Gl1tch, can you update my character profile on the first page, please? Don't tell me something like "too late, you can't change your character anymore", because I don't see why not. I haven't added anything new, just elaborated on my character's appearance and personality a bit.
Jonathan walked into the shop. There was a blue-skinned, brown-haired creature examining some equipments, but he didn't interest Jonathan. What caught his eyes instead were the twelve daggers on display, each one having an elemental gemstone on its pommel.
Hm, that black one seemed nice, Jonathan thought. The onyx on the dagger's hilt gleamed darkly under the candle light. He would purchase it if it was not too expensive.
Jonathan eyed the snoozing shopkeeper. With a frown of irritation, Jonathan walked forward and tapped the old man on the shoulder. "Hey, are those for sale?"