Woah I completely forgot about this! Thank you for sending me a PM phew!
kirbylover314 -- 10 Stomp S S Linkcat -- 6 Stomp W SW Basman-1453 -- 10 Stomp N NW CrockettRocket - 15 Stomp W mathman101 - 24 Stride W8) Aknelo - 22 Inactive Kuroaitou - 26 Stomp SE theelkspeaks -- 18 Stomp N N qwerter - 0 Inactivekirbylower314 ( ) is it! (Marked by )8) Linkcat tagged qwerter, but he died, so the tag got passed onto kirbylover314, who was next in line to become it. Accordingly, he (or she? or it?) was moved to the back of the line and made it. Yes, qwerter is the first one to bite the dust. Done!