After being assaulted from behind by her would-be assassin, one lonely acolyte had to decided to do the opposite, and attempt to heal her... such an act of kindness invoked a passion within her to find a way to resurrect the Oracle immediately, knowing that he was the true victim in all of this.
In the distance, three others were slain; two were recklessly charged at; one had attempted to mend himself, but could not in time. The other, however, was struck down in his sleep, without any opportunity to retaliate. The third man, forced to drink pools of his own pity and beg for forgiveness, only to instead be hit by a unseen force. He fell over crippled by the blast, his body a charred mess emitting a noxious heat and a sight that most would fight grotesque.
Rozinanza chanted a intense spell, weaving the clouds together and rumbling the earth, and soon enough, the Oracle himself had been reformed from the realm which he had come from.
The two looked at each other mutually for a moment before the Oracle gave a soft smile and disappeared into the dusk.
"To the one who managed to heal me; I thank you, but I cannot stress how important it is to remove this evil presence. Death is now spreading like a plague amongst you, all because of the one summoner who wanted more power than all the others. Kill the Usurper, I beg of you!"
The skies have become somewhat clearer, but a chilling wind still tells you that something must be done.
Day 4 has now ended.
Targeting Esteemed Passives:
Esteemed Passives which require a target can no longer be used.
Day 4 has begun!
General Tips:
-I have sent out a reminder to all the inactive players that their activity is vital in order for them to last the few rounds. Be warned; idleness will result in an easy victory for the vicious.
-Please PM me if you have any questions on what cooldowns are still active for you if you have problems forgetting, OR if you don't know what to do. The Oracle may give out slight suggestions if you're behind.
-Keys have now been reactivated! Enjoy your key spamming for a while... >_>
-Again, dead players may contact me for how they died in specific detail.