Well well well. What the hell happened here? Three Eyes of Horus went off, a Maelstrom went off, but I don't see powers stopped. O.o I'm confused...
Sob Stories: Kynthea.
Nonya business also if you look at Kuro's post, he prevented the Maelstrom
As far as being chases ally, your only seeing what you want to. Yes I maelstrom-ed at a nice time for him, but y'all had the chance to kill him, two whole turns if I remember right, aves let his hp slip too far down so I took an opportunity kill, honestly I considered going after spike instead they were both in kill range. And while my actions really are none of your business, I will say I am not mending chase this round... come to think of it, I don't think I've used mend at all this game...