My esteemed passive doesn't let me use it again this turn.
"Every turn you announce that you are going to use 'Loose Cannons' but don't actually use it, you gain 1 "counter" (4 counters max). Upon using Loose Cannons, the damage dealt is increased by the number of counters (1 heart loss + # of counters = total damage dealt)."
And if you're paying attention to the game, there are several more dangerous people out there who are closer to reaching the end than I am.
Here we have all Divine Actions that can affect multiple people:
Octane: 1 AP: All players (yourself excluded) are hit and lose 1 heart, and all False Gods are hit by the blast and lose 2 hearts. If a player (or False God) dies (becomes Exhausted) from this action, the cooldown is reset for you. Reputation is not lowered because of this action.
Neptune:3 AP: All Divine actions are disabled for this turn (passives unaffected). If 3 or more Divine Actions (besides Winter Maelstrom) were activated, Divine Actions are first canceled, then disabled until a player dies. This ability must be done publicly if targeted by Lie Detector.
Incarnate: 2 AP: Name a basic action and a player; drain 1 heart from them. Every time they use that action this turn, drain double the amount of hearts (matching action = 2 hearts, two matching actions = 4 hearts, three matching actions = 8 hearts, etc.).
Hermes: 2 AP: Name any action. All players who commit the named basic action (you excluded) lose 2 hearts every time they use the action this turn. If the player uses the named Divine action, they lose 5 hearts. Double the heart loss total if you're targeted by the action.
Divine Glory: 2 AP: Target a False God; all other players who have Respected or higher reputation with that False God lose 1 heart per positive reputation rank (Respected = 1, Liked = 2, Favored = 3, Esteemed = 4). You do not lose reputation from this process.
Chaos Lord: 3 AP: Target 2 False Gods. Players (beside yourself) who are in Favor/Esteemed with the False Gods lose 1-9 hearts and may have their reputation with those False Gods changed, but your non-Esteemed/Favored/Scared reputations are randomly switched.
Everybody is free to choose the more dangerous one...