique level.
-The Oracle will try to give help in a few more days...
Mirror chase
center of attention: drolly
Trollolololololololololololololo at kev's HP. Seriously, you guys. Now all the colors of the spreadsheet b' gone
You mean blacking out the reputations of dead people? That was my suggestion, it was too confusing to work around.
You mean blacking out the reputations of dead people? That was my suggestion, it was too confusing to work around.
Darkness Reigns even in F&H 8)
Time to go boom again!
center of attention: drolly
Center of Attraction directed away. Seriously, why is it always me?
By the way, what's the best way to revive kev? I feel kinda sorry for him :(
center of attention: drolly
Center of Attraction directed away. Seriously, why is it always me?
By the way, what's the best way to revive kev? I feel kinda sorry for him :(
Worked well yesterday AND today, plus you want posts too :D.
I'm a little late on it, but this is a reminder to attack Yggrisalis. 30 days might seem like a long time, but last game it was proved that winning by Apocalypse can certainly take that long.
time is running out
we must make haste, hurry up
or the end will come...
she told him to leave
his life was not in danger
he said he would stay...
I'm a little late on it, but this is a reminder to attack Yggrisalis. 30 days might seem like a long time, but last game it was proved that winning by Apocalypse can certainly take that long.
Without chase and his impressionist and yggi it would not have taken that long.
gee thanks....
if everyone wouldve just attacked me all at once when i couldnt use aftershock, there wouldnt have been a single problem
last game
Is the game frozen aga... (frozen in block of ice)
Remember. Kuro is half human. So he has a busy life, and can't be pending of this all the time. Next day will come. I'm guessing this takes some time to calculate all the actions and stuff.
Just wait
We need a KuroUTA connection~
"The end is finally near for you, beast." The Oracle hummed.
In the distance, Yggrisalis had cleaved two more acolytes within the fields that tried to hide away from him; the call of the angels was not fast enough to save one of them, and the demon screeched furiously as it leaped over a lake and on top of a cliff into the forest.
There, it began.
A corpse of a former acolyte, kev, had been building up nuclear energy within his body; an almost deadly mine hidden beneath the vines that had grown over his very essence. As Yggrisalis charged through the trees swinging and screeching out loudly, another acolyte had made a plan, and directed his God's power accurately towards the target. Slung through the acolyte's fingertips, the ethereal arrow had struck the beast precisely as it smashed kev's corpse, sending a flurry of energy in random directions.
The beast had become stunned by the attack, and truly loss consciousness. It fell in the forest breathing heavily, unable to move or act, vulnerable to anyone's attack...
Day 5 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 5 has begun! Have fun!
General Tips:
-Remember that Divine Actions will ALWAYS have precedence over basic actions, excusing one of Rainbow's abilities.
-Killing Yggrisalis will invite two players into the game as separate entities (Cheesy111 and Onizuka), but they will not have the powers of Yggrisalis no more.
-Keys will be unlocked before Day 7...
Also, why no one listen to me? I say, heal yourself up!
Special mention to n00b (3 HP) and bogtro (2 HP). It might be too late, but at least someone with healing DA heal them.
Of all the good times to possibly attack Yggrisalis, this is the best. Without a doubt. Attack it.
Of all the good times to possibly attack Yggrisalis, this is the best. Without a doubt. Attack it.
Won't Yggrisalis be killed by some Loose Cannons soon? Really, 3 HP left?
I'd rather make sure it's dead. Deader than dead, dead. If it does happen to survive this turn, for whatever reason, you can be guaranteed it'll heal up next turn and we'll be back to square one.
I'd rather make sure it's dead. Deader than dead, dead. If it does happen to survive this turn, for whatever reason, you can be guaranteed it'll heal up next turn and we'll be back to square one.
You go finish it. I've done my part sniping it.
Need to recover my DA.
-Killing Yggrisalis will invite two players into the game as separate entities (Cheesy111 and Onizuka), but they will not have the powers of Yggrisalis no more.
I believe you made a mistake there.
Also some DAs have the same precedence. is this intentional?
Sounds like Absol is looking forward to getting ahead while everyone else does work for him.
You all know the drill. Mirror mask chase
Sounds like Absol is looking forward to getting ahead while everyone else does work for him.
Except that i heavily damaged you last turn, using Methane Arrow. That should have proven my dedication and loyalty.
EDIT: i highly advise everyone to heal up. If this beast is still alive next turn, i'll be sure to kill him myself. Using an explosion.
Ygg is stunned for this turn and the next, so we still have a round. If you don't want to be caught in the explosion, heal up. Or, you know, finish him this turn.
EDIT2: and now everyone will gang up on me, once Ygg is dead. Oh well.
Sob Stories: 1world24
Sounds like Absol is looking forward to getting ahead while everyone else does work for him.
Evryone has their own stratergy. Mine is obvious. Also, as a word of caution, alliances can, and will, be deadly.
Sounds like Absol is looking forward to getting ahead while everyone else does work for him.
Except that i heavily damaged you last turn, using Methane Arrow. That should have proven my dedication and loyalty.
What does it prove but that you now can claim to have 'proven your loyalty' and now get such a free pass this turn. 1AP isn't that much, but a whole turn can change the game.
Don't listen to him, he is trying to throw you off track. I have been tricked before, so go on and kill him.
Oh, I know that iggy is going to die. But, don't let other people get over on you because they wouldn't do it or tried to get you to do it.
Hmmnope. I'm not saying i won't do it, i'm saying that i've done what i can. I need recharge this turn. Still, if the Ygg is paralyzed for 2 turns (Nuclear Meltdown) then i can still finish it next turn.
I'm not just saying stuff, i'm also doing it. Who will heal me if not myself? No one. And we all know what will happen if the healing comes late.
You have fight x3. Use it. 6 health is plenty, as well.
Center of attraction: on Drolly yet again :P
EDIT: We have to use a DA on ygg, Onizuka says 3x fight is enough, however, DA's occur before basic actions, ie. he can heal up with miracle. :P
-Killing Yggrisalis will invite two players into the game as separate entities (Cheesy111 and Onizuka), but they will not have the powers of Yggrisalis no more.
I believe you made a mistake there.
Also some DAs have the same precedence. is this intentional?
Where's the mistake? ?_?
DA's with the same precedence usually mean that they are INCAPABLE of affecting the other; if both of those Divine Actions are used (with same precedence), I simply follow the rule of: More HP>Better Reputation>Posting Time to determine who goes first with their Actions, but for the most part, Divine Actions that are usually incapable of damaging other players directly have similar Precedences (Precedence of 23 = most of them are buffs, etc.).
pack tactics morm
pack tactics morm
What the hell? Seriously? I spent my last two turns repeating my actions due to Osiris crap and you focus fire one me? ._. sadness.
-Killing Yggrisalis will invite two players into the game as separate entities (Cheesy111 and Onizuka), but they will not have the powers of Yggrisalis no more.
I believe you made a mistake there.
Also some DAs have the same precedence. is this intentional?
Where's the mistake? ?_?
Won't have the powers of Yggrisalis anymore. Or things like that.
Basically, Gr**mar Na**.
pack tactics morm
What the hell? Seriously? I spent my last two turns repeating my actions due to Osiris crap and you focus fire one me? ._. sadness.
gonna take a guess here and say he didnt know... idk if he did or not, just putting that out there
pack tactics morm
What the hell? Seriously? I spent my last two turns repeating my actions due to Osiris crap and you focus fire one me? ._. sadness.
gonna take a guess here and say he didnt know... idk if he did or not, just putting that out there
Still, I am one of the most tame people out there. I don't really see a reason to focus on me. .-.
Morm will kill everyone~
Center of attraction: on Drolly yet again :P
*sigh* hereby answered.
Morm will kill everyone~
Well last time it didn't really work out. .-.
Sob Stories: 1world24
Promote Obliterator
Acuse Destiny X2
And so, the Oracle's prediction finally came true as it did.
With the swift yet blunt attack of his mace, Helston delivered the killing blow to Yggrisalis in the head. Silver blood squirted from its appendages and non-pupil eyes, and soon, it went limp. As it let out one final agonizing scream that echoed between the trees and mountains, its body let out a non-lethal explosion that liberated the two former bodies (and souls) of Yggrisalis, Cheesy111 and Onizuka. As the False Gods watched, one of them (intrigued by one of the acolyte's interesting introduction to the world) Esteemed him with a spectrum of power. The other acolyte was Esteemed by another, but not because of interest; rather, due to the slaying of his original servant, Hermes had felt betrayed and thus immediately gave him powers of the flame to wield.
While the other acolytes attacked each other, prayed to their deities for strength, or hid from the demonslayer, the Oracle finally purged his body of the final piece of Yggrisalis... but no visible object emerged. Although lighter in spirit, the Oracle questioned where the third original part of Yggrisalis had gone... and was it ever really a part of him to begin with?
Day 6 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 6 has begun! Have fun!
General Tips:
-If you notice any patterns with who is getting attacked OR killed, you might want to discuss it publicly (or privately!) to avenge the fallen...
-Dead people can talk in this game; they can also be resurrected. ;)
-Cheesy111 and Onizuka are now free from the Usurper's summon, Yggrisalis, and have joined the game as new acolytes! Their Esteemed FGs have been randomly and pre-selectively been assigned to them respectively.
-Symbol Antithesis Counter
So, six damage was done to Yggrisalis that turn.
Of it, I did three.
Thanks for the help there, everyone.
Morm will kill everyone~
Well last time it didn't really work out. .-.
Neither did this time. Beware the power of Pack Tactics.
Well, that's good to hear. From now on, this is a fair game.
Good work, Helston. Good work, everyone else.
Absol, I can do naught but admire your fantastic sarcasm detection skills.
Your sarcasm detection skills! Your sarcasm detection skills! My kingdom for your sarcasm detection skills!
((Although you DID use a DA on Yggrisalis, so you deserve an honest thanks for that.))
Iggy, contrary to popular belief, is very balanced.
1) Insane target on back.
2) Only being able to use our ability once before it being in cooldown.
3) The continual reliance on [previously] two people to do anything of significance. One person flaking would make Iggy easy prey.
Compared to people like Rainbow esteemed, miracle esteemed, Fairy Queen esteemed, CL esteemed etc, Iggy is so much weaker.
Iggy, contrary to popular belief, is very balanced.
Me, contrary to popular belief, is also sane.
Yeah, Rainbow esteemed is OP. Kill that hax0rz!!!!111!!one!
Iggy, contrary to popular belief, is very balanced.
1) Insane target on back.
2) Only being able to use our ability once before it being in cooldown.
3) The continual reliance on [previously] two people to do anything of significance. One person flaking would make Iggy easy prey.
Compared to people like Rainbow esteemed, miracle esteemed, Fairy Queen esteemed, CL esteemed etc, Iggy is so much weaker.
This. From a Hermes esteemed. We have not forgotten the total carnage caused by pyro. Also, iggyhas 2 lives, as you get a second chance after death.
Iggy, contrary to popular belief, is very balanced.
1) Insane target on back.
2) Only being able to use our ability once before it being in cooldown.
3) The continual reliance on [previously] two people to do anything of significance. One person flaking would make Iggy easy prey.
Compared to people like Rainbow esteemed, miracle esteemed, Fairy Queen esteemed, CL esteemed etc, Iggy is so much weaker.
After all that effort to take it down, I'm going to have to somewhat agree with you. The problem is that Yggrisalis is either horribly OP if it's ignored, horribly UP if it's focus-fired, but probably balanced at a very small sweet spot in the middle. Unfortunately by being the strongest player in a free-for-all there's no doubt you'll get focus-fired, because it is by far in everyone's bests interests to do so.
Center of attactrion on guess who: Drolly :P :P :P
Iggy, contrary to popular belief, is very balanced.
1) Insane target on back.
2) Only being able to use our ability once before it being in cooldown.
3) The continual reliance on [previously] two people to do anything of significance. One person flaking would make Iggy easy prey.
Compared to people like Rainbow esteemed, miracle esteemed, Fairy Queen esteemed, CL esteemed etc, Iggy is so much weaker.
This. From a Hermes esteemed. We have not forgotten the total carnage caused by pyro. Also, iggyhas 2 lives, as you get a second chance after death.
Pyro is a horrible ability and I don't plan on using it. I only chose Hermes because I'd like not to be screwed HPwise when picking Hated abilities. And iggy does not have two lives. If iggy won, both me and cheesy would have won. If me or cheesy wins, the other doesn't.
Iggy, contrary to popular belief, is very balanced.
1) Insane target on back.
2) Only being able to use our ability once before it being in cooldown.
3) The continual reliance on [previously] two people to do anything of significance. One person flaking would make Iggy easy prey.
Compared to people like Rainbow esteemed, miracle esteemed, Fairy Queen esteemed, CL esteemed etc, Iggy is so much weaker.
After all that effort to take it down, I'm going to have to somewhat agree with you. The problem is that Yggrisalis is either horribly OP if it's ignored, horribly UP if it's focus-fired, but probably balanced at a very small sweet spot in the middle. Unfortunately by being the strongest player in a free-for-all there's no doubt you'll get focus-fired, because it is by far in everyone's bests interests to do so.
Ignored, honestly aren't OP. There are so many FG abilities that do absolutely nothing for us that takes turns and turns of wasting our actions to ever have a chance to use something twice. With this many people around, and our reduced health and near nerfing (I blame you, UTA), Iggy was not that strong at all.
What i meant is that you had two chances at winning: though iggy or by yourself.
Oops, I thought I used EPs DA, but evidently I didn't send a PM. Heh.
mirror mask chase
Lie Detector: Laxadarap
Incubation on realm of destruction.
Cosmic Link on DDevans96
Due to the exploits of one (technically 3) player(s), several players will be resurrected back into the game (not Yggrisalis though) while the offending players will also be banned from ALL Forum Games and Competitions as deemed necessary.
More details?
More details?
Agreed. Who and for what? (so others don't repeat?)
More details?
Agreed. Who and for what? (so others don't repeat?)
I will try to explain what happened as soon as I can, but for now, I need to see what damage has been caused by the exploit, as well as try to undo as much of it as I can in order to remedy what has gone on. In addition, those "players" will be made an example of in this thread on Day 7; keys may or may not be further postponed because of this.
2 qwestions.
1. why the ban on competitions?
2. how did jamiejones turn into a guest.
Im not gonna ask who is it. Kuro's mad enough as it is, and he might ban everyone if i keep asking.
Here comes a new challenger! Random for me please.
(Also, lol if I get paradox. You are all going to be annoyed.)
oh damn... what happened here (i know im dead, cant help but ask though)
Center of attactrion on guess who: Drolly :P :P :P
Answered. Dang, really should pay more attention to this topic.
Center of attactrion on guess who: Drolly :P :P :P
Answered. Dang, really should pay more attention to this topic.
Perfectly fine if you decide not too :P
For once, there was a sense of peace in the elemental world.
Despite a few riots and rallying cries for new warriors, the winds gracefully swept across the plains, oceans, deserts, mountains, and lakes with a serenity never seen before. But the Oracle sensed something wrong with the acolytes that were honoring the gods, and the False Gods themselves felt like they were being manipulated by a mortal (yet amoral) force.
And just like that, the Oracle knew.
With his keen foresight and reading of the stars, he noticed that one acolyte was not the same; no, in fact, it was four. Four acolytes were of one kind; an impersonator who had individually tricked the Oracle himself and the various False Gods to an Esteemed level, manipulating forces beyond nature that the Oracle could not believe. Acolytes fell, cried in pain, and even became betrayed by the False Gods due to this antisocial maverick. Fully healed and rejuvenated from his nap atop a ginormous mushroom, he chanted a few words into the sky. Soft, yet fiercely swift, the spell traveled between magma pools and over crater tops, across frozen streams and parallel dimensions to search for the impersonator, as well as the bodies of those directly affected by the con-artist. The victims suddenly reanimated in a flash of light; each acolyte had no clue of what happened, but felt that the Oracle was watching over them, giving them a second chance for the prize of the Gods themselves.
...the impersonator was silent and knew what was coming. Was he ashamed? Enraged? Indifferent? His reaction to his punishment will never be known, but soon enough, the spell gave him a quick painless death, and his soul was further banished to a plane that the elementals had no knowledge about...
Day 7 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 7 has begun.
General Tips:
-Keys are a unique thing that can grant you PASSIVES of other False Gods! However, some keys are temporarily (or permanently) detrimental if triggered, so players should be careful when they come up soon.
-Many players have been resurrected (The Mormegil, bogtro, & Jocko) and/or killed due to the exploit of yesterday.
-PROMOTE DOES NOT EQUAL HONOR OR ACCUSE! Know the difference between these actions!
-Do not create multiple alt accounts on this forum and enter any time of competition, game, or whatnot. This will result in serious consequences.
The following players have been banned from Fanatics and Heretics as well as all forum games due to multi-accounting. They may also be banned from the competitions section unless the original member comes forth to explain themselves to the FGO:
- 1chase1997
- andrewlovespie
- jamiejoneslovesu
- Mrpizza
It came to my attention that when a (lazy) person wants to win something easily, they assume that the organizer or others in question won't recognize logic/loop holes in their processes or unusual patterns in what they do. That being said, I hope that none of you are on alternative accounts in order to win F&H, because if you are, you will be called out and consequences will be dealt accordingly. Of course, if you tell me you are on an alternative account, I may lift or adjust what will happen if you are honest about your actions instead of trying to hide them.
These four members have damaged several players HPs and some reputations; certain players reputations, heart points, and whatnot have been restored or reversed accordingly to the damage done. This explains the sudden resurrections and deaths in Day 7.
I -knew- it! There's no freaking way guy with 0 posts could play so smoothly!
Also, BOOM!
As expected.
I -knew- it! There's no freaking way guy with 0 posts could play so smoothly!
Wrong. People with 0 or few posts have done well before.
Hey, qwerter is getting quite a dang bit of HP. perhaps we should do something before he gets too powerful?
Hey, qwerter is getting quite a dang bit of HP. perhaps we should do something before he gets too powerful?
I noticed that too... :-/ I'll take out one of his APs next turn but that's about as much as I can do right now.
Given that I'm not actually trying to win...
Can I ask people to pm me whether they'd prefer to get honored or accused? Just so I can have some fun honoring and accusing people randomly :P (all gods, meaning if you wanted hated for morte, but told me honor, I'd honor if I managed to random you and morte.)
Also, I can pack tactics qwerter if you really want me to.
Given that I'm not actually trying to win...
Can I ask people to pm me whether they'd prefer to get honored or accused? Just so I can have some fun honoring and accusing people randomly :P (all gods, meaning if you wanted hated for morte, but told me honor, I'd honor if I managed to random you and morte.)
Also, I can pack tactics qwerter if you really want me to.
Yes, Pack Tactics qwerter. It would be awesome of you :D
Center of atraction Drolly. And wow, 4 people? And lol, found out about their alliance first turn (just didn't know it was 1 person).
EDIT: Well turns out that Mr. Pizza DID infact attack me (multiple fights), and I got down to 0 hp, not negative, meaning if he hadn't attacked me I wouldn't have died. I got revived next turn, which means that if Flare is about to die, I would get killed first. Is there any fix to this? Without robbing Flare of a meatshield (wouldn't be fair to him). Damn, people had to mess this all up.
EDIT 2: On the spreadsheet Mort has all of my god reputations (only in rep by realm/power).
Multiaccount: banned since 1991.
EDIT: Well turns out that Mr. Pizza DID infact attack me (multiple fights), and I got down to 0 hp, not negative, meaning if he hadn't attacked me I wouldn't have died. I got revived next turn, which means that if Flare is about to die, I would get killed first. Is there any fix to this? Without robbing Flare of a meatshield (wouldn't be fair to him). Damn, people had to mess this all up.
I can't agree more, really.
So my suspicions are confirmed. I found it slightly odd that no more than 1 of them were ever online at the same time, despite their perfect coordination :3
Anyway, yay I allived.
Pack tactics qwerter. Cause we all love punching bags. (Don't hurt me! D:)
Also, poor drolly...
Pack tactics qwerter. Cause we all love punching bags. (Don't hurt me! D:)
Also, poor drolly...
Lol don't worry, not harming him at all, I'm just using his unresponsiveness :D
I've just been crawling through the chat logs to look if I'd missed something during my long absence. Oh my, many thanks to Absol; he wanted to make sure I noticed this in time:
Center of atraction Drolly.
Sanctuary cast against Dark Matter. So evil :(
EDIT: Well turns out that Mr. Pizza DID infact attack me (multiple fights), and I got down to 0 hp, not negative, meaning if he hadn't attacked me I wouldn't have died. I got revived next turn, which means that if Flare is about to die, I would get killed first. Is there any fix to this? Without robbing Flare of a meatshield (wouldn't be fair to him). Damn, people had to mess this all up.
I can't agree more, really.
Well, there are several dead people- one solution would be to revive one of those dead people as if that person were your original target. *cough* If the game still continues as is.
EDIT: Well turns out that Mr. Pizza DID infact attack me (multiple fights), and I got down to 0 hp, not negative, meaning if he hadn't attacked me I wouldn't have died. I got revived next turn, which means that if Flare is about to die, I would get killed first. Is there any fix to this? Without robbing Flare of a meatshield (wouldn't be fair to him). Damn, people had to mess this all up.
I can't agree more, really.
Well, there are several dead people- one solution would be to revive one of those dead people as if that person were your original target. *cough* If the game still continues as is.
Good plan: Aves you deserve to be back in
Bad plan: While bringing Aves back in helps fix the meat shield issue, it doesn't change the fact that those other people died because they were targeted by players who did not cheat in the game and would be having their work be undone.
Bad plan: While bringing Aves back in helps fix the meat shield issue, it doesn't change the fact that those other people died because they were targeted by players who did not cheat in the game and would be having their work be undone.
Maybe just create a "meatshield" lol? Same effect, flare gains hp if he was about to be killed, nobody gets sacrificed.
Of course, since its only day 7, you could restart the whole thig. also, pack tatics deja vu. What have i done that i must pay? :(
EDIT: Well turns out that Mr. Pizza DID infact attack me (multiple fights), and I got down to 0 hp, not negative, meaning if he hadn't attacked me I wouldn't have died. I got revived next turn, which means that if Flare is about to die, I would get killed first. Is there any fix to this? Without robbing Flare of a meatshield (wouldn't be fair to him). Damn, people had to mess this all up.
EDIT 2: On the spreadsheet Mort has all of my god reputations (only in rep by realm/power).
@EDIT 1: This is partially true; Mr. Pizza did attack you, BUT you weren't killed by him (i.e. - the person who dealt the killing blow was from an actual legit member), thus, Mr. Pizza's attacks never went through technically. You were bombarded more by Divine Actions than 'Fights' to be honest. So technically, you're still going to be the 'meat shield'...
That said, yes. Trying to ensure I -DIDN'T- mess anything up by the Day 7 thing is still killing me...
@EDIT 2: Fixed. Forgot to introduce justabird into the mix.
Of course, since its only day 7, you could restart the whole thing. [snip]
Uh, no. ^^; Restarting F&H would have been plausible on say, Day 1, 2, or even 3, but at this point, people have invested a lot of time into their characters at this point, and a simple 'reset' would cause more problems than it would solve (plus, I don't like the idea of having to rewrite days, revive Ygg, etc.).
Of course, since its only day 7, you could restart the whole thing. [snip]
revive Ygg
Well, when you put it that way, I'm all for a reset.
Of course, since its only day 7, you could restart the whole thig. also, pack tatics deja vu. What have i done that i must pay? :(
have too much hp XD
If you'd like, you can consider me as playing to keep things relatively even. ^v^
Thing about games like these is that since it's too slow for someone to just faceroll to an instawin, it becomes necessary to be strong without being too strong. Of course, how strong is too strong will inevitably depend on who you're playing with...
Unless you're going for a jester-like gameplay, in which case, faceroll on!
And I can't even remove pack tactics.
Also, if you want an alliance with me, do try not to ask me to attack. Not only does it mess with my hated ability, but it also messes up me honoring/dishonoring randomly
Why would i even wqnt to alliqnce wirh you. My main target is now you.
Pack tactics qwerter. Cause we all love punching bags. (Don't hurt me! D:)
I'll do my best to kill him, but I can't do this alone. A bit of coordination against the person with over 25 hps, please! We need at least another 11 Fights to see him dead...
Im not even a threat. just lots of hp, no fg reps.
Im not even a threat. just lots of hp, no fg reps.
Except your Esteemed god is very powerful, your hps will continue to grow and the FG powers that are able to deal with high hp targets have been severely hindered this time due to my feedback as well as that of Oni and others. A target with more than, say, 30 hps can handily start Honoring left and right without troubles.
Drolly, spike, 1world24 and yourself are not far behind, and they already have a number of favoured and hated reps. besides, oni might pyro fight this round to capitalise on the charge against me :P
I have no intention of using an ability that will get me killed.
Now, with all of the true acolytes left, the Oracle decided to finish his promise.
Long ago, the Oracle generated keys based on the 7 original bounding principals of the Elemental world; such virtues extended to a full 12, but this philosophy (while respected) was partially spit on by the False Gods themselves, and they were not pleased that he did not represent them for their powers that they've blessed the acolytes with. Unable to argue with the logic and desires of the 29, the Oracle instead generated secret enchantments that would bless the acolytes in times of great need, hoping that their cunning tactics would prove them worthy to the deities. Before leaving the acolytes access to the keys, he took note of the previous victor of long ago - the ones taken over by Yggrisalis, and their new found energy in completing tasks...
It was also (for once), that no one perished on this fateful day...
Day 8 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 8 has begun.
General Tips:
-Some players may be doing more actions than usual; do not fret, this is either due to False God related abilities or (even!) special rewards won from the previous F&H game... (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35276.msg444389.html#msg444389)
-You may PM me key combinations or type in chat. Either way, there are THREE cards in a 'key'.
-Note that some cards are repeated. Some 'invisible' keys are due to this, and will actually -hinder- you rather than help you temporarily.
-You MUST guess the key of your Esteemed False God first, or else you will cause the aforemented key to become disabled to you.
-If you don't know/care about keys, ignore the statements above. ^^;
1. this time can keys be shared?
2. request for all guessable cards on the doc please.
1. this time can keys be shared?
2. request for all guessable cards on the doc please.
1. Yes. But you can only have one other passive at a time, even if you know all of the other keys.
2. Pendulums, Relic, Shards, Mark Cards, and all but one Other card are NOT part of the guessable items. Cards in Armory/Reliquary as well as old game files are also allowed.
Lie Detector: 1world24
Gee, thanks for the help people. .-.
Gee, thanks for the help people. .-.
You're welcome XD
Lie Detector: qwerter
Lie Detector: qwerter
Promote Graviton, Obliberator and Destiny
Lie Detector: 1world24
Zombie Reaper Kev
Since I got caught up in keys last night >.< Center of attraction on drolly again (one failed attempt won't deter me :D) Also, I think drolly is afk atm :D :D
Center of attraction on drolly again (one failed attempt won't deter me :D) Also, I think drolly is afk atm :D :D
Abusing differences between time zones is evil, Laxadarap! Feel my rage: (http://i.imgur.com/Kx9ok.png)
Root has'nt talled here for a while, using centre on attraction on him would be better
Sidenote: Kuro banned me and Oni from key spamming till day 10. The horror.
Root has'nt talled here for a while, using centre on attraction on him would be better
Sidenote: Kuro banned me and Oni from key spamming till day 10. The horror.
For stuff not even related to F&H.
The abuse of power.
Root has'nt talled here for a while, using centre on attraction on him would be better
Sidenote: Kuro banned me and Oni from key spamming till day 10. The horror.
0.o Good Idea! Muchas gracias.
Root has'nt talled here for a while, using centre on attraction on him would be better
Sidenote: Kuro banned me and Oni from key spamming till day 10. The horror.
0.o Good Idea! Muchas gracias.
*Immediately goes to poke Root.*
Lie Detector: qwerter
Promote Graviton, Obliberator and Destiny
May I ask if someone else than me is going to dispute qwerter now? Wasted APs would be ... well, duh.
Lie Detector: qwerter
Promote Graviton, Obliberator and Destiny
May I ask if someone else than me is going to dispute qwerter now? Wasted APs would be ... well, duh.
Pfft. I have more things to do then that. And he's probably going to get himself killed anyway. One more pack tactics and he's down.
Also, if his promoting to get favored isn't enough to get you guys on his tail before he gets more favored gods, I dunno what motivation you need.
Do remember that the pack tactics on qwerter only works for as long as I'm alive.
Though I suppose you could always ask Jocko to do it if I die... if he's willing to use 3 ap doing it.
Also, the line of "someone else will do it" is probably going to end up getting people killed.
Do remember that the pack tactics on qwerter only works for as long as I'm alive.
Though I suppose you could always ask Jocko to do it if I die... if he's willing to use 3 ap doing it.
Also, the line of "someone else will do it" is probably going to end up getting people killed.
I tried to do something, was likely the only one to.
I can pack tactics him anytime you want, just let me know with a turn of anticipation.
Aight. If you guys really want, I can go ahead and fight him x3 for a day AND get him poisoned. Given anyone else wants to go ahead and do that to me after anyone provides me with a healthy pack tactics, do say!
Death meant nothing for the acolytes; many of them found ways to become resurrected back into the world by questionable allies, as today represented. As the killings stopped, the False Gods noticed an increased focus on gaining their goodwill. Some False Gods played along willingly to see who would be the most successful bidder, while a few of them instead began outright angered (or anxious) about the acolytes' speed in completing tasks. The Oracle stayed at a distance atop a silent mountain range, hearing the whispers and pleas of the acolytes, optimistic that they might have stopped the bloodshed to finally fight the common enemy; their lack of will.
Day 9 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 9 has begun.
General Tips:
-New rule: for key guesses, once you guess a key, you must wait a day (the following day) in order to start guessing again.
-Players must PM me what keys they want 'active'.
-Players who have NOT sent actions may be called out; if you do not send actions within 2 game days, I will post your name on the third consecutive day you miss...
Yielding Rings: Activate
Synergises with pack tactics very well, eh? :)
Center of attraction: Root Ranger (if he answers this I'm going back to droly) :P
Has this thing ended yet?
Has this thing ended yet?
I was about to comment, then I read your signature. Well played.
Oh lol, he returned.
Has this thing ended yet?
I was about to comment, then I read your signature. Well played.
root's always in chat. Of course he'd see it.
Has this thing ended yet?
Doesn't mean forums are always up, Oh well...
I was about to comment, then I read your signature. Well played.
root's always in chat. Of course he'd see it.
honor nepycros divine glory
accuse qwerter graviton.
Those are 2 of the 3 actions I'll be taking this round :) Someone else accuse him before we start to see people snowball?
On a side note, who is nepycros anyway?
Who revived me?
Edit: I also can't figure out what a key is. Anyone have a link?
Who revived me?
Edit: I also can't figure out what a key is. Anyone have a link?
keys are sets of 3 cards that correspond with a false god in some way.. More info is available on the F&H google doc key tab.
Who revived me?
Edit: I also can't figure out what a key is. Anyone have a link?
Kev, you're now a zombie, thanks to 1world24
Lie Detector: 1world24
Zombie Reaper Kev
Kev, you're now a zombie, thanks to 1world24
Lie Detector: 1world24
Zombie Reaper Kev
Thanks for the explanations, Oni and Spike. Thanks for the revival, my necronomic master.
*ahem* Braaaaaaiiiiinnnnnnsssss.
Sign ups are still open right? :)
Btw, summer camp from next wednesday to friday, please acknowledge my absence and not modkill me.
The air grew quite for a short moment; the Oracle felt the frequency of the air shift dramatically, oscillate on a whim...
...then it came.
Two explosions radiated from different directions, of unique energy; one of irradiation, the other, of pure flame and zephyr. Clouds morphed horrifically as the winds coiled them around, the seas withdrew graciously, and the soil started to glow from the immense heat. The first blast only struck a few acolytes; some of them, protected by the gravitational forces of Graviton, managed to redirect that energy back to the caster, killing him. But even then, the second explosion could not be dodged, and everyone felt the charring blast.
Several fell; others stood back up again and brushed the ashes off... and one confused acolyte managed to find himself stranded in the middle of nowhere.
DAY 10
Day 10 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 10 has begun.
-You cannot 'Dispute' yourself out of a Favored, Hated, or Scared reputation; these reputations can only be affected by normal promotes, honors, and accusations. If your reputation has gone in the opposite direction (or hasn't changed at all), it is most likely caused by a Dispute or other rep-changing/stopping action.
-OTL has now joined the fray as 'Paradox'!
-I will NOT modkill anyone; players however will and can take advantage of others though, as the organizer will only state who has been inactive for the previous 2-3 days:
Inactive: AnnaMall, Nepycros, RootRanger, Terroking, n00b (formerly)
-IMPORTANT: I will not be finishing the round in a 2 day timely manner due to midterms next week (and upcoming finals as well). Wish me luck!
Lie Detector: Drolly
Sob Stories: Qwerter
Lie Detector: Drolly
Sob Stories: Qwerter
I will only act in self-defense, so no actions.
Also, are my rings still active?
Center of attraction on drolly. Roots inactive my arse lol.
I was going to wait for drolly to reply first but I guess you need the hp lax. :P
pack tactics ji412jo.
Do note that he has 17 likes as well as a favored. I daresay that makes kev less dangerous than him?
And nothing against you ji, but I just don't trust you.
Btw, Jocko's at 1 hp. someone spare him some love? :o
I was going to wait for drolly to reply first but I guess you need the hp lax. :P
pack tactics ji412jo.
Do note that he has 17 likes as well as a favored. I daresay that makes kev less dangerous than him?
And nothing against you ji, but I just don't trust you.
Btw, Jocko's at 1 hp. someone spare him some love? :o
Yeah, but, REALLY honest, I dont know what happened. I am not supposed to have all those likes, i do not understand myself. I am waiting for Kuro's answer via PM.
Center of attraction on drolly.
Not anymore.
Also, are my rings still active?
Yielding Rings and Obscured Temptress are 'auras' that you can activate and deactivate; what I mean by this is that once you activate it, you must SPECIFICALLY deactivate it with the correct word (Unyielding / Unobscured), in order for the aura to stop being active. Only these two abilities are like that.
If you want to know how you died, you are free to ask me in PM or publicly. Your death this time around coincidentally seems to have been based off the question from above. XD
ALSO: Please try to send public actions that you -cannot- lie about (Lie Detector, Justice Royale, etc.) in personal message so that I can put them in the player actions sheet. Trying to keep a record of who did what will reduce the chances of an error being prolonged throughout the game. Thank you.
It seems my earlier comment was before kuro got to the sheet. In that case, do note that ji214jo has 22 dislikes.
It seems my earlier comment was before kuro got to the sheet. In that case, do note that ji214jo has 22 dislikes.
22 dislikes that I am not stupid enough to promote because I know that it will get me dead.
Lie Detector: FlareGlutox
Lie Detector: Drolly
Underground Weaver
Promote Neptune (Favored)
Promote Paradox (Favored)
Lie Detector: FlareGlutox
Reaper's Kiss Paradox,
Promote Dream Catcher
Luckily I'll be immune to this soon.
Even after the explosions from days past, the Oracle scanned the watery horizon. The sea was still reclining ever so slowly, the waves getting smaller and smaller, revealing more of the seaweed overgrowth and starfish beyond the coastlines. There was no wind. It was as if the ocean had been cowering in response to a greater force... or the Oracle himself.
And then, miles away, one small crest soon began to expand vertically into the air... a tsunami.
Sprinting away in his cotton attire, the Oracle abandoned the beach and started toward one of the tallest mountain ranges in the elemental plane. Although his speed outpaced the invading tides, the acolytes were far too slow in taking heed of the Oracle's warning. Many of them found themselves swept in a surge of icy waters that they have never seen before. Wave after wave crashed into the cliffs, shaving the bark cleanly off of trees, turning fertile grasslands into temporary swamps, and transforming the desert dunes into an archipelago. One acolyte managed to spot the caster; how clever of him to wash them all away. Only a few acolytes were spared; those that managed to avoid the waves had kept silent in their personal shelters in caves and other high areas, while two managed to find a pattern within the ripples, leading both of them to take advantage of the aquatic chaos and slay two other acolytes.
The waters receded during the night, once the moons restored balance to the surrounding oceans. Many did not accomplish their deeds, but a new day might give them a new perspective of the dangers about...
DAY 11
Day 11 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 11 has begun.
-If you are unsure of why your actions may or may not have been processed, remember; a few MAJOR abilities can dramatically affect everyone simultaneously!
-No worries, everyone got dried off in the end. Except two.
Inactive: AnnaMall, Nepycros, RootRanger (formerly)
I swear I only did that to save Kuro time when posting the new day, and not to get slightly ahead of everyone else.
Mirror Mask: Dm1321
Mirror Mask: Dm1321
Heh. Something tells me I might die today...
I swear I only did that to save Kuro time when posting the new day, and not to get slightly ahead of everyone else.
So it was you and not n00b ... or wasn't it?
Well, assuming it was you, you didn't quite succeed. Kuro wasn't able to update earlier anyways. And some might be angry at you now ...
It's time for us, the players, to figure out whose actions actually got processed (Helston had to name 4 fellow players). Any ideas out there?
Inactive: AnnaMall, Nepycros, RootRanger, Terroking
I'm guessing these 4.
Inactive: RootRanger (formerly)
no u
Inactive: AnnaMall, Nepycros, RootRanger, Terroking
I'm guessing these 4.
I second that guess, since RootRanger wasn't dead one day ago, or was he?
You only get the formerly when you die.
You mean someone actually bothered killing me?
I picked inactives and OTL, who has only just started. It was essentially 3 free AP as far as I was concerned. Doesnt really matter anymore because I'm now Scared with Neptune instead of Hated.
I picked inactives and OTL, who has only just started. It was essentially 3 free AP as far as I was concerned. Doesnt really matter anymore because I'm now Scared with Neptune instead of Hated.
Yet somehow I ended up dead, which means that you attacked me 3 times, or OTL attacked me three times, which I find HIGHLY unlikely. I have a feeling your running with other people, whom you don't want to give away.
I picked inactives and OTL, who has only just started. It was essentially 3 free AP as far as I was concerned. Doesnt really matter anymore because I'm now Scared with Neptune instead of Hated.
Yet somehow I ended up dead, which means that you attacked me 3 times, or OTL attacked me three times, which I find HIGHLY unlikely. I have a feeling your running with other people, whom you don't want to give away.
For what it's worth, I used Puncture Point on you.
Well last turn only those 5 people could get through, and unless you were one of those people, then Nothing would have happened. My point is that helston is lying about who he allowed to do actions.
Im on a crap connection and just out of camp, please repeat my actions of the previous day. Will send the pm if possible asap.
I picked inactives and OTL, who has only just started.
Yet somehow I ended up dead, which means that you attacked me 3 times, or OTL attacked me three times, which I find HIGHLY unlikely. I have a feeling your running with other people, whom you don't want to give away.
while two managed to find a pattern within the ripples, leading both of them to take advantage of the aquatic chaos and slay two other acolytes.
Looks like the story says you're right, Laxadarap. We should continue investigating.
I swear I only did that to save Kuro time when posting the new day, and not to get slightly ahead of everyone else.
:( not only you made my actions useless, you also made me rush to post my day 11 actions.
I picked inactives and OTL, who has only just started. It was essentially 3 free AP as far as I was concerned. Doesnt really matter anymore because I'm now Scared with Neptune instead of Hated.
Yet somehow I ended up dead, which means that you attacked me 3 times, or OTL attacked me three times, which I find HIGHLY unlikely. I have a feeling your running with other people, whom you don't want to give away.
Checked my PMs, and my exact targets were AnnaMall, Nepycros, RootRanger, Terroking, OTL (Tide Hunter has you target five people, whose actions are processed alongside your own). As I explained earlier, the first four were inactives, and OTL is a new player, and thus less of a threat of winning than anyone else (I am trying to win this, as is everyone else). You know how you died Laxadarap (or can easily find out), and even if you didn't you could probably work it out based on who I claim I targeted. I targeted four inactives on day 10, yet Kuro only listed three today. There may also have been people who were immune to it from sheer lucky timing of certain DAs (e.g. Rainbow's Hated).
Obviously I can't prove I'm not working with someone else, but I can question what the purpose of me participating in Laxadarap's death is when it's incredibly unlikely that he was an active threat to me. Tide Hunter was used as an oppurtunity for 3 free AP, used for promoting in this case, and nothing more.
It was a rainy day.
The Oracle took note that even without the ocean's presence, water managed to grace the land from another direction. Purified droplets gently sprinkled flora and fauna, and even with the ongoing fighting within the woods, crater lands, and canyon caves, there was a sense of healing and peace. Many acolytes took the time to speak with the deities and gain favor with them (or spite and scare them). With another aerial attack, the False Gods had felt their life-forced being considerably weakened due to the aftereffects of their one sibling, Octane...
"The summ... ...e sto... his ene... ...eeds the..."
Words spilled from a ghost of a fallen acolyte days ago, but not many heard or understood its warning.
DAY 12
Day 12 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 12 has begun.
-Players who have been killed should PM me or ask me about their deaths if they are unsure who their killer was...
-WARNING: Many False Gods have lost significant health. If you do not wish to lose access to your False God's Divine Action(s) [and/or passive!], it is highly recommended that you find ways to heal the False God in question with actions.
-Taken more damage than you thought for the day? Don't forget about things such as failed disputes, reflective damage from Yielding Rings, etc. (It all adds up!)
-Keys will be disabled on Day 13. Permanently disabled if a certain combination of actions are triggered. Day Duration will also be decreased if a certain percentage of players are killed.
-Notice: Underlined and italics.
Inactive: 1world24, AnnaMall, Nepycros
Mirror Mask: Helston
I'm being the bad guy here and killing all those who seem too dangerous, don't mind me
Remind me again why you're trying to kill me? Aside from the four people who are obviously in better positions than myself, there's also several other people with 5 scared/hated/favoured reputations and they've probably picked better False Gods than I have.
Considering I can only hit for 6hp a turn (with mirror mask), I'll try to aim for targets under that limit
Of course, I would go for bigger targets, provided someone allows me to hit over that...
Before you go into Absol, I find that he's doing me a favour, so I rather not
Absol's favor is removing everyone's ability to use FG abilities? He is cutting your damaging ability in half.
I'll just say I'm not at the point where I'm worrying about it just yet, and will take him out when I am
I... Boom?
Someone attacked me!
And yeah for OTL for supporting me.
Well you are attempting to ruin all the fun in the game.
Stayin' alive. Stayin' alive.
Ok, so found out that OTL attacked me 3 times, which is kind of believable, no matter how likely it was. Was anybody else killed this round (believe somebody else was), which still means Helston is probably lying.
Ok, so found out that OTL attacked me 3 times, which is kind of believable, no matter how likely it was. Was anybody else killed this round (believe somebody else was), which still means Helston is probably lying.
That would be Root. i think
Also, i believe it is time. to kill the more powerful people like drolly and ji412jo to name a few
Supported. I'd like to take Absol down as soon as possible. I don't want no octane troubling me.
Ok, so found out that OTL attacked me 3 times, which is kind of believable, no matter how likely it was. Was anybody else killed this round (believe somebody else was), which still means Helston is probably lying.
That would be Root. i think
Also, i believe it is time. to kill the more powerful people like drolly and ji412jo to name a few
says the dude over 9000 hp.
I cant do shit the way I am right now.
Ok, so found out that OTL attacked me 3 times, which is kind of believable, no matter how likely it was. Was anybody else killed this round (believe somebody else was), which still means Helston is probably lying.
'Twas Root who died, who was inactive. I'm going to have stab and guess Terro, who was inactive when I cast Tide Hunter but is no longer, used his life draining DA (I think one of his DAs drains) on Root. Terro also has 3 more HP than Nepycros who is also inactive, suggesting he's been healed for 3 at some point, like the drain would do.
I do find it funny how you're trying to have a post-mortem Vendetta against me because of how I indirectly caused your death, Laxa. I do understand how you feel though, because I was killed in F&H 2 when I was just about to bounce back with a lot of health. And it took quite a few well placed moves to kill me.
Seems like i'm going down this turn. Huh.
Hope they don't inflict too much damage for me.
Seems like i'm going down this turn. Huh.
Hope they don't inflict too much damage for me.
Nice try, but I don't think anyone will be discouraged by the idea of wasting his APs on killing you when the alternative would be that you're still alive... ::)
I swear, my boom boom spree ends this turn. I miscalculated the damage, and now i need to recharge. For 2 turns.
Well you can gang up on me now, but why bother when i couldn't even attack? Why not waste your AP on a higher priority target?
And deal with me 2 turns later?
Stayin' alive. Stayin' alive.
At this point im so behind im just a mere observer.
(cause I can)
Also, guess my pack tactic's still on qwerter. Blame the tidal thingy.
(cause I can)
Also, guess my pack tactic's still on qwerter. Blame the tidal thingy.
well, shoot.
Stayin' alive. Stayin' alive.
At this point im so behind im just a mere observer.
I dunno why are people even targeting me. I'm just tryin' to stay alive.
Stayin' alive. Stayin' alive.
At this point im so behind im just a mere observer.
I dunno why are people even targeting me. I'm just tryin' to stay alive.
I believe we're casualties of AoE dmg, i doubt anyone gets anything useful from targetting us.
Paranoid by the previous day's events, the Oracle had cast a extensive spell to find the source of those warnings... but failed.
As with all magics, power had its limits; the Oracle became tired and felt that his over-extension of his abilities had made him more weary than usual, and the past week was all the more stressful from the demise of Yggrisalis to the ongoing weather changes and battles. Sleep was inevitable; to ensure true safety of himself however, he conjured a small gray shard, wrapped with various tiny chains that left engravings from its tight coiling. It slowly dimmed into a transparent piece of crystal, and soon enough, the acolytes felt weaker than before...
During the night, the tides rose once again; many were again unprepared and had to seek shelter to or abort their plans. One however, stood defiantly against the waves, and the False God himself chose to weave the torrents of sea water around that acolyte, anxious to fulfill his servant's prayers. Another acolyte attempted to force the acolyte to copy his actions and be swept into the waves, but he too fell to that same silent fear, and instead abandoned shore as quickly as he could.
Waters receded once more as the gray sky started to illuminate...
DAY 13
Day 13 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 13 has begun.
-KEYS HAVE BEEN DISABLED FOR THIS DAY ONLY. This means, players with multiple passives (or one active passive besides their Esteemed God's based on the '+' symbol) are currently set back to their original power. Also, the guessing of keys might result in...
-If you are 'Scared' with a False God, their Divine Actions have NO effect on you! But you also cannot use their Divine Actions...
Finals are now over for me, so it should be set back to a ~2 day schedule. Thanks for waiting folks! ^_^
Inactive: 1world24, AnnaMall, Nepycros, Jocko
Mirror Mask: qwerter
Mirror Mask: qwerter
few questuons about this.
1. i am still using the yielding rings. What if due to mirror mask i am forced to attack!
2. what if OTL causes him to use a DA he does not have?
Lie Detector: Qwerter
Sob Stories: Terroking
Accuse SpikeSpiegel Paradox x3
because I be troll.
Dear fellow acolytes,
I fear that there is some serious stuff going on. And we need the help of every single one of you to prevent this.
Last night, someone used one of Neptune's Divine Actions. Seeing that none of my actions were processed, it must have been Tide Dancer. There were exactly two people who could have done it: Nepycros and Onizuka. Neptune had already been scared of Helston and Neptune isn't scared of anyone else at the moment so I don't see any other possibility. According to Kuro's post, Nepycros had been inactive. So, Onizuka trolled all of us - besides Helston and 4-5 other players.
Let's have a closer look at Onizuka then. Being one of the winners of last round, he had been able to choose a bonus, Kuro mentioned it once. He cast Tide Dancer this turn which has a cooldown of 4 turns. So we're safe for the next 4 days ... hang on, Rainbow's favoring Oni? Yeah, that means he'll just use Energy Spectrum today and do the happy dance again. There are only two ways to prevent this: Headstrong (Akebono's Hated) and Quantum Pulse (Rainbow's Hated), combined with some well-chosen actions. Furthermore, Destiny's favoring him, making it easy for him to gain reputation quickly. Hurting him won't do much, he's surely activated Yielding Rings already and has access to Aftershock (from day 14 on). And there's Plume of Ashes and Redemption if things get difficult for him. Oh, and let me remind you that Oni had once been favored by Seism, too. Two turns of invulnerability to go on a promotion spree are nice, four turns (with a little help from Rainbow) are even nicer, he could attempt to do this again.
tl;dr: If we don't want all the fun to be taken out of our game, it's high time to start working together and not against each other or all of our efforts will be in vain. However, we should remember that Oni might already have recruited some of us as his henchmen and those will try everything to disrupt our plans. If you have any good ideas, don't hesitate to work out a strategy.
Yours sincerely,
Acolytes united, to never be defeated! Well-chosen actions? We can work that out. Fo'sho.
what random actions to take this turn... hmm
Oh wait, I have to heal self. Dang you all for hurting me :( I'm not even trying to win D:
Dear fellow acolytes,
I fear that there is some serious stuff going on. And we need the help of every single one of you to prevent this.
Last night, someone used one of Neptune's Divine Actions. Seeing that none of my actions were processed, it must have been Tide Dancer. There were exactly two people who could have done it: Nepycros and Onizuka. Neptune had already been scared of Helston and Neptune isn't scared of anyone else at the moment so I don't see any other possibility. According to Kuro's post, Nepycros had been inactive. So, Onizuka trolled all of us - besides Helston and 4-5 other players.
Let's have a closer look at Onizuka then. Being one of the winners of last round, he had been able to choose a bonus, Kuro mentioned it once. He cast Tide Dancer this turn which has a cooldown of 4 turns. So we're safe for the next 4 days ... hang on, Rainbow's favoring Oni? Yeah, that means he'll just use Energy Spectrum today and do the happy dance again. There are only two ways to prevent this: Headstrong (Akebono's Hated) and Quantum Pulse (Rainbow's Hated), combined with some well-chosen actions. Furthermore, Destiny's favoring him, making it easy for him to gain reputation quickly. Hurting him won't do much, he's surely activated Yielding Rings already and has access to Aftershock (from day 14 on). And there's Plume of Ashes and Redemption if things get difficult for him. Oh, and let me remind you that Oni had once been favored by Seism, too. Two turns of invulnerability to go on a promotion spree are nice, four turns (with a little help from Rainbow) are even nicer, he could attempt to do this again.
tl;dr: If we don't want all the fun to be taken out of our game, it's high time to start working together and not against each other or all of our efforts will be in vain. However, we should remember that Oni might already have recruited some of us as his henchmen and those will try everything to disrupt our plans. If you have any good ideas, don't hesitate to work out a strategy.
Yours sincerely,
Try to save fun->don't kill absol till all the gods are essentially dead?
You're one to talk too, being closer to me than winning and having a very close set up to mine.
tl;dr: If we don't want all the fun to be taken out of our game, it's high time to start working together and not against each other or all of our efforts will be in vain. However, we should remember that Oni might already have recruited some of us as his henchmen and those will try everything to disrupt our plans. If you have any good ideas, don't hesitate to work out a strategy.
Try to save fun->don't kill absol till all the gods are essentially dead?
You're one to talk too, being closer to me than winning and having a very close set up to mine.
Actually, yes.
Accuse SpikeSpiegel Paradox x3
because I be troll.
Oh, and I'm gonna support the cause by providing my Unyielding support.
If you know what I mean!
Mirror Mask: qwerter
few questuons about this.
1. i am still using the yielding rings. What if due to mirror mask i am forced to attack!
2. what if OTL causes him to use a DA he does not have?
1. If you are forced to attack, your attacks will essentially not deal any damage.
2. If you OR OTL are forced to use a Divine Action not currently within your arsenals, you basically don't/can't use them, and nothing happens.
You're one to talk too, being closer to me than winning and having a very close set up to mine.
Well, I think the main difference between us is that I'm a freshman with measly 3 AP per turn and I don't really intend to annihilate 80% of the actions every day. ::) ;)
Storms brewed once more. However, Neptune was dissatisfied with his servant's demands, and instead felt that he needed to punish him for his constant demands. Swirling in a final wave, Neptune tried to launch a tsunami against the arrogant and once-tyrannical acolyte, but missed; instead, the waters submerged one of the hopeless acolytes who remained catatonic in wake of the constant destruction and fear. The remaining acolytes took shelter on high ground once more to avoid the waves, frustrated that their plans were interrupted yet again.
One acolyte adorning skull-heads, however, managed to spot the Oracle from the day before resting in his sleep, carrying what would be multiple treasures within his pouch. Unable to suppress his greed, the acolyte tried sneaking up on the Oracle, but had lacked stealth; the Oracle sensed him even in his subconscious, and engaged in a scuffle with the acolyte. The Oracle easily defeated the acolyte and advised him to leave him in peace, but suddenly noticed that the translucent shard was shattered during the fight.
...he shook his head and sighed, then walked away. 'Perhaps it would be much more fair to everyone this way instead...'
DAY 14
Day 14 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 14 has begun.
-Keys are now permanently disabled. This means that all players are now restored to their original status regarding passives (they only have the passive of their Esteemed False God only).
-AnnaMall was killed during this day due to a personal request. Don't worry, the Divine Actions that were actually used today cannot normally kill, but it was my way of interweaving this mechanic into the story.
-Tide Dancer was used a second time. :-X
Inactive: 1world24, Nepycros, Jocko, AnnaMall (formerly)
I hate you, passive killer.
Neurotoxic Fin: Onizuka Promote
Neurotoxic Fin: drolly Promote
Neurotoxic Fin: Cheesy111 Promote
Now to pick which one to actually send it through as. I might even be able to be influenced by public opinion...
On oni, duh.
They all had enough. The acolytes had grew tired of having to fear the sea's movements; so many days had already been lost to the Drowned False God, and with the uncoordinated yet lethal attack of several acolytes, Neptune had been struck by the elements opposite, falling and leaving a foaming whirlpool far from the shores of the elemental cliffs. Tides had became noticeable smaller, and even with stronger winds racing through the lands, the ocean gave no signs of life; everything looked like a dull mirror upon gazing at the sunset on the ocean.
And with that, many acolytes looked at each other upon seeing the 'body' of Neptune's corpse; a mere pocket of suds within the water. The things that they could demand of him now in his severely weakened state...
DAY 15
Day 15 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 15 has begun.
-Laxadarap is now back in the game!
-NEPTUNE IS NOW EXHAUSTED! If you are unsure about what to do, read the front page or the following bullet points for details. Note that players who had Neptune as an Favored, Hated, or Esteemed reputation can not use Neptune's abilities, but must do one of the following instead.
- If you want to be Scared with Neptune, use Promote on Neptune to be immune to Neptune's abilities.
- If you wish to be Favored OR Hated with Neptune, you must a) heal Neptune back to full HP and b) use Honor or Accuse beforehand to gain the according status rep upon healing him to full. Esteemed players must simply heal him to full.
- Doing neither of these will simply reset your reputation with him to Apathetic unless you're the Esteemed servant.
Inactive: 1world24, Nepycros, Jocko
Woo! Took long enough lol.
'bout damn time Neptune got exhausted. Personally I have nothing against him, so I'll leave him apathetic. Why am I saying this? Because I want to show that I don't have any alliance. I've got no reason to get him scared. I'm just... living.
'So it begins.' The Oracle murmured.
As a golden blast radiated towards the horizon and the dimension of the divine, the False Gods soon felt full force for their actions (excluding one, of course). Deicide was possible now; two False Gods from the Realm of Creation fell, their champions of Light soon unable to mend their wounds in time. As the acolytes began to hasten their plans to gain favor with the False Gods, they also realized how enfeebled they became. Sensitive to even the most simplest of attacks, the False Gods grew paranoid of the elementals, hoping that their servants would not turn back on them now (or at least provide some sort of plan to protect them).
The demolition came from one acolyte; he who sought death received it justly, as the combined efforts of 4 acolytes took him down to the grave upon releasing Octane's volatile gas into the skies. Another acolyte rose from the dead once more, hoping to seek revenge (possibly) for what was done to him. And one burrowed deep into the ground, praising the Gods for guidance, immune to the majority of all the attacks... for now.
DAY 16
Day 16 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 16 has begun.
-kev is now back in the game!
-MIRACLE AND DIVINE GLORY ARE NOW EXHAUSTED! If you are unsure about what to do, read the front page or the following bullet points for details.
Inactive: 1world24, Nepycros, Jocko, SpikeSpiegel, Cheesy111, ddevans96, OTL
drolly is currently the strongest player out there, beware~
... Well, damn.
There's no kill like overkill indeed.
Drolly and jijo on the loose! Beware!
... Well, damn.
There's no kill like overkill indeed.
Drolly and jijo on the loose! Beware!
If anyone is to be scared of, its Oni, he has 5 AP per turn.
why I get hurt too :(
... Well, damn.
There's no kill like overkill indeed.
Drolly and jijo on the loose! Beware!
If anyone is to be scared of, its Oni, he has 5 AP per turn.
I'm leagues behind drolly. He'll get there before I can, since I have too many disliked, even with my 5AP a turn. (Cheesy has 4, you know.)
And if you kill more FGs, Flare Glutox/qwerter will win. Flare will be the only one with a HP boost from FGs due to morte passive, and he already has 8 scared. And if you kill too many, qwerter will have the hp boost from his queen still having boosted him.
I'm no where close to winning, that's for sure.
If you haven't notice, i'm deader than dead already. -20 HP, with zero percent chance of resurrection.
Who would revive the man who can slaughter the entire pantheon, anyway...
All my loyalty to anyone who helps me revive Divine Glory.
Inactive: 1world24, Nepycros, Jocko, SpikeSpiegel, Cheesy111, ddevans96, OTL, qwerter
Fixed. Also i do not know what to do with myself.
Also, personally this is who I think would probably win this.
1. drolly
2. Onizuka
3. ji412jo
4. Helston
5. FlareGlutox
6. Laxadarap
7. kev
8. qwerter
Take note I only have 7 Favored and 1 Liked.
You're also in one of the best positions to win if the FGs all/mostly die, which is a large possibility.
Ok, so here is my 2 cents, first of all, a question for Kuro, I used pyromaniac on absol when he had 8 hp left. He obviously used octanes DA, hurting me/hermes, meaning it should do 10 damage. Hence, he should have died, and since it has higher precedence, he should be dead before he could use his DA, correct (I'm ignoring healing here, but seeing as he took at least 28 damage, I'm sure somebody else used some DA's before, and loose cannons has like the lowest precedence of any DA. If I knew that he would still get the shot to use it, I would have acted differently, preventing it all together. My problem is that now all of the gods are in koing distance for another loose cannons, which both kev and 1world24 can both use. However, if they can still loose cannon even if we kill them, I don't see how it is beneficial at all to even try and kill them. If you want, I can take out 1world24, but Kev has a nice chunk of HP, if you want to do something about this either reply in this forum, or PM me, but this is worrying me a lot. Most importantly, Kuro, I would like an explanation as to why absol was still able to use loose cannons, granted, it makes the game more interesting, but there is nowhere I can see as to why he should have still been behind.
Depends on how Kuro is currently using 'target'. I'm 70% sure Loose Cannons is viewed as a non-targeting AoE damage action now, therefore it wouldn't double since it doesn't 'target'.
Or your actions could have been negated, dunno.
Depends on how Kuro is currently using 'target'. I'm 70% sure Loose Cannons is viewed as a non-targeting AoE damage action now, therefore it wouldn't double since it doesn't 'target'.
Or your actions could have been negated, dunno.
First of all, I HIGHLY doubt I was the only one to use DA's on him, secondly, I asked him in a PM before I sent in my actions, I was trying to avoid exactly this scenario. His reply was: It will deal 10 damage I believe, assuming he does use it.
EDIT2: and by low precedence, I mean high, as in happens slowly.
EDIT: and obviously, he used it. Also, even if I was negated (which I doubt), he was dealt 28 damage. I really don't think he was fought a million times, and since loose cannons has an extremely low, if not the lowest precedence, he ought to have died before he was able to use it.
I didn't know I had Loose Canons until Lax pointed it out. I also had no idea FG hps were so low.
I can't think of any reason I'd actually WANT to kill them all. Seems counterproductive, but I'm prolly missing something important. Meh.
I didn't know I had Loose Canons until Lax pointed it out. I also had no idea FG hps were so low.
I can't think of any reason I'd actually WANT to kill them all. Seems counterproductive, but I'm prolly missing something important. Meh.
If you ally yourself with FlareGlutox, you'll probably want to kill all the gods. Less so with qwerter and less so with whoever summoned you (if not one of those).
But then again, you probably do want to win. You can't win by apoc, since you can't kill your summoner. Unless you go for scared win (which isn't a good idea for anyone non-flareglutox atm), then more FGs dying=bad for you.
So yeah, octane power is bad.
I didn't know I had Loose Canons until Lax pointed it out. I also had no idea FG hps were so low.
I can't think of any reason I'd actually WANT to kill them all. Seems counterproductive, but I'm prolly missing something important. Meh.
If you ally yourself with FlareGlutox, you'll probably want to kill all the gods. Less so with qwerter and less so with whoever summoned you (if not one of those).
But then again, you probably do want to win. You can't win by apoc, since you can't kill your summoner. Unless you go for scared win (which isn't a good idea for anyone non-flareglutox atm), then more FGs dying=bad for you.
So yeah, octane power is bad.
Also just a note, Kev was revived by flare...
@Laxa: yes, you do hurt me. And i got the rest of the damage from Yielding Rings counterattack. That's how i got overkilled. If i didn't go boom, i might have survived another turn, but oh well.
Well played, kid. Well played.
EDIT: as to why i was able to Loose Cannon one more time, that's because your 10 damage occured as a counterattack, meaning that i was able to go boom first. Then, all the Yielding Rings also counterattack, further driving me deader than dead.
Loose Cannon > Pyromaniac + Yielding Rings
That's the only possible explanation i could think of.
@Laxa: yes, you do hurt me. And i got the rest of the damage from Yielding Rings counterattack. That's how i got overkilled. If i didn't go boom, i might have survived another turn, but oh well.
Well played, kid. Well played.
EDIT: as to why i was able to Loose Cannon one more time, that's because your 10 damage occured as a counterattack, meaning that i was able to go boom first. Then, all the Yielding Rings also counterattack, further driving me deader than dead.
Loose Cannon > Pyromaniac + Yielding Rings
That's the only possible explanation i could think of.
Actually that kind of makes sense, wish I thought of that beforehand, or I would have killed you a different way >.<
I didn't know I had Loose Canons until Lax pointed it out. I also had no idea FG hps were so low.
I can't think of any reason I'd actually WANT to kill them all. Seems counterproductive, but I'm prolly missing something important. Meh.
Killing gods resets the reputations, in a way. People like Onizuka would see that as a huge setback. Also, no Divine Actions for most people, which means basic attacks have a much larger impact.
Hmh.. Odd. Odd indeed.
Kill qwerter. Kill drolly. Kill oni. And then rejoice.
The skies had turned black from the raining soot...
Gods were mere shells of themselves as they fell one-by-one...
Piles of ash and wildlife scattered recklessly over charred bark and heated sand...
Corpses found in unsettling positions...
...and Octane laughed at them all.
DAY 17
Day 17 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 17 has begun.
-1world24 managed to set off Loose Cannons, but was killed due to reflective damage. Everyone else's actions were processed normally, for the most part, although people were also killed by other Divine Actions/attacks before the huge explosion was set off. Again, feel free to PM me if you have any questions on what to do.
-Hope will resurface for people on Day 21.
Inactive: Nepycros, Jocko (formerly), SpikeSpiegel (formerly), Cheesy111, ddevans96 (formerly), OTL
Why am i not happy, now that almost the whole pantheon has been slayed...
Do not target me, for even fire queen is exhausted.
Ditto. Also, oni is now at a HUGE advantage. He can use his 5 AP a turn to get scared reps left and right, winning the game in like 5 turns while we cant attack him with DA's. We need to all attack, and finally kill him
I'm not an idiot. I'd be long dead before I got close. Should kill Flare who has tried to get close.
And qwerter's point is moot, as now is the best time to 'fight'.
I'm not an idiot. I'd be long dead before I got close. Should kill Flare who has tried to get close.
And qwerter's point is moot, as now is the best time to 'fight'.
You are the most immenient threat to us. 5 AP means you can get a cheap tyranny wins very fast. I'm not a threat, at least until fire queen revives. And i have better things to do other than that.
I don't understand how you guys know that Oni has 5 AP per turn. All i could see is 4 AP max (counting rainbow's passive)
I don't understand how you guys know that Oni has 5 AP per turn. All i could see is 4 AP max (counting rainbow's passive)
You can see it by looking at today's spreadsheet. Of all the FGs that got exhausted this day, five of them are scared of Oni, meaning he used Promote on them. Yesterday he managed only four to get to Favored because he used 1 AP for Underground Weaver (or why would he promote on five FGs today without protecting himself in any way?). And just look at his quick start after Yggrisalis went dead. Without 5 AP this is nigh impossible. Yeah, Oni OP.
I promoted those when they weren't dead, ya know. I didn't predict people would go off and kill FGs themselves. (1 Octane couldn't kill the majority of the FGs).
And you can simply wait a turn to see my actions. At least 4 total turns for me to promote to the ones I need. Easy to wait one turn and then kill me if I do go after a tyranny win.
And I was still only remaking the AP I lost from being Iggy.
And qwerter is very much a threat. High HP and fight fight fight and qwerter can win easily.
No one forget that with each post we make, drolly's chance of living/healing destiny is increased
Hmm ... don't quite get everything. >:(
I promoted those when they weren't dead, ya know.
Not really. If it were like this, they would now be exhausted instead of scared. Or do you refer to the ones you promoted in your day 15 actions? Well, that's as useless as most of my actions have become now.
(1 Octane couldn't kill the majority of the FGs).
Yes, it could. Most FGs were at 2 HP and Loose Cannons does 2 damage to each FG. And I can't imagine that nearly all had some sort of uber protection or healing applied to them.
And you can simply wait a turn to see my actions.
I didn't even need to wait, is this a post to distract from mine?
You can see it by looking at today's spreadsheet. Of all the FGs that got exhausted this day, five of them are scared of Oni, meaning he used Promote on them. Yesterday he managed only four to get to Favored because he used 1 AP for Underground Weaver (or why would he promote on five FGs today without protecting himself in any way?). And just look at his quick start after Yggrisalis went dead. Without 5 AP this is nigh impossible.
Easy to wait one turn and then kill me if I do go after a tyranny win.
Whatever you intend to do, it's a fact you're a danger to the winning chances of everyone else. By the way, I just noticed that you could have the Ghost ability, too: Linky. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35276.msg444389.html#msg444389) *warns fellow acolytes*
And I was still only remaking the AP I lost from being Iggy.
Yggrisalis died on day 6, thus you lost 3*6 = 18 AP. Meanwhile 10 days have passed, giving you +2 AP each - 2*10 = 20 AP. Hence, that's a lie now. Also, having 5 AP per day is something else than having 3 AP - some DAs cost 3 AP and have synergy with other actions. Most of us need allies for this, you can do it yourself. The heck, I think I don't need to tell you this, I just leave it here for the others.
By the way, I just noticed that it should be day 17 now. :o Did Kuro make a mistake or is there some dark magic I don't know of?
I attempted to promote them when they were still alive. Since they died before promote, the promote made them scared instead of favored.
And my mistake, forgot octane does 2 damage to FGs.
Saying I'm a danger to the winning chance of everyone else is stupid, since everyone is a danger to the winning chance of everyone else. And no, I can't. My 2 boosts were 5AP and super nerfed iggy. Cheesy's was iggy too. That is obvious.
The waiting is for what I will be doing. I can't win before someone points out that I attempted to do what I said that I wouldn't do. I can't increase my hp to a point where you wouldn't be able to kill me in 1 turn either. Wasting your time instead of using it to its highest benefit is stupid.
We're obviously going to advocate each other dying. I have 5AP, but what you have is much more dangerous. Ductile Shell prevents Destiny from dying. Incubation will save him in most chances since we love talking.Currently, he is more of a threat than I am.
which doesn't mean you shouldnt die before you become a threat again.
Anyway, I am not going to attack anyone this turn that is for sure.
I will be attacking destiny.
Its been fun playing and taking out a large Chunk Of the False Gods but now im dead so GG
By the way, I just noticed that it should be day 17 now. :o Did Kuro make a mistake or is there some dark magic I don't know of?
It should have been Day 17. But alas, when the skies turn black, the sight of the sun becomes hard to see, and thus time itself becomes muddling when everything is succumbed in darkness... ^^;
All 'auras', or previous activated Divine Actions with durations that occured over long periods of time (Crouching Rustler Hidden Dragon, Yielding Rings, Obscured Temptress, Aquatic Barbs, Underground Weaver, Trailing Tremor, etc.) are all disabled and removed if the False God is Exhausted!
Did you forget Destiny's Hated ability Oni? Don't attack Destiny, attack his Esteemed, drolly.
Did you forget Destiny's Hated ability Oni? Don't attack Destiny, attack his Esteemed, drolly.
All these posts=increased chance of the ability working, but if we target him drolly could live from incubation/gain hearts from hated. No point to attack him when he has increased this much.
Forcing him to waste 2AP=a good thing
It was hard to see anything within the still-falling soot; time itself was warped on the battlefield and edges of the elemental realm.
On the beaches, the oceans were so still that the water itself looked like an endless mirror; slightly shaking with each speck of black dust that landed onto it. No wind, no light; there was no warmth in the atmosphere, but the temperature did not drop below freezing yet. Acolytes began nurturing some of the shells of their deities back to their health by chanting and praying... and slowly, some of those 'shells' began to grow and glow.
Sunlight breached the darkened skyline once more, but the light seemed to wane faster than usual; it was as if time was speeding up...
DAY 18
Day 18 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 18 has begun.
-The day has now been shortened due to the number of players remaining. There will be another shorter once the playerbase reaches a non-double digit number.
-3 more days til' recovery!
-Please PM me your original Esteemed False God so I can avoid mistakes on Day 21.
Inactive: Nepycros
I feel like the spreadsheet isn't updated yet.
Stop getting scared rep.
The acolytes saw glimpses of light above; not too bright, but rays of the sun pierced through. It seemed so bleak; some of them began questioning who they were truly serving now, as such strong divine beings were now lying pathetically in the elemental realm. Their bodies, once huge and majestic, were small and dull shells of themselves; a huge clump of an unidentified substance snuggly fit inside a crater within the mesa lands, while the noxious exoskeleton of Serket, curled in a fetal position, occasionally shifted within a pine forest to the far southeast.
But Miracle's body began to glow brightly; several acolytes began trying to heal it using their own potions and spells, hoping that its light would shine through and give vision to the world around them. The Oracle witnessed this, but kept quiet and hidden, knowing that once more, it was up to the elemental soldiers to prove themselves worthy of the Gods' powers, not him.
Another day passed by...
DAY 19
Day 19 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 19 has begun.
-2 more days...
Inactive: Nepycros
Why not, Center of attraction on Nepycros.
Also, as a point Oni could be honoring 5 people a turn, and we would have no clue, cuz its hidden until gods are revived. Just a note that we may want to watch out, becuase he could basically have the game and we could do nothing about it, depending on the gods hes chosen. Maybe we should attack him now?
You are indirectly helping drolly here, you know :(
I am healing.
Push all the attention to me, okay.
So lets push some of that back. Cheesy has 4AP. Laxadarap and kev cannot win by killing everyone, meaning they are most likely honoring now. FlareGlutox is still pushing closer and closer to winning.
I am healing.
Push all the attention to me, okay.
So lets push some of that back. Cheesy has 4AP. Laxadarap and kev cannot win by killing everyone, meaning they are most likely honoring now. FlareGlutox is still pushing closer and closer to winning.
Cheesy also has 2 hp. Flare is infact getting closer, but as you said I can't kill him, so I'm not going to advocate that we all jump him. I havn't honored anyway, mostly because I didn't know that that counted, I reread the rules yesterday and found out that you can honor beforehand and automatically get them favored. I spent my 3 AP fighting you, although that will change now that I know ^. I feel like you have the biggest lead, especially when DA's are essentially disabled, and nothing you say can convince me otherwise, flare is gonna give you a run for your money though.
Its not my money by a longshot. The 5 scared reps put me out of business. The time to undo them would take too long to win.
Its not my money by a longshot. The 5 scared reps put me out of business. The time to undo them would take too long to win.
Not fallin for that crap: You only need 24 to win, there are 29 FG's. You don't have to undo any of them.
Its not my money by a longshot. The 5 scared reps put me out of business. The time to undo them would take too long to win.
Not fallin for that crap: You only need 24 to win, there are 29 FG's. You don't have to undo any of them.
29 FGs. Esteemed doesn't count. 5 scared.
Yes, because one Scared FG is keeping you out of the running for winning...
drolly is capable of achieving Favors at a rate similar to mine. FlareGlutox is already very close to getting the win. Anyone who is able to move about silently has the advantage on me since I am forced to mend even if I do not think I will be attacked.
While I might have the upper limit of 5AP, I have at most 1AP to spend on myself each round to make sure I don't die. People who don't have a target on their back have 3. You do the math.
Only one fell.
DAY 20
Day 20 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 20 has begun.
Inactive: Nepycros
People, I know it seems impossible to take him down, but really, I can't be the only one devoting its actions towards killing Flare! He has no DAs, so if we all focus on him this turn he dies. We are 14, so if each of us spends 2 APs fighting him, considering I'm spending 3, he is going down to 6 hps, and I can kill him next round with my DA. Come on!
Just noticed oni died :D
People, I know it seems impossible to take him down, but really, I can't be the only one devoting its actions towards killing Flare! He has no DAs, so if we all focus on him this turn he dies. We are 14, so if each of us spends 2 APs fighting him, considering I'm spending 3, he is going down to 6 hps, and I can kill him next round with my DA. Come on!
I would agree with this, but I only have 1 AP right now, so someone else has to bite the bullet as well, sorry. Will use that on attacking FG (heheheh) though
Tomorrow, every FG will be awaken.
And so, my turns of using Loose Cannon doesn't even do anything remotely useful (aside from the few Scared rep, which you can't get anyway because people will gang on you if you try to get it)
Well, i'm dead, so i don't even technically qualified to say this.
ferox is down, so no pack tactics from me.
As a side note, I do not plan to actually revive ferox as neither of his abilities are of that much use anyway.
People, I know it seems impossible to take him down, but really, I can't be the only one devoting its actions towards killing Flare! He has no DAs, so if we all focus on him this turn he dies. We are 14, so if each of us spends 2 APs fighting him, considering I'm spending 3, he is going down to 6 hps, and I can kill him next round with my DA. Come on!
I've been spending 4 AP's worth of attacks on him for some time and will continue to do so.
When FG's arise, just get ferox and someone get a god damn bulldozer. Then just Pack Tactic flare, and get the guy to bulldozer on him. We mend the guy, bulldozer, repeat 'till dead. We don't need a lot of people for this, just 2-3.
When FG's arise, just get ferox and someone get a god damn bulldozer. Then just Pack Tactic flare, and get the guy to bulldozer on him. We mend the guy, bulldozer, repeat 'till dead. We don't need a lot of people for this, just 2-3.
I highly doubt that Kuro would do something as gamechanging as to reverse all of the dead FGs. I'm not going to count on it.
When FG's arise, just get ferox and someone get a god damn bulldozer. Then just Pack Tactic flare, and get the guy to bulldozer on him. We mend the guy, bulldozer, repeat 'till dead. We don't need a lot of people for this, just 2-3.
I highly doubt that Kuro would do something as gamechanging as to reverse all of the dead FGs. I'm not going to count on it.
That is exactly what happened last f&h.
When FG's arise, just get ferox and someone get a god damn bulldozer. Then just Pack Tactic flare, and get the guy to bulldozer on him. We mend the guy, bulldozer, repeat 'till dead. We don't need a lot of people for this, just 2-3.
I highly doubt that Kuro would do something as gamechanging as to reverse all of the dead FGs. I'm not going to count on it.
That is exactly what happened last f&h.
He DID get feedback on that...
-If you are 'Scared' with a False God, their Divine Actions have NO effect on you! But you also cannot use their Divine Actions...
Yeah, good luck with using Bulldozer and Pack Tactics on me.
-If you are 'Scared' with a False God, their Divine Actions have NO effect on you! But you also cannot use their Divine Actions...
Yeah, good luck with using Bulldozer and Pack Tactics on me.
Welp, this sucks
Doesn't change anything though, just means that we'll have to pump more AP. A small price to prevent someone from ending the game
-If you are 'Scared' with a False God, their Divine Actions have NO effect on you! But you also cannot use their Divine Actions...
Yeah, good luck with using Bulldozer and Pack Tactics on me.
Bulldozer affects the player that is using it, not the player the fight or the mend is used against, I think.
though you are right for pack tactics.
Miracle revived with 37 hp?!
Miracle revived with 37 hp?!
It's a miracle!
Despite the darkness that surrounded the acolytes, the Oracle knew that there would be something to undo this catastrophe. Even though he was restricted in what he could do, just as the False Gods were not truly powerful beings who can will what they wish, there was one who was truly omnipotent. One who had limitless power, but knew better than to recklessly abuse such blessings; one who didn't want to create an army of the divine or an ever-peaceful society of elementals.
He made the wind danced, forced the stars to revolve around the realm, and gave shape to every substance created in this world. And within the darkness, a small beacon of light had shown in the 'body' of one of the Gods, lifting her essence into the skies above.
...and the darkness cleared once more. The shells of the False Gods began to vibrate, gyrate, and grow in size. From the crater fields to the endless plains, the Deadswood to the arctic oceans, life began anew once more in the beings that ruled over the realm.
DAY 21
Day 21 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 21 has begun.
-Gods have now began recovering HP; the amount of HP each (current) Exhausted False God recovers is based on the amount of times the False God was targeted with basic non-Promoting actions. For example, Miracle was targeted for a total of 21 times between Day 15 and 'today' with Honor, Accuse, Fight, and Mend, allowing her to recover 21 HP each day. Divine Glory recovers 5 HP, etc.
-False God's maximum HP totals are also increased when they have recovered their full 16 hearts.
-If you think you should be Favored (or Hated) with a certain False God, know this:
- Incubation does -NOT- count as an instant False God promotion to either status. You -must- use Honor OR Accuse on them in order to get the rep exchange upon them losing Exhausted.
- I also may have made an error. Notify me immediately if this is the cause.
-Questions welcome.
Inactive: Nepycros, Cheesy111
Imo, this is even more OP than last f&h.
Assuming noone does anything about FlareGlutox (and this trend is starting to become extremely worrying), he'll win in 3 days
In those 3 days, we'll have a pool of 126 AP (assuming no external modifiers and that FG is not stupid enough to attack himself) to work with, and we'll need 30 AP to down him.
So if everyone pitches in 1 AP a day and I supply 3 AP each day into attacking FG, we'll down him by day 23.
I don't care about what you plan on doing after that, but we need to cross this hurdle first, otherwise there is no "after that"
That's all I ask of you guys, so please help out
Question: does killing the guy above me remove nine hp from flare due to his nine scared and fear harvesting?
Question: does killing the guy above me remove nine hp from flare due to his nine scared and fear harvesting?
No; killing someone does not reset the dead person's reputations (see the other dead players for details).
CoA Nepycros.
On a different note: I'm all for attacking winning players, I got oni killed, and pretty sure I started an attacking bandwagon on 2 other players, who i cannot recall atm. However, if Flare dies then I die, so I'm not going to attack him for a little bit, it would be sealing my own doom.
EDIT: However, if he has miracle favored, we probably want to fix that before we do too much damage to him, he has a staggering max hp.
Flare does not have miracle favoured, so batter away
They prayed and begged for forgiveness, calling the names of the Gods they thought were once dead, hoping that the Divine lords would not curse them for their assistance. Many of them, of course, lost their memory upon their descent to the realm, and so as the orange glow of another deity rose up from the canyon bed, so he blessed his power accordingly to those who praised (and mocked) him.
But alas, the acolytes strategies were starting to become reductive; a pattern was forming. The Oracle kept quiet, as this was truly a moment of truth. Many were getting close to the finish line, but one seemed closer than the others...
DAY 22
Day 22 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 22 has begun.
-False Gods are STILL RECOVERING HP! They will continue to recover the same amount of HP since Day 20/21 until they are at full health.
-False God HP recovery occurs before all Divine Actions.
-You cannot turn someone else's Scared reputation from 'Scared' to 'Apathetic' using Promote. Players can only do that to themselves if they wish.
-Questions are always welcome.
Inactive: Nepycros, Cheesy111
(Translating : Girl look at that max HP, that HP, and then at your 3 AP. Now make that 3 AP -3 HP on his current HP. Now imagine that for just a few more days. We can do it.)
(Translating : Girl look at that max HP, that HP, and then at your 3 AP. Now make that 3 AP -3 HP on his current HP. Now imagine that for just a few more days. We can do it.)
Actually we only have 2 days left assuming he promotes 3 FGs a day. At this point mass honoring/disputing may be a better plan, and I'm going to sink AP on that
We'll have to do it quickly though, I'm going to sink 1 AP (darn you guys for not using redemption!) on disputing him on Miracle and assuming qwerter is telling me the truth, he's going to spend 3 on disputing him on the realm of the heavens
If flare wins the turn we kill him, does the day go on?
and post day 23 :)
A meteorite shot through the clouds from the land itself; the darkened sky now had merely became a heavy grey blanket of fog in the atmosphere, with more patches of light piercing through; the sounds of crickets returned as nightfall came about. The False Gods were still in recovery.
But in the distance, an acolyte felt that the only thing left was doom. In his bewildered state, he slaughtered two sleeping acolytes (who had been in unconsciousness from the perpetual darkness), noting there was no chance of being favored or feared by the Gods themselves. Other warriors however prayed and made devious traps for one particular champion however...
"It's so close...", the Oracle whispered.
DAY 23
Day 23 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 23 has begun.
-Although there were players who did not submit any actions for the previous day, they are not considered inactive; it has to be 3 days in a row for one to be considered an 'inactive'.
-Cheesy111 and Nepycros are now dead. Four more players must die for the time to be shut down to 1 day.
I am using incarnates' favored plus 1x fight to deal 4hp damage to flare. if everyone else use 3x fight, we can still kill him this turn.
We NEED everyone's support.
@kuro: answer my question thanks.
If flare wins the turn we kill him, does the day go on?
and post day 23 :)
No; a player cannot win at the same time they die. The precedence rules are set up in such a way as to prevent this from occuring. Either a player wins via one of the four tactics, OR he gets killed first/doesn't win.
Doesn't Promote come before fight?
Doesn't Promote come before fight?
It does so it seems that flare won.*disappears with a boom*
Doesn't Promote come before fight?
It does so it seems that flare won.*disappears with a boom*
Wait. Perhaps there's a reason why Dispute has an even higher priority than Promote.
If they use Promote, they do not become Favored/Hated/Scared by that False God and cannot target that False God the next turn.
Actually, there is a way for us to delay his win for 3 days, perhaps even more. Not going to mention how in public, just PM me if you're interested
Just know that if you're willing to sink your AP, flare has not won just yet.
Color bloomed back into the elemental realm. The skies now their ever-changing shades of turquoise to cerulean, salmon and gold, had all returned with the majority of the False Gods now alive. Many of them had not forgotten what had happened though; Octane, now under fire of the other deities, was forced to hide from the wrath of them all, unable to bestow his explosive powers onto the servants that called for him.
One acolyte, who managed to bring fear unto the realm itself, was stabbed mercilessly from the other elemental warriors, enough to cause the False Gods to gain their courage to hate him (and likewise, deliver their more sinister divine actions to him). Others, now after patiently waiting, had established new relations to realms of Gods, enough to take armies out with their new powers.
DAY 24
Day 24 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 24 has begun.
-Octane's skills, Methane Arrow and Loose Cannons are permanently disabled for the rest of the game. You may choose to change your reputation with him regardless using Promote, Honor, Accuse, etc.
-Questions? Ask away!
Inactive: Helston
Good job guys, we prevented a win.
The bad news is that we gave flare 7 hated now, but thankfully that is easy to clear. I'll let you guys figure out how ^^
Good job guys, we prevented a win.
The bad news is that we gave flare 7 hated now, but thankfully that is easy to clear. I'll let you guys figure out how ^^
Meh. Killing him is easier, but anything for peace. I still need to know what to do nao.
Meh. Killing him is easier, but anything for peace. I still need to know what to do nao.
Killing him at 30 hp while he still had immunity to most of the DAs within 1 day? I wouldn't bet on it.
Now he is open for you guys to kill though, I still have to stop other wins
flare revived kev right? So he actually has more hp than what the spreadsheet shows?
qwerter, Morm, and kev are stronger than flare is.
Since you guys like killing people who are close to winning, you should probably get on that.
All I can say is that I have my own way of dealing with qwerter that does not require such a huge AP investment from everyone
PM me for info
Thanks oni. even in death you shall give me problems.
Quoting Onizuka himself;
"There's a reason dead people shouldn't talk on the thread."
-Dead people can talk in this game; they can also be resurrected. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37867.msg489967.html#msg489967)
Two waves, from opposing directions, clashed.
As there was an abundance of hiding spots due to the number of acolytes remaining, many survived the storm; two acolytes specifically called upon Neptune to wash the others away, and, being conflicted on who to serve, ended up bowing to both their wishes, knowing that their selections had effectively canceled each other out. Thus, many acolytes were able to continue on, as the waters surrounded them, but did not submerge them.
An explosion of color within the morning stars and the sudden feeling of death came about...
DAY 25
Day 25 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 25 has begun.
-Chaos Lord and Morte are now revived.
-Note: TWO Tide Dancers were allowed due to how players ended up targeting - because of this, only a select few players did not have any of their actions or passives processed.
-Day 30 will result in 'sudden death' mode. Try to win before then, eh?
Inactive: Helston
Well, looks like my endpoint (and quite a few other player's) would be to survive to day 30 without anyone winning then
Challenge accepted
Wait wait wait wait. How did I lose those reputations? Also, were my actions processed? Are my powers on cooldown? :-/
I predict that the sudden death mode kurp speaks of reffers to the "ultimate reset" in f&h 2, where everyone qinds up with 1 max hp and all apethetic reps, if said sacrifice to the usurper is not made in time. thank god everyone were killing each other then.
-Dead people can talk in this game; they can also be resurrected. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37867.msg489967.html#msg489967)
Quoting Onizuka himself;
"There's a reason dead people shouldn't talk on the thread."
Lolololo nothing to do with it lolololo moving on..
Ok, now that I realized how I have been removed from the winning race (kudos to whomever spent 3 APs to remove my most powerful abilities, by the way), I can safely say that I will not be able to win this before anybody else does. Seriously, winning by heresy is impossible: I will basically have 5 reps removed per turn thanks to Redemption.
Now, please, someone should do the same to ji412jo, because he is still alive (albeit at 5 hp) and at 18 Heretic reps.
Now, apart from that. We really need to kill qwerter and kev. Start with qwerter, and kev will follow.
Day 24 i had 15 favored.
day 25 i had 18 favored.
I need my 3 mqx hp boost.
More waves had drove several acolytes back into their hiding places; Neptune's powers were being called time and time again, as torrents of wind and water forced their way onto the lands. The Oracle himself stood atop a tall and lanky tree, infusing it with an energy that transformed it into living crystal, and as the waves plunged into it, the branches merely swayed inches from tides.
As the waves receded, four more deities rose up; including the now-enraged Hermes, who wished nothing more than to cover the land in endless pyre. His other servant had rose from the volcanic ashes of a desecrated ritual, now alive, but in a more hideous undead form.
DAY 26
Day 26 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 26 has begun.
-Hermes, Jezebel, Lionheart, and Paradox are now revived.
-Tide Dancer was used the past day by a different player than before.
-Onizuka is now back in the game!
Inactive: Helston
What happans if ji412jo and i meet the same winning condions in the same day?
From HIGHEST to LOWEST precedence:
- All Divine Actions (based on precedence list in spreadsheet)*
- Submit
- Dispute
- Promote
- Honor and Accuse (both cancel each other out if they target the same False God/player)
- Fight and Mend (depending on below precedence!)
- Passives (depending on precedence)*
If two players send in actions of similar precedence at the same time (i.e. - Fight/Mend, the same Divine Action against each other or the same target, etc.), the person with more health will have their actions first processed. If the health is the same, the player with the higher total of Favored/Hated/Scared False God reputations are first processed (i.e. - if a player has 15 Hated reputations and the other has 16 Scared Reputations, the Scared player wins). If the highest rep totals are the same, then finally the player who sent their actions in first will get precedence over the other.
From HIGHEST to LOWEST precedence:
- All Divine Actions (based on precedence list in spreadsheet)*
- Submit
- Dispute
- Promote
- Honor and Accuse (both cancel each other out if they target the same False God/player)
- Fight and Mend (depending on below precedence!)
- Passives (depending on precedence)*
If two players send in actions of similar precedence at the same time (i.e. - Fight/Mend, the same Divine Action against each other or the same target, etc.), the person with more health will have their actions first processed. If the health is the same, the player with the higher total of Favored/Hated/Scared False God reputations are first processed (i.e. - if a player has 15 Hated reputations and the other has 16 Scared Reputations, the Scared player wins). If the highest rep totals are the same, then finally the player who sent their actions in first will get precedence over the other.
though, if you consider that we might have honored/accused them before they are getting revived, actions were already processed
Ie. any of the gods revive, we both get favored/hated at the same time and we both win
any single event can cause the gods to revive.
Enjoy your incubation bonus drolly.
I wonder if you had in mind what I plan to do, ji.
Mirror Mask qwerter
An arch of colors sprouted in the distance.
The deity felt the presence of a warm, soothing light; a blessing by one of the acolytes.
...as it soared through the sky, the acolytes realized what they were missing.
...the color of the sky, however, was still white. Perhaps the Oracle's prophecy would determine what hue it would shift into?
DAY 27
Day 27 has now ended.
Targeting Players with Actions that require forum-responses:
Actions (Esteemed passives, Divine Actions, etc.) which require a target's response can no longer be used.
Day 27 has begun.
-Rainbow is now revived.
-Due to my personal illness now wearing off, and the poor timing of me not being able to deliver fast F&H results, I've extended this day by an additional 12 hours unless I get any 'winning' condition of actions.
-If you expected an outcome different from what has occurred, remember that there are several other players in F&H; also remember that you -are responsible- for your calculations, cool downs, and precedence rules.
-3 days remaining til' sudden death ensues.
Inactive: Helston
<@Kuro> I was gonna +rep you at the end of F&H for the amazing amount of work you've put into making this fun. But I can't hold it in any longer.
<@everyone else> If it wouldn't have occurred to you to +rep him, shame on you. I mean... just quote the post above me and look at the effort he put into that font.
<3 you qwerter
An interesting day to be sure...
You did the color thing again *hugs*
<@Kuro> I was gonna +rep you at the end of F&H for the amazing amount of work you've put into making this fun. But I can't hold it in any longer.
<@everyone else> If it wouldn't have occurred to you to +rep him, shame on you. I mean... just quote the post above me and look at the effort he put into that font.
You did the color thing again *hugs*
I appreciate the compliments, but the rainbow thing is pretty easy given some online tools to make the coloring scheme. ^^;;; Feel free to downvote me from now on whenever I create something in rainbow colors.
Feel free to downvote me from now on whenever I create something in rainbow colors.
We can't downvote anymore. Instead I'll curse your name and spit on my monitor.
<3 you qwerter
Now gogo stall kev ji412jo and eaglegenes!
@kuro: Nah, ill still plus you at the end of this.
-watches from a distance-
The sun's glow, a tinge of red
Light is shed onto the living and dead
Moments of peace, interrupted by one
Falling out of favor, and yet still won
"Call it hubris or independence," the Oracle replied
"While others follow them, you made them despise."
With a flick of his fingers, the acolyte glowed:
"ji412jo, of Decay, let your Heresy flow."
CONGRATULATIONS TO ji412jo FOR WINNING BY HERESY!With the winning combination of using Quantum Pulse to gain highest precedence, forcing Miracle to hate him, and then letting the exhausted False Gods of Dream Catcher and Gemini to revive in full loathing, ji412jo has claimed victory for Fanatics and Heretics 3, and will receive the following reward:
Will have an additional X hearts upon starting the next F&H.
A major thank you to all those who helped out, played the game, or at least joined to see what it was like. Personal thank you to UTAlan for (momentarily) helping me out in the early processes of the forum game. To those who want to see who did what since Day 1, and the ever going changes of HPs, actions, and reputations, click on the following link below to see the History of Player Actions:
Also, check the reps for the final standings; you'll note who has reached the '24' limit in the reputation stands. The 'Answer Key' has also been posted, but in future F&H's, keys will no longer be implemented.
Questions on what happened? Suggestions on how to improve and balance certain Divine Actions? Other comments? Post below! And again, thank you all for playing Fanatics and Heretics. :)
gg ji.
Suggestion: minimalize outer interference, such as when the pantheon got slayed and auto heal and such. It's not in the rule, so no one expected it.
Also, would you still disable Octane's DA if i didn't die?
gg ji.
Suggestion: minimalize outer interference, such as when the pantheon got slayed and auto heal and such. It's not in the rule, so no one expected it.
Also, would you still disable Octane's DA if i didn't die?
Outer interference will most likely be removed for F&H 4. Also, I would still disable it because it literally -quintupled- my work load, and I do plan on changing Loose Cannons ASAP.
Feel free to post suggestions for DAs if you have any. ^^;
As to the mass killing, I feel like because pyromaniac was a lower/higher precedence than loose cannons, absol should have died before he used his DA. What was your reasoning behind this?. Really liked the game, and hell, the autoheal was preferable over everybody staying dead (basically would have wiped out all but 1 of the ways to win. I feel like maybe there needs to be more healing DA's, but I'm not sure on this. When the gods were getting close to dieing, there wasn't really any shortcut to healing them up.
For the record, 2 deaths, and 2 kills. Good nuff for me.
As to the mass killing, I feel like because pyromaniac was a lower/higher precedence than loose cannons, absol should have died before he used his DA. What was your reasoning behind this?. Really liked the game, and hell, the autoheal was preferable over everybody staying dead (basically would have wiped out all but 1 of the ways to win. I feel like maybe there needs to be more healing DA's, but I'm not sure on this. When the gods were getting close to dieing, there wasn't really any shortcut to healing them up.
For the record, 2 deaths, and 2 kills. Good nuff for me.
You can heal the FGs before they died. Decreases workload drastically.
Also, that's my strategy. If the Gods stay dead, and i was alive, i would have won. Probably. So auto heal feels... undoing what i've done, even if i can't do anything anyway.
Miracle's DA must be changed. True, ji won regardless. But really, five hated reps removed?Broken.
Neptune's Tide Dancer is quite OP. Seriously, it should be nerfed.
Removing the screw you DAs from F&H 3 is good for balance but made many people effectively immortal.
I hate when gods autoheal.
Healing and killing gods should be easier. More dAs possibly. Same for players, I suggest adding high-damage actions for players in the late game. For instance, actions that set target hps to 10 or actions that halve current hps or similar.
Now go implement the aspiring fgs like eaglegenes said in the end of f&h 2.
*continues trolling in the loser's circle.
In an environment, where most gods were exhausted, I found fear harvesting quite OP, but since Loose Cannons is going to be changed, this probably won't be much of an issue.
Edit: Looking at Rainbows key, what exactly is a Lilth?
I'm just happy qwerter didn't win.
I'm quite happy i won with all the time i had put in it, to be honest.
I'm just happy qwerter didn't win.
And i know who to target next f&h! I happy you didnt win either, no more 5ap for you.
@kuro, is it true that at ANY point in the game someone meets winning conditions, they win even if the day is not over? because i would have killed ji if all the actions were processed.
And i know who to target next f&h! I happy you didnt win either, no more 5ap for you.
@kuro, is it true that at ANY point in the game someone meets winning conditions, they win even if the day is not over? because i would have killed ji if all the actions were processed.
Yes, because that's how the previous F&H's worked (for the most part). In F&H 2, when no one talked in the topic, the Prismatic Chi passive was unlocked for Yggrisalis and they won without anyone else doing any other action. Now that you know this information, I would assume your tactics will change for the next F&H. :)
Also, I will begin editing Divine Actions soon, so again, if you have suggestions on how to remove or improve some of them, please list them accordingly (*looks at Onizuka*).
Too lazy to post PM.
Also something something about changing how the current revival process works for zombie reaper.
Summoner becoming scared of Morte->No souls are taken to keep him alive
Summoned becoming scared of Morte->Person personally won't be reaped.
Morte becomes exhausted->all Zombie Reaper ties severed (no deaths).
I like that system than either being forced to win by rep or relying on a 10% incubation (OP skill)/another revive that day FG ability. Doesn't screw the summoned and the summoner is only slightly more screwed.
I'd also like to see where we can actually kill FGs somehow. And adding a HP negative where you can't be revived too.
Incubation didn't have all the workings of Honor??!! MADNESS!!!! THAT THREW OFF MY WINNING STRATEGY!!!!
*Goes into a rage*
*Calms down*
But seriously, tell us all the mechanics before we are confused by them.
(The one that specifically sent me barreling down was that using incubation on exhausted FG's didn't give me Favored reps from them. If it were, or I had known, I wouldn't have wasted so much AP and time.)
I would like to see DAs that damage a fraction of someone's health rather than a fixed number.
I'm just happy qwerter didn't win.
And i know who to target next f&h! I happy you didnt win either, no more 5ap for you.
@kuro, is it true that at ANY point in the game someone meets winning conditions, they win even if the day is not over? because i would have killed ji if all the actions were processed.
You would not have killed me
You would have killed Kev and Onizuka
Also something something about changing how the current revival process works for zombie reaper.
Summoner becoming scared of Morte->No souls are taken to keep him alive
Summoned becoming scared of Morte->Person personally won't be reaped.
Morte becomes exhausted->all Zombie Reaper ties severed (no deaths).
I agree with your first and third suggestion, but the second one seems a little bit imbalanced to me.
Why should one revive somebody via Zombie Reaper, if they can just become Scared of Morte to render the summoner's efforts of cheating death useless.
Scared Reps are (in general) a negative attribute. With the 24/29 hated or favored, scared reps are a major negative if you are going for a rep win. Plus with the current Morte passive, they still gain +1maxhp.
Logically, Morte wouldn't reap you if he's scared of you.
Maybe it would be more logical, but in this scenario Zombie Reaper would be underpowered imo.
Despite being a zombie since like the 2nd round, I didn't find Zombie Reaper's chains that bad. If it came down to it where Flare was going to die, I was going to use EP's Favored to revive myself anyway, Just takes a bit of protection. You basically lose a turn for being revived, not that big of a deal.
Outer interference will most likely be removed for F&H 4.
No. I still want lore, and I want to see*cut*
(Pause for a sec while a check her name)
*returns*Rozinanza come back from that black hole.
Major updates for F&H 4:
Apocalypse will no longer require players to kill everyone off; instead, it will be based on who kills 24 players OR False Gods first. Note that there will be SEVERAL ways to revive others to make this feat more possible. The 'Exhausted' count in the reputation sheet will instead be changed to '# of kills'.
Submit will cost (2 AP) still, but now do the following: it will heal you for 1 heart per reputation a player attempts to change using Basic actions, negate the rep changes (Honor, Accuse, Promote, and Dispute from other players), and also remove 2 hearts per action they targeted you with. (Example: Onizuka accuses qwerter twice, Onizuka loses 4 hearts, qwerter recovers 2 hearts if he used Submit). Submit will ALSO be applied to the next day if used.
Failing a Dispute no longer removes your health.
False God health will be increased to 30.
Keys will no longer be introduced. Instead, players who are 100% active for a 'week' will gain a new passive (randomly) on the 7th day. Note that this means that if your name appears on the 'inactive' list once, you will not gain the bonus passive.
All players will start off at exactly 10 hearts (minus ji412jo, who has higher should he wish to join the sequel). People who choose a random False God however will have the option of either: a) higher health (13 hearts), or b) the ability to CHOOSE their passive on every 7th day if they're 100% active.
Several Favored and Hated actions have been changed, but not finalized. Please take a look to see what needs balancing. Passives will be redone possibly:
The following Divine Actions AND Passives are now capable of reviving dead players back into the game:
-Name (If it only targets self, here) [Health recovered]
-Incubation (Self only) [Full Health]
-Radiant Ashes [3 Health minimum]
-Redemption [Half health]
-Ductile Shell [Recovers 2 hearts for the res]
-Inner Warmth [Up to 9 hearts]
-Fairy's Glow [Variable health]
-Ritual of Skulls (All players) [Full health, but poisons them]
-Ghost in the Shell [Full health]
-*Nuclear Abomination (Passive) [Combines people into Yggrisalis 2.0]
Timer is for Signups or actual game?
Still can't decide if i wanna choose a god or go random.
most probably will be random.
or not
i dont know
Timer is for Signups or actual game?
Actual game. Sign-ups will begin when the timer ends. :)
Did i really saw a GitS reference there?!
Now, may F&H 4 begin!